The Most Important Update You'll Hear Today About The Housing Crisis In America

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"KKR has completed its largest-ever purchase of apartment buildings, the latest in a string of big-ticket deals, signaling that some of the most prominent investment firms are betting on a broad rebound for multifamily housing."*


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I’m in Ohio and the housing market here over the last 7-8 years is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Homes that were bought for $130K in 2015 are now being sold for $590k. I’m talking about tiny, disgusting, poorly built 950 square foot shit boxes in quiet mediocre neighbourhoods. Then you’ve got Better, average sized homes in nicer neighbourhoods that were $300K+ 10 years ago selling for $750k+ now. Wild times.


Back in the day, when I purchased my first home to live-in; that was Miami in the early 1990s, first mortgages with rates of 8 to 9% and 9% to 10% were typical. People will have to accept the possibility that we won't ever return to 3%. If sellers must sell, home prices will have to decline, and lower evaluations will follow. Pretty sure I'm not alone in my chain of thoughts.


Getting really sick of being squeezed from every single angle as an American. Health care, taxes, inflation, housing, stagnant salary... what is the end game? No one has money for anything? Then what?


Corporations should not be allowed to buy residential property.


Homes should be places to live and raise families, not for speculation and gambling.


even if you sell your house at a price today, you can not buy a house for the same money.


Wouldn’t it be wild if people found out that their retirement accounts were invested in the same companies that were buying up all the homes. Using your money to bet against you, it’s a win win for them and a lose lose for the people.


Any candidate taking on these private equity firms and investors...I'm voting for.


In my neighborhood, in 2009 during the recession, companies bought up about 40% of the houses. And we live near a school. Now 40% of the houses are rentals, via a corporations. And the rent is OUTRAGIOUS. And the neighborhood is going down fast, at the corps don't do any lawn work or house maintenance that we can see.


i can't find a decent place to live and it makes it hard to sleep properly to be rested enough to show up to a job...people with adequate housing don't understand what it does to a person


We are not suffering from "inflation".
We are suffering from price gauging.


Im in california, my niece and nefew moved in with us 2 years ago. Thier landlords declared it needed " repairs and up grades" after completetion thier rent will double. They had to vacate for these repairs. Umm. It didnt need repairs. Its a way to triple and double rents. WTF!


You will own nothing and you will be happy.


Institutions should be band from buying single family homes.


Should be illegal for corporations to buy homes


My family is living that hell. I am heartbroken for my kids


The housing market is inflated and oversaturated with homes being on the market with astronomical price tags just stagnant for months. It is very clear that or generation will be likely one of the most devastating bubble pops in modern history. Seeking best possible ways to grow 250k into $1m+ and get a good house for retirement.


OF COURSE! Since poverty has been criminalized; and criminals have been privatized; we now have proven beyond ANY doubt, that CRIME PAYS!


As a Republican I can thank Ana for talking about something else besides the election that is important. We have given up talking about health care reform even though it's the number one cause of bankruptcy for Americans. Let's not talk about college costs either.


This country is going down hill. I am saving my money and getting the Fck out of here. No way in hell will I keep paying taxes and not see any benefits. It breaks my heart that our country is being destroyed by our own incompetent government….
