Who's REALLY To Blame For These 'Junk Food Kids'?

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Childhood obesity is skyrocketing, and this documentary asks "who is to blame?".

According to the medical documentary "Junk Food Kids: Who's To Blame" the parents are at fault for childhood obesity. But is that really fair? Can we really blame EVERYTHING on these bad parents? Or is there more to the story...

We're discussing the ethics of advertising fast food to kids, the childhood obesity epidemic, and how the food industry manipulates all of us into blaming only ourselves.

"Across Britain, the number of children with serious but entirely preventable health problems is spiraling. They eat too much. They don't clean their teeth. They never exercise. For the first time in centuries, many could die at a younger age than their parents. In Leeds, a quarter of all youngsters under the age of five have tooth decay and a third are obese."

0:00 - Are parents to blame for childhood obesity?
2:51 - Sponsor
4:29 - Bad Parenting
8:30 - The Food Industry & Personal Responsibility
10:43 - Children are being exploited
12:06 - This satirical ad agency says it all
12:49 - Food Industry lobbying
14:12 - Being an obese kid is hard

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Thanks to Athletic Greens for sponsoring this video!


Here in Mexico, the government forced all food companies to add black labels to their products, indicating those that have excessive amounts of calories, sugars, saturated fats and sodium. All products that have at least one black label are prohibited from adding cartoon characters that may appeal to kids, and I honestly think it's one of the best choices they've made so far.


I was a chubby kid, but once my mom noticed that I was gaining weight faster and faster she changed the entire family's diet . we all got to a healthy weight because my mom realized that it was her responsibility to keep 7 year old me healthy. what the hell is wrong with these parents???


The fact that Danisa's dad thinks you can eat whatever you want after gastric bypass is terrifying.


These parents are the perfect example of “it’s everyone’s fault except mine”


I felt so bad for Denisa. Her family doesn’t put in any effort to support her, then blame HER, a kid, for not sticking to a diet? And not only do they blame her for not sticking to her own diet but they blame her for THEIR OWN inability to stick to THEIR diets? And after all that, instead of making any lifestyle changes or supporting her lifestyle changes, they just want a “quick fix” by forcing her into a surgery that she doesn’t even want??? Absolutely disgraceful. (Edit: fixed the spelling of her name)


I was raised by babysitters, as both my parents worked. The babysitters gave me junk food to keep me quiet. My parents felt so guilty about leaving me all day, they gave me sugar to make me happy. My addiction to junk food is my first memory. I was under the kitchen table with a tub of Cool Whip. I heard my Mom looking for me, so I shoveled that cream into my mouth so fast, I had the tub finished before she could find me. Even at that very young age, I knew that was messed up!

I had to have my baby teeth pulled because they were all rotten from sugar. Saturday morning was like church for me. The commercials were more entertaining to me than the cartoons. Every single junk food advertised to me, I begged for & got. I am now in my 50's, diabetic, in stage 3 kidney failure, in need of having both knees replaced and 300 pounds overweight.

Your video made me cry. I know the pain that awaits those children. My parents have apologized to me for raising me on sugar, but the damage is done. When I see parents with a cart full of Trix cereal, Pop Tarts & Sunny D orange drink, I want to scream. I feel parents in the 60's did not know the extent of the damage these new processed foods could do. But parents today have no excuse. The information is everywhere of how dangerous the junk food diet is.

I very much look forward to your follow up on this subject. I always enjoy your content & get excited when I see you have posted. As you can see, food and weight are my hot button issues. Thank you for always enlightening.


The way she says "thyroids" with such a smug look on her face because it completely absolves her of responsibility when really she's just lazy and is responsible for her child being overweight


The first woman blaming "thyroid" after we watched her chubby daughter tuck into a plate of food that woukd be too much lard for an adult... it made my skin crawl.


My mom is grossly obese and has recently gotten to the point where she can't walk for more than 30 seconds without her knees and back giving her pain. It's excruciatingly painful to witness too. Devastating.

I'm female, 5"7, 207 lbs. I was at 234 about four months ago, but once I saw my mother's struggles I just had to do something because I didn't want to turn out like that. I've almost lost 30 lbs and I'm still losing, and I'll share how.

First, when I'm hungry, I remind myself that my hunger will be satisfied in the end no matter what I put in there. So I just choose whole foods instead of whatever monstrosity I'm craving, and easy - not hungry anymore.

Second, I drink a glass of water before I eat. The water fills you up some so you don't overeat and it keeps you hydrated.

Third. I allow myself to splurge on fast food once or twice a month, because if I didn't cut myself some slack, my diet would fail. What's life without treating yourself?

Fourth and final thing. Exercising. I'm not even doing that much - walking when I get the chance. Around the block or to work, to the store if I need something. And dancing in my room when no ones watching. Using my exercise bike for 10 minutes. That's it.

anyway this is my success story. I hope this helps somebody <3


Some years ago a law was implemented on Mexico and now it's illegal to advertise food products with friendly characters, for example there's a company called "bimbo" that used a bear to advertise it's products and they had to stop using it completely.
A lot of people went crazy cause everybody loved the bimbo bear and also companies were crying about how that law was going to affect their sells to kids, which was literally the whole point


I distinctly remember when I was 9 my doctor was afraid I was going to develop diabetes and my mom had the nerve to say to me “if you don’t care about yourself then I guess I don’t either. You have to lose weight” while she was providing me with pop tarts and ice cream for dinner


This is so depressing, that woman who said she’d rather watch the TV than clean her kids teeth


I love how she says "thyroid" with this strange, serene, "gotcha" energy. Like it's this total revelation that should instantly clinch the conversation.


The fact that those parents are pushing for their daughter to have a vital part of her body removed, while not fully developed yet, just because they lack the willpower to eat healthy themselves makes me sick to my core..
Its on the parents, if your kid is addicted to junk food and candy, its because you've fed it to them. They aren't the ones grocery shopping and cooking.


When I was 9, my doctor said I was obese. He called my mom in and explain to her, saying this is a very serious problem and she need to do something about it. From then on, we never have junk food at home. Everything is home made. She even squeeze fresh orange juice for us often if we want to have "juice". Almost every evening, our family would go for a walk. Of course I was being a brat and complained about wanting to eat sweets, cookies, soda, fast food and all that. Now that I'm 30 i'm forever grateful for my mom. She did the hard thing, so I wouldn't have a hard life.


Because of my mom's narcissistic abuse and her purposefully overfeeding me, my father gained permanent custody of my siblings and I. At that time I was 16 yrs old and weighed ose to 400lbs.

The veil of darkness that my mom put over my perception of the situation (by telling me that I was not fat but healthy) was lifted when I went to my doctor's office for an update vaccination, and told me that I was borderline to getting high blood pressure.

That kick-started my motivation to lose the weight. I was trying to lose weight months before that appointment, but being told the harsh reality of my weight issue, but a healthy amount of fear in me. By the time I was 19 years old, I was at my ideal weight of 149lbs. No surgery at all.

I am now 37 years old, married with three daughters, and I have kept all that weight off. The support of my father, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends and my doctor played a huge part.


I think the saddest thing is the kids who identify their weight as a cause for concern, want to do something, and the parents just sabotage them.


God, I feel so bad for Danisa. Her parents are bigger children than her, literally blaming their kid for their lack of discipline while constantly overeating themselves and bringing crap into the house.


This is what happened to me. By the time I was 11 my body was literally covered in stretch marks. As an adult, I have always been a healthy weight, and eat very clean, but my body is permanently disfigured because of being obese as a child. I’m 27 and have never worn a bikini, been seen naked by anyone ever, or been even remotely comfortable in my body, even slightly. If your child is obese, it is YOUR responsibility to correct that in a gentle, non-traumatizing way. Kids don’t have the facility to understand proper nutrition. If you’re having a kid, educate yourself on nutrition and take proper care of the life you’re responsible for. Ignorance is nothing but a choice
