FreeBSD in 100 Seconds

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Learn the basics of FreeBSD - a UNIX-like operating system that shares code with projects like iOS, MacOS, Nintendo, PlayStation, and many other projects.

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- FreeBSD Tutorial
- Free BSD quick start
- What is BSD?
- BSD vs Linux
- What is Apple Darwin?
- How does Nintendo Switch OS work?
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I need a "Installing FreeBSD While Parents are Arguing" video


I took a computer repair class in high school in 2004 or 2005. We had to pair up and build computers from scratch, and then choose a Linux/Unix distro to install. This was my very first time building a computer and installing an OS, and my partner and I went with FreeBSD. It was no where as straightforward as what the other teams had picked, and the teacher warned us he had never had anyone successfully get FreeBSD working. It took a lot of time and was very painful, but we got there, and learned a hell of a lot in the process. FreeBSD will always have a place in my heart.


FreeBSD already has .01% desktop market dominance. 2025 will be the year of the FreeBSD desktop!


I’ve set up FreeBSD local network server out of junk parts to run a PHP 4 script managing warehouse stock (using text files as DB). Recently I found out it still runs. I left that place in 2001.


Amazing! The three users of FreeBSD are extremely happy after watching this video!


2:14 daemons mentioned, freeBSD's logo is a demon, and this is the 666th video.


0:07 The Switch's operating system is built around a custom microkernel. Only the networking stack was taken from FreeBSD. Nintendo have been developing it since the DSi.


1:59 Actually, there's one more unique thing to note. In Linux, most of the configuration files are stored in the `/etc/` directory, regardless of whether they are system or user-related. However, in FreeBSD, there's a distinction: system configuration files are located in `/etc/`, while configurations for user-installed applications are typically stored in `/usr/local/etc/`. This separation helps keep the system's core configurations isolated from those of additional software, which can make managing and troubleshooting easier in certain scenarios.


My favorite OS with the caveat that the user cross-reference FreeBSD with the hardware they intend to use it on. A smaller user base means a smaller developer pool that supports a narrower hardware selection, particularly WiFi.

GhostBSD is a user friendly desktop variant aimed at users who want a modern installation experience and working system. After installing, it provides an excellent template for how to configure FreeBSD if a user wants to be more hands on.

For those considering sampling it, take time to read the manual, the FreeBSD community is happy to help but resents reinventing the wheel. A prospective user doesn't have to read the whole manual but should pay attention to the intro, installation, storage management, system management, desktop, audio and video chapters.

Robonuggie YT channel provides excellent FreeBSD tutorials, demonstrations, and wisdom appropriate for both noobs and seasoned users looking for software suggestions.


I've gained clinical depression, it was infact, not 100 seconds


BSD was originally made in a very academic exploration kind of project way and its really nice to see how far it has progressed.


LOVE LOVE LOVE FreeBSD as a server OS. Way less BS to deal with and it's rock solid. I wish it was more widely adopted.


I ran sibling OS OpenBSD as my primary firewall around the turn of the century. At one point it ran without a reboot for over 1, 200 days. The HP PC it ran on never had a hardware fault, despite accumulated dust, and was 10 years old when I finally switched it off. Robust, reliable, and secure.


I’ve been using BSD since Bill Joy personally sent out the tapes, and FreeBSD keeps the spirit alive!


I used FreeBSD for a long time rock solid, had machines running for years without an unscheduled reboot or a single crash.


I personally use FreeBSD with jails for my Git server and it gave me more happiness than anything else ever has


Do OpenBSD next or puffy will personally come to your house at 2 am and do terrible things that will haunt you for the rest of your life


15 years ago I made some mmo game servers that where pretty profitable with FreeBSD, it was a beast with mysql and php with 128mb ram. I did not understand a single thing of it at that time, now, with this video, I will add it to my CV.


As an OpenBSD user, I celebrate that the BSDs are being talked about now.


one thing to note which is really cool ! is that the ports collection is automagically built and that is where the binary packages come from. So if you contribute a port witgin a few days you can just
install the binary, no more building !
