Ukraine Claims Blowing Up Of Russian Armoured Vehicle | Breaking News | Russia-Ukraine War

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Ukraine has claimed that it has blown up a Russian armoured vehicle. It also released an image in which an armoured vehicle could be seen burning. Watch more on it in the video.

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You can't raise an army on vodka!


India today....still the same pa..riah 3000 years ago
India....forever pa..riah


Like this inflict more and more damages to invaders then only they will retreat.


It's from yesterday a Russian recon platoon convoy ambushed... India today broadcasting stale news!!


If West is not sending troops to Ukraine to avoid nuclear war, then how it would be different when Russia want to occupy Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania . It would be same Russia versus same NATO . Would West take a risk of nuclear war because of piece of paper? ....Is piece of paper is more important than human life's and values????
