Vacationing and cats. How long is too long to leave alone. When feeding and checking isn’t enough.

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i left mine for a week and a half since my family and i went on vacation, we paid someone to give her food and water. she hasn’t returned, there’s a red splatter on my driveway, and the person we’re paying says she hasn’t seen her and i’m super scared

UPDATE: she came back!! she was meowing and all that, i’ve given her some treats, fed her, given her water and showered her with love!! she’s asleep on my bed rn :) we’re not sure what the red splatter was, but we think since we got a new mailbox, or got it cleaned, that red paint was spilled.


Thank you for this!
I'm always astounded by the number of cat owners who don't understand cats. You simply can't leave them to their selves. Mine won't even eat while I'm gone for the day so I can't even do overnight. I can never go anywhere other than in my own city for the day. Boarding isn't really option for this one, his brother might be okay with it but then I'd have him to worry about. I live out of city limits so a sitter is out of question.
People really do think cats will eat if you "just leave it there long enough"
but that couldn't be farther from the truth. They simply won't if they are depressed or they don't want to. Hepatic lipidosis is so very serious. It's a constant concern with one of my boys. One of mine is a very serious emotional eater and needs an appetite stimulant as a safeguard because his appetite goes off very easily if he gets depressed.( he's emotionally attached)We give him the appetite stimulant to try prevent him from going through long periods of not eating or not eating enough because he'll do it just because I was gone for the day. He throws fits, I swear. He'll eat a little when I come home but it's never enough to keep me from worrying about him. Then we start all over until I have leave again to go back in the city.
I love cats, probably because they are so very much like humans with their emotional needs, that's just it, they have emotional needs that are very different from canines.
This was such an important message Dr. Magnifico.❤


what do i do if we have no friends or family nearby to check on the cat?


We sometimes leave the cat when we go away for the weekend. Extra litter tray food and water put out. Never a problem she stays loving and goes out for the night as normal once we come home.


I’m leaving for 1 week, I have friends coming in and making sure he’s fed and cleaning his litter box and stuff… I’m so nervous and hope he will be fine. I’m going on a cruise… I feel so bad bc I know by cat doesn’t do good out his routine


What a stinkin cutie! The tuxie looks just like my KeyKey. But yours has a third eye! So cool ♡


Any thoughts/ideas on people spending "too much" time with their cats now that so many people are under quarantine/lock down?
Also, any thoughts/ideas on when people (FINALLY!) get to go back to work and suddenly leave our pets alone for 10 hours a day, after they have been around us essentially 24/7 for so many weeks?
Thanks in advance for any insight.


Thank you for posting this important info!


The black and white kitty looks just like my kitty donut lmao. Yes his name is donut.


a question, on december i have to go to another country for like a month with my whole family and we thought that we can leave our cat with our friend (he'll live in our house) but the cat will be 6month old, it is ok to leave him for that long period?


I go on a cruise one a year and always leave my cats home alone and have never had a problem. My cats are very happy and very independent. I disagree with this. I have been doing this for decades so I am not sure where you are coming from. My experience is way different.


I may board mine. Going to be gone 1.5 months🥺


I have 8 cats and will be gone for a week.


Im going to leave my cat at my dads place he’ll take care of her im gone of 8weeks.


Is it ok to leave a cat alone for 8 hours when I m at work❓❓


Lol all these crazy cat lady comments. There are cats that literally live and survive in the wild. I’m sure leaving your cat enough food and water and litter for a week is fine and you’ll come home to a loving cat that barely noticed you were gone 😭
