FreeDOS as an embedded system
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On our website, we say that one way you can run FreeDOS is an "embedded system." But what does that mean? What is an embedded system? Let's take a look at how to set up FreeDOS to run only one dedicated application.
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FreeDOS as an embedded system
Installing FreeDOS for 8086 on an IBM 5150
Why DOS Was (and Is) a Thing
FreeDOS - An alternative to MS-DOS?
FreeDOS: The Free Open-Source MS-DOS
Experimenting with FreeDOS
Boot up to Free DOS from SPI flash
Interview with Jim Hall about his FreeDOS project [Kielux 2017]
Don't scrap that Laptop. Turn it into a native DOS Gaming machine with FreeDOS!
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(FOSDEM 2021) Working on DOS in 2021
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FreeDOS 1 3, an open source OS compatible with MS DOS, has been released
Using the Advanced Setup in FreeDOS 1.3 RC4
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FreeDOS and... QEMU - DevConf.CZ 2024
Reading ebooks on FreeDOS with AMB
Why DOS was (and is) a thing - 18. Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage
FreeDOS Project: Then and Now [Kielux 2017]
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DOSing with MAME: Ep. 5: Installing FreeDOS 8086 1.3 Minimized -- #doscember #doscember2022
80286 Build, Ep. #92 - Troubleshooting CPU Flags Register between BIOS and FreeDOS
D is for DOS