5 Tips to Paying Off A Car Loan Early - How I Paid $40K in 34 Months

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Learn what worked and what didn't. Paying off a car loan early is no small fest. I'm not telling what to do! I'm showing you what I did!
Time Stamps:
0:00 What not to do!
2:54 Tip 1 - Selling it may be an option
3:53 Tip 2 - Pick a debt pay off method
5:48 Tip 3 - How to find some extra money
8:08 Tip 4 - Use the Principal Method
10:10 Tip 5 - Staying on track

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Related Video: Should you pay off your car early?

When I bought my brand new truck I paid over $40,000 dollars and was happy as could be but the honeymoon was over quick and the $500 plus car payment got old quick. When I first starting thinking about paying off a car loan fast, It because my number one priority. You see I started thanking about life before those car payments and life after. To honest buying a new car inspired me to to get completely out of debt. So for that it was a good thing. Some of you may be thinking do paying off a car loan early help credit score? Honestly, it dropped my a few points but not enough to cause any damage but I'll take a minor drop over car payments any day.

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#DebtFree #PersonalFinance #Invest

This video is for entertainment purposes only. Always seek professional assistant for financial and legal matters.
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The Chris Rock of Financial Literacy. I'm sold, man.


Bro I did this with my car then my student loan finally I paid my first house off. My job Give us 44 hrs a week in OT with over night extra pay and every Sunday a paid holiday. I took a 3 year oath to pay my first house off in 3 year with every December I paid 30k towards principal. Meaning I paid off a 140k house off in 3 years. Now I’m working towards my 2nd house with the first house as a rent house going for 1800 a month.


Debt is emotional. Paid my truck off last year 40 months. That's my first and last car payment. Paid my house off in 2016. Building a emergency cash fund of 20k to 24k by end of year. Household income is less than 50k.


I'm 50 years old. I had to buy a car after many years with no car payment. My new car loan scared me to death!!!! I was literally depressed over my decision. HOWEVER, the information in this video just changed my life substantially!!!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME SHARING THIS!!!!


They’ll give you a quick car loan for 40k but won’t give you a home loan as quick for 40k


I watched this video a ways back while in the gym after financing my 2010 Mazda 3 for $7900. This video helped me knock out a 3 year payment in about a year and a half. The numbers seem small but Im now 21 years old and this was my first vehicle Ive ever financed. Thanks so much for the inspiration!


Nuggets! Thank you!

“The new car smell was gone. They’re already talking about changing the body style”


Just focus, if you have a 9 to 5, get a part time job as well and just start knocking out that debt. Don't buy stuff you don't need and invest your money!


I just paid off my car last year, and it is prolly one of the biggest steps of financial freedom I have ever had in my life. It is such a relief.. Freedom, less stress💜


I really appreciate that you're so honest, you made mistakes and you own it. I grew up really poor so getting into ANY debt is terrifying and my family looks down on me. your advice was really great


If you and your spouse on the same page you'll be unstoppable


This video just popped up on my feed. My daughter had to buy a car hers just gave out. She was’t smart and bought what she wanted, instead of what she could afford. I’ll be sharing this video when I visit her next week. I think your honesty in showing your personal payment information was what I found so impactful. I’m retired (59), own my home (on an island community), and car, with only $1600 in bills monthly. I know that reading some of the comments, that your honesty has helped a lot of younger people see the “light”. I’m just getting tired of the, “Hey mom, can I borrow 5k, to fix a problem that they should’ve have or need to. They don’t want to listen to me, I hope they’ll listen to you. Have a wonderful day.


Never undermine the information you’re putting out for everyone! You’re literally out here changing lives thank you so much !!


Yes I just got my car yesterday and I’m already trying to figure out how to pay it off early and you made it easy thank you ☺️


Hey kiddo, I'm 69 years old and you just taught me something I owe you


My wife and I did the same thing! It was hard and lots of arguments but well worth it!! Kudos to you. May God continue to bless your sweet family.


I hate the word DESERVE. if you worked that hard, use the word EARNED.


Great info and I’m on track for 2021 with my new 2020 car.... I’m staying focused like you said.
# grinding because I love my car and keeping it.


I paid mine off quick too. I hate owing ppl money, and my car was the only debt I hate. So, I doubled or tripled my payments every month. I avoid paying all that extra interest like you said. I've basically been riding for free ever since. It feels great knowing I have ZERO debt.


My Brother, you broke this subject down so well, I am walking around with a blessing of knowledge that I will definitely applying to my debt. Thank you, thank you and thank you again for sharing. Informative and funny.
