TNC340- a Narcissist will try to replace you in your own life. They will try to take your friends

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Welcome my channel! If this is your first time seeing my face or hearing my voice, my name is Lee and I am a self aware narcissist. I have narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ) and I've been in therapy for my personality disorder since 2017 and it has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything.

The point of these videos is to help bring awareness from the other side of the narcissistic *buse spectrum. All my videos give perspective on why many narcissists do what they do and the possible different reasons behind them. The victims and survivors get validation and the Narcissists (those that are willing) get to see that you can get help and that you are not alone.

You can find me on -

Click the BEACON up top for direct links. Thank you so much and lets HEAL together
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Yessss, I have ways felt this and am so glad it's not just me. It's the freakiest thing. They try to be a better you and beat you at being "you".


They replace you in the sense of taking on and mimicking all of your positive traits while simultaneously trying to undermine those traits that are innately you.


I'm glad someone finally explained this. My "best" friend tried to do this to me years ago and I was trying to explain what she was doing and other ppl just couldn't understand my perspective. She tried to replace me in my friend group, my family and with my ex's. I'm so glad I got her out of my life!!! People thought I was jealous of HER or trying to be a hater when I was explaining what I was enduring with her. They just couldn't see through her antics (this was before I knew what narcissism was- I just knew she made me uncomfortable.) She told me one day that my brother invites her to his events because he likes her better than he likes me. My own brother!! Mind you, my brother and I are close. And she tried to turn him against me. She had a horrible relationship with her own brother. I was like, 'this chick is a nut' and I was done at that point!! Who thinks that way?? I knew she was off, but that was the final straw. Getting rid of her was like trying to get gum out of my hair, because she tried to emesh herself in every facet of my life. It was so traumatizing and I don't really feel anyone really believed me. I literally went "no contact" before that became a thing because she literally had ZERO boundaries!! It was the only thing that worked. And I'm so glad ppl are speaking out about this. You are the 1st person I've EVER heard address this. Even to this day, I felt so alone trying to explain why I can't be friends with this girl and it made me look like the bad guy when I was only trying to protect myself. Anyway thank you so much for shedding light on this tactic.


“Make you feel awkward around your own friends…” 💯 🎯


When planning to get out, you have to come to accept the risk of losing everything and rebuilding to free yourself completely. Freedom is priceless though


This hit home. I ended up leaving my circle and found better friends.


Not just with your friends and family, they try to replace you even with yourself. They will occupy all your "me" time that you had by telling you that you don't need to be alone now. They are their for you. And one day eventually comes where you stop existing in your own life. They have occupied every single inch of your life and now when they move away from you, you'll run after them like crazy just to fill that void they have created.
They will make you forget your very own existence in your own life!


I GET it! It's like they try to become you in their lives. I've seen it


Truth. Before I knew what narcissism was I was able to pick up on weird energy like this from an old friend. It’s like they love what you have much that they hate you and wouldn’t blink at the chance to literally wear your skin and dispose of the body. Being friends is one thing, but dating & actually letting their spirit enter your body through sex is some other shit! Be needing a whole exorcism and some more!!!! 🤦🏽‍♀️


This is the scary part. The fact that this amount of effort goes into trying to bring someone else down makes my skin crawl. The fact it can be towards someone who actually is non problematic and harmless. Ive also learned it shows a lot about the people you keep around. If the presence of the narc was enough to "replace" you they weren't real either.


My ex/son's Dad did this me and nobody believes how bad it really is. It's been one of the single most traumatizing experiences of my life. The trauma from the ostracism and smear campaign led me to the worst depression of my life. He's still friends with them, we have a child, and these people and the narc find people I know and try to convince them I'm crazy and not to talk to me. Sometimes they succeed, but my actual friends and family just tell me to let it go and let people be them. I've distanced myself and my child because of the heavy toxicity, bullying, and smearing. It's been going on off and on for years.


I’ve been dealing with this and it’s been driving me insane. Over the course of the abuse I have became him; bitter, angry jealous and he has become to the outside world, who I was before all this started. Which was carefree charismatic and happy. and THAT right there has drove home the point that * I * am the problem.. it’s been really dark and alone but your videos have helped me recognize such a terrible pattern and I can’t thank you enough.


This happened to me! When I had first met the covert narcissist she didn't have any friends. All the friends she has now is only thanks to me. She can have them all, I don't care anymore. I learned to just let people go. I'm perfectly happy with the couple REAL friends I have that know who I am and wouldn't be manipulated by her. She is a cool person on the surface so I understand why people like her. But of course I was wise to her sneaky ways and dumped her. It's been alot of suffering, but I rode that wave, and now I'm on the other side, healed and stronger than ever.


A narcissist has just stolen my best friend of 20+ years and I did exactly the stupid thing he talked about. I was mad at my friend for not standing up for me. Honestly I don’t care about this friend anymore. I don’t think I can’t be happy without these two losers in my life.


My ex did this exactly. Went behind my back and made friends with friends that I made way after we had separated just to run a smear campaign on me and make them all hate me. He tried to tell me one time he knew me better than I knew myself which was laughable. And he definitely definitely told me my family would take his side over mine which was again laughable because when it came down to it no no they absolutely didn't they couldn't stand him


These entities are so sickening blood suckers ….. take good people for granted karma is a bitch ….. what goes around must come back around ….. can’t wait to hear this video much Love


The narcissist in my life didn't try to take my friends; he tried to take my *family*, even going so far as to invite my *father* to his *wedding* after abandoning me when I had a nervous breakdown that resulted from his abuse and moving on to someone else after I refused his offer to give *me* another chance.




Lee, you clarify a part of this process in a way no one else on YouTube does. You make a bridge to actually demonstrate what it looks like. That's the missing link.


This is so enlightening. I wondered why my SO would make it their PRIORITY to get close to all my closest friends. They would make plans without me and they also went into a business endeavor behind my back. When I told them that it was uncomfortable and that I would like to still maintain my individuality, they got mad and said “You don’t trust me, fine I will cut all of them off and now I’m going to feel uncomfortable around your friends.” 🤯🤯🤯

They also would get close to all their friends significant others and I thought this was weird. It’s like they need to insert themselves into everyone’s lives. Then say stuff like, “Oh my friend’s bf/gf is jealous of me.” It’s like they’ll create chaos and don’t know boundaries.
