Get a closer look at the Teton Pass runaway truck arrestor test using a sand truck going 60 MPH

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Get a closer look at that wild Teton Pass runaway truck arrestor test using a 58K pound sand truck going 60 MPH

DOT uses a live driver in a 58K pound sand truck to test their runaway truck arrestor, the test took place in July on the east side of Teton Pass as a way for officials to ensure that the catch-cable system was working properly.

On Tuesday 13 July, the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) conducted a dramatic test of a runaway truck arrestor system on Teton Pass — and the whole thing was caught on video.

The test took place around 10 a.m. on the east side of Teton Pass as a way for officials to ensure that the catch-cable system was working properly.
The catch-net cable truck arrestor uses a series of 8 to 10 cable nets that span across a long, narrow ramp adjacent to the highway to stop runaway vehicles.

During Tuesday’s test run of the truck arrestor, WYDOT put professional performance driver Arnold Korbmacher behind the wheel of a 58,000-pound sand truck and had him hit speeds of 60 m.p.h. before using the arrestor. The arrestor stopped the truck and the test was considered a success.

The truck arrestor was last used (in a non-test capacity) in June 2021, when a pickup driver lost his brakes and utilized the system. The arrestor was heavily damaged in September 2019 when it was used by a truck hauling a load of logs and required extensive repair.
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I helped build it....she will hold...that test cost 50, 000$.The further you go down it, the stronger the canles


Success now try it with 18 wheeler with trailer let’s experience what it will do to those types
