MaaS: Digital revolution and challenges of urban mobility

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Introduction - 4:04

CERRE high level webinar to debate the outcomes of its new Mobility report, “Mobility as a Service (MaaS): A digital roadmap for public transport authorities”.

The first event will focus on the digital revolution and challenges of urban mobility, kicking off with a conversation between the European Commissioner for Transport, Adina Vălean, and CERRE Director General, Bruno Liebhaberg. After this conversation, Yves Crozet, co-author of the CERRE report, will present the paper and this will springboard an open discussion amongst EU policy makers, mobility operators and authorities, and representatives of large European regions and cities.

• Adina Vălean, European Commissioner for Transport
• Matthew Baldwin, DG MOVE, European Commission
• Pearse O’Donohue, DG CNECT, European Commission
• Edouard Hénaut, Transdev France
• Laurent Probst, Île-de-France Mobilités and EMTA
• Karen Vancluysen, POLIS
• Jean Coldefy (co-author of CERRE report), ATEC ITS France
• Yves Crozet (co-author of CERRE report), CERRE and Sciences Po Lyon
• Bruno Liebhaberg (moderator), CERRE

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