Marvel's Endgame: Avengers vs. Thanos on Planet 0259-S (The Garden) - (4K) Epic Showdown!

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TM & © Disney (2019)
(Avengers travel to Another Planet to Kill Thanos - (4K) Avengers Endgame Scene.)
Avengers Endgame: Clip Plot

Returning to the topic of finding Thanos, Danvers proposes that they go after him right away. However, the rest of the team is not so easily convinced of the idea. Rogers tells her they don't even know where he is, but Danvers says she knows some people who might. Nebula says there is no need because she knows where Thanos is, referencing The Garden that Thanos had planned to retreat to after achieving his goal of the Snap. Based on her information, Rocket pulls up a 3-D diagram of its location and states that when Thanos used the stones on Earth, it let out a large burst of energy. The same signature appeared two days ago on a different planet.

With this new information, the team of Avengers set out to confront Thanos and retrieve the Infinity Stones in hopes of bringing half the universe's population back, leaving Stark behind. They all get aboard the Benatar and plot a course through the Universal Neural Teleportation Network to the Garden. Successfully tracking the signal to Thanos' farm in the Garden, Danvers first heads onto the planet to do recon, only to find that the planet is undefended and Thanos is alone and unguarded; with no armada, ships, or guards.

In his simple hut, Thanos goes about his daily routine; however, he is visibly crippled with horrific burns on the left side of his body from extreme use of the Stones. Danvers suddenly bursts into the hut, surprising Thanos and pinning him down with assistance from Rhodes and Banner, after which Thor severs Thanos' left arm and Gauntlet completely with Stormbreaker. To the Avengers' surprise and dismay, the gauntlet does not contain any of the Stones.

Upon interrogation, Thanos explains that the Stones would have offered "nothing but a temptation" if he kept them. After completing his goal, he deemed the Stones had served their purpose and thus he used their energies to reduce them to atoms so that what he did could never be reversed. The Avengers accuse him of lying, to which Nebula responds that while her father was many things, he was never a liar. A surprised Thanos thanks his adoptive daughter for believing him and expresses regret for torturing her but a furious Thor decapitates Thanos before he can finish, leaving Nebula to mourn her adoptive father at his side. When Rocket asks what he has done, Thor replies that this time, he "went for the head," referencing Thanos' scornful remark on his failure to kill him in the Infinity War which ultimately led to the Snap. The disheartened Avengers then depart the Garden, having realized that there is nothing they can do to bring back the disintegrated.
Рекомендации по теме

I like that Thanos destroyed the stones because it would be a temptation. Honestly such a well written antagonist.


Just look at that beautiful place, waterfalls all around, birds singing, Thanos had good taste.


"I went for the head"- most of the audience thought of it as a comedy, but it was tragic. He killed Thanos, but what's the point now after he succeeded


The Avengers were the real villans in this scene. All he wanted was to make soup.


I like how in 2:22 scene trolled us to think Thanos is using the infinity stones again by lifting the ground but then it was just the Hulk Buster


In other news, a gang of vigilantes brutally assaulted and murdered a crippled hermit while he was making his dinner...


3:51 In this scene I feel the most for Nebula. She has always wanted to make Thanos proud and even despite what Thanos has done she still vouched for him. Her reaction to Thanos calling her "Daughter" felt like it was the first time he had ever acknowledged her as his own daughter since he was always favoring Gamora over her. Looking into Nebula's eyes, Thanos could see just how much she had suffered throughout the years and would still defend him at that very moment. "Perhaps I have treated you too harshly." At this point too is where he realized that he should've have been more of a caring father than a conqueror.


I like that this also implies his past as a farmer and his philosophy of resources being important without outright saying it. After becoming the Mad Titan and terror of the galaxy, he went back to his roots.


"After that, the stones served no purpose beyond temptation" truly reasonable men


That short and small window of interstellar space reflecting at Steve's eye, makes me recall his whole journey that led to this very moment.


It’s honestly calming and beautiful watching the being who changed the universe just casually pick crop for his meal…


“I use the stones to destroy the stones” 💀


This scene not only served to tell us how fucked the avengers were, how far and much they lost, but also served to show us what a truly good villain Thanos was.
He had a plan, a goal in mind, and flawless execution.
Did he want to do it? Most likely not
Was it necessary in his eyes? Very much so
The best villains are ones that believe what they’re doing is right after all


RIP you crazy bastard... you achieved your goal... then you won again by not getting tempted to use the stones any more than destroying them... you really had the strongest will...


It's impressive to see that even though he commanded armies and destroyed entire planets. he still chose to live the rest of his life in a very simple way. Leaving all the wealth he has behind...


Thanos in heart be like : "you could've just knock my door and enter like a civilized people....i'm good now"


4:20 the music hits so different and the camera just pointing at thor, so majestic


thanos feels like a completely different person for me after eternals.


When Thano's theme comes on at the very end....really shows the true loss with the larger ending /melody as Thor leaves.


This actually kinda shows how well Marvel managed to write Thanos
Without the context of what he did it’s honestly pretty hard to tell who the bad guy is in this scene
