Swimisodes - Backstroke Spin Drill

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The backstroke spin drill is one of the most effective ways of teaching swimmers to accelerate the straight arms quickly through the recovery phase of the stroke cycle. One of the greatest challenges we see with our swimmers at The Race Club is getting them to turn their arms over fast enough in backstroke. In this Race Club Swimisode, World champion backstroker Junya Koga demonstrates how fast one can move the arms with the backstroke spin drill, preparing for a strong backstroke race. While a fast stroke rate in backstroke is not the only important technique to swim faster, it is critical, since most backstrokers turn their arms over way too slowly.

Many backstrokers are taught to deliberately slow their arms down before the hand enters the water, yet that is not what you should do. The faster the arm accelerates through the recovery, the more energy is coupled with the arm pulling underwater and the faster you will go. Don’t worry about being delicate or getting air bubbles trapped behind your hand. It is far more important to throw the arm backward aggressively and forcefully,with the little finger entering the water first, increasing the power and the speed of the stroke.

At the Race Club we are proud of the many backstrokers we have helped by using the backstroke spin drill. Try the spin drill with hands open or closed to increase your backstroke speed.

Swimmers of all ages and abilities come from all over the world to the Race Club swim camps to improve their swimming technique. Join us!

Director/Editor: Richard Hall
Producer: The Race Club
Writer/Narrator: Gary Hall Sr
Cinematographer: Frazier Nivens
Live Sound: Gustavo Moller
Jib Operator: Mikey Montoya (Jib and Co)
Underwater Housing: AquaVideo
Filmed at our training facility Founders Park Islamorada, FL MM87
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00:00:03, 260 --> 00:00:04, 520
Okay. You're doing great.
좋아요. 아주 잘 하네요.

00:00:04, 520 --> 00:00:08, 000
And we're getting toward being able to really turn over fast .
이제 팔을 빠르게 돌리는 것을 하려고 합니다.

00:00:08, 000 --> 00:00:10, 140
That's what our journey is about here.
훈련 진도가 여기까지 왔군요.

00:00:10, 140 --> 00:00:12, 740
Keeping the power, not getting the drag.
힘은 그대로 유지하면서, 하지만 저항은 만들지 않으면서.

00:00:13, 020 --> 00:00:18, 080
For a minute, we're going to put you into a bad drag position, in favor of getting into spin.
잠시 동안, 어깨 회전을 잘 하기 위해, 저항이 심한 나쁜 자세를 취하도록 하십시요.

00:00:18, 100 --> 00:00:23, 839
So, we want to get the arms really into a comfortable scenario where they feel like they can really move quickly.
즉, 팔이 진짜로 편하게 되어서 진짜로 빨리 움직일 수 있을 것처럼 느끼게 됩니다.

00:00:23, 840 --> 00:00:26, 000
And we use what's called the spin drill.
우리끼리 쓰는 말로 "회전 훈련"(spin drill)을 할 것입니다.

00:00:26, 060 --> 00:00:28, 940
And you can do this with the hands open.
손을 펴고 하셔도 되고.

00:00:29, 060 --> 00:00:30, 700
Or, if that's too hard,
만약 그게 힘들다면,

00:00:30, 700 --> 00:00:33, 480
some will close their fists and do it this way.
주먹을 쥐고 이런 식으로 하는 사람도 있습니다.

00:00:33, 480 --> 00:00:35, 040
But I want you to try it.
어떻게든 해보시기 바랍니다.

00:00:35, 040 --> 00:00:37, 600
You're going to be sitting up, not a great body position
좋은 자세는 아닙니다만, 물 속에 앉는 자세를 취하시고,

00:00:37, 600 --> 00:00:40, 700
But you're going to be moving those hands as quickly as you can.
손을 최대한 빠르게 움직이십시요.

00:00:40, 760 --> 00:00:42, 960
And we only go for 10 or 15 yards. Okay?
10 ~ 15 야드(9 ~ 14 미터)만 가는 겁니다. 아시겠죠?

00:00:42, 980 --> 00:00:47, 060
So, push off, go into the spin drill. And then stop. All right?
자, 출발해서, 회전 훈련을 하세요. 그러고 멈추세요. 아시겠죠?

00:00:56, 740 --> 00:01:02, 980
To do this drill well, the backstroker needs to sit up in the water a bit. Not an ideal body position.
이 훈련을 잘 하기 위해서, 배영 선수는 물 속에서 약간 앉는 자세를 취해야 합니다. 이상적인 몸 자세는 아닙니다.

00:01:02, 980 --> 00:01:09, 840
But the point is to learn to turn the arms over as fast as possible, with the fists either closed or open.
여기에서 주안점은 팔을 최대한 빨리 돌리는 법을 배우는 것입니다. 손을 벌리고 하든 주먹을 쥐고 하든.

00:01:10, 300 --> 00:01:18, 640
With the backstroke spin drill, we're looking for high rpm and short bursts of rapid arm speed, regardless of anything else.
배영 회전 훈련을 통해, 분당 회전수를 높이고, 짧은 시간동안 폭발적으로 빠르게 팔을 움직이는 것을 추구합니다. 다른 것들은 모두 제껴두고.

00:01:19, 860 --> 00:01:26, 140
Use the dolphin-kick backstroke drill and the backstroke spin drill to help you develop a faster stroke rate,
"돌고래 차기 배영 훈련"과 "배영 회전 훈련"을 통해 팔 젓기 회전율을 보다 빠르게 만드십시요,

00:01:26, 160 --> 00:01:31, 100
which will almost always lead to a faster backstroke swim.
대부분의 경우 배영이 더욱 빨라질 것입니다.


Great Video! More Tips to swim fast un backstroke or breastroke pleaase :D


Great video, can you please make a turn Swimsode because I can't really do it (On all Strokes!)
If not I need some major tips to help me as they are letting down my times hard!
And also if you can, what is a very good drill to stretch my backstroke and a drill to help me get used to turning my shoulders.
Backstroke is my favourite stroke and people say I am fast at it and sometimes it is true but I just want to get faster!

My dream is to become an Olympian and I had that thought sine I was like 5.
Anyways, great video!


Two questions:
1. Can the same or similar drill be done for freestyle?
2. Any tips to avoid shoulder injuries while performing such swims? Seems that underwater part (especially in freestyle) suffers a bit when swimmer's stroke rate is higher than during the real race. And pulling without proper catch with maximum force puts a lot of stress on the shoulders. I also feel it when try to swim with paddles at my default 50m stroke rate (but that's a different story).


Gary I love yours hat. Can you tell me the name.


Swimisodes - Backstroke Spin Drill
수영에피소드 - 배영 회전 훈련
레이쓰 클럽

Published on Jun 14, 2016
게시일 : 2016년 6월 14일
The backstroke spin drill is one of the most effective ways of teaching swimmers to accelerate the straight arms quickly through the recovery phase of the stroke cycle.
배영 회전 훈련은 선수들에게 팔젓기 주기 중 되돌리기 단계에서 쭉 뻗은 팔에 속도를 더하는 방법을 가르치는 데 가장 효과적인 방법 중의 하나입니다.
One of the greatest challenges we see with our swimmers at The Race Club is getting them to turn their arms over fast enough in backstroke.
레이쓰 클럽 선수들을 봤을 때 가장 큰 어려움 중의 하나는 배영에서 충분히 빠른 속도로 팔을 되돌리게 하는 것이었습니다.
In this Race Club Swimisode, World champion backstroker Junya Koga demonstrates how fast one can move the arms with the backstroke spin drill, preparing for a strong backstroke race.
이번 레이쓰 클럽 수영에피소드에서는, 배영 세계 챔피언인 준야 코가가, 큰 배영 경기를 앞두고, 배영 회전 훈련을 통해 얼마나 빠르게 팔을 움직일 수 있는 지, 보여드립니다.
While a fast stroke rate in backstroke is not the only important technique to swim faster, it is critical, since most backstrokers turn their arms over way too slowly.
배영에서 빠른 팔젓기 회전율은 빠르게 헤엄치기 위해 중요할 뿐만 아니라, 대부분의 배영 선수들이 팔을 너무 느리게 돌리고 있으므로, 결정적인 기술이 됩니다.

Many backstrokers are taught to deliberately slow their arms down before the hand enters the water, yet that is not what you should do.
대부분의 배영 선수들은 손이 물에 들어가기 전에 팔 돌리는 속도를 천천히 늦추라고 배우지만, 그렇게 해서는 안됩니다.
The faster the arm accelerates through the recovery, the more energy is coupled with the arm pulling underwater and the faster you will go.
되돌리는 동안 팔에 속도가 더 빠르게 더해질수록, 물 속에서 당기는 팔에 더 많은 에너지가 결합되면서 더 빠르게 가게 됩니다.
Don’t worry about being delicate or getting air bubbles trapped behind your hand.
섬세해지는 것이나 공기방울이 손에 묻어가는 것에는 신경쓰지 마십시요.

It is far more important to throw the arm backward aggressively and forcefully, with the little finger entering the water first, increasing the power and the speed of the stroke.
새끼속가락이 먼저 물속으로, 팔젓기의 힘과 속도를 증가시키면서, 팔을 뒤쪽으로 공격적으로 강하게 던져넣는 것이 훨씬 더 중요합니다.

At the Race Club we are proud of the many backstrokers we have helped by using the backstroke spin drill.
우리 레이쓰 클럽에서는 배영 회전 훈련을 사용해 많은 배영 선수들을 도와온 것을 자랑스럽게 생각합니다.
Try the spin drill with hands open or closed to increase your backstroke speed.
손을 벌리고 또는 주먹을 쥐고서 회전 훈련을 해보세요, 배영 속도가 빨라질 것입니다.

Swimmers of all ages and abilities come from all over the world to the Race Club swim camps to improve their swimming technique. Join us!
전세계 모든 연령 모든 등급의 수영인들이 수영 기술 향상을 위해 레이쓰 클럽 수영 캠프에 옵니다. 참여하세요!

Director/Editor: Richard Hall
감독/편집: 리차드 홀
Producer: The Race Club
제작: 레이쓰클럽
Writer/Narrator: Gary Hall Sr
저술/해설: 개리 홀 시니어
Cinematographer: Frazier Nivens
촬영: 프레이지어 나이븐스
Live Sound: Gustavo Moller
음향: 구스타보 몰러
Jib Operator: Mikey Montoya (Jib and Co)
지미집 작동: 마이키 몬토야 (Jib and Co)
Underwater Housing: AquaVideo
방수하우징: AquaVideo
Filmed at our training facility Founders Park Islamorada, FL MM87
Founders Park Islamorada, FL MM87 에 있는 우리 훈련 시설에서 촬영하였습니다.
