Difference between Episcopalians and Lutherans

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What's the difference between the Protestant Episcopal Church and the Lutheran confession of the Faith?

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I was baptized in the Episcopal church as a baby in the 70's. What they have become is absolutely pathetic. You are very correct to call them the church of the unbeliever. It's nothing more than a liberal social club.


Theological liberalism is a puzzling position to take. In effect, it claims to be more "Christian" by removing or altering that which is already Christian to be not Christian. You do not really see this in any other religion but Christianity. It would make far more sense for liberals to simply admit that they are not Christians, that they do not accept Christianity, and simply walk away from it altogether, rather than stay within it and try to poison it (which, btw, is one of the reasons that bolsters the truth of the Christian faith to me).


I did not know this church was so far gone. I used to watch services on line because I loved the liturgy. I stopped when they started blessing gay marriages.


Episcopalians have bishops. And, queens.


Great and interesting point about Episcopalians being in favor of "a woman's right to choose..." (...to abort her baby). During the pandemic, many Episcopal churches would not allow a choice to wear a mask or not, receive communion or not, attend church in person or not. Those choices were not respected.


The Episcopal Church opposes capital punishment while it supports a woman's right to choose abortion.
Often rape is given as a reason abortion should remain an available option.
If I may be blunt, here's what a mess this actually means in practice - this is not just an esoteric or abstract discussion about theology. TEC favors the equivalent of the death penalty for babies who are conceived in rape, but no death penalty for rapists.
Here in my state, there are currently four candidates to become the new Episcopal "bishop diocesan" later this year. One of the four current candidates preached here on All Saint's Day in 2020, which was not long after the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. This person who may become the next bishop here preached back in 2020 that "RBG" was an example of a modern day "saint". Why? For her defense of the abortion of defenseless babies. The following week the woman clergy person who had invited the guest preacher seemed to be reacting to some heat about comparing "RBG" to a modern day saint. This woman, who calls herself "Mother" so-and-so, preached the following week in the typical Episcopal middle-of-the-road way that no one may criticize women choosing to abort because "we can't live other people's lives for them." But, isn't that kind of actually a point against abortion? "We can't live other people's lives for them." -Right - because, they've been aborted. Even they themselves cannot live their own lives.
Anyway, thanks for letting me get this off my chest.
p.s. The other three candidates for the next Episcopal bishop here are; two women (one of whom is, a "married" lesbian that describes herself as a "woman of size") and, one man who is "married" to his "husband". All four candidates to be the next Episcopal diocesan here are each alarming in their own way, so I hope Pastor Sullivan will not mind too much if his name is thrown into the ring here as a write-in nomination for the next Episcopal bishop of this great state - that has remained unnamed here.
Peace be with you!


you really should be clear you're lcms


I think it's spelled D'espicable...


Looking at William Goode and Richard Hooker you may see a different view on the relationship of bishops to pastors. Some Anglicans accepted 'foreign Protestants' in Europe as valid churches. Some Anglicans dont see bishops over pastors as by Divine Right, but a development. John Wesley was convinced by those Anglicans that he had the right as a pastor to ordain bishops for the Methodists in America.
You can read William Goode, an Evangelical Anglicans of the 19 century by typing is name and Internet Archive in Google.
The 16th century church of England and even the 17th century church of England had relationship with other Reformed churches, such as the Synod of Dordt. I know that in the 1700s the church of England and the monarch pursued closer relations with the Lutheran state churches, and in the 1800s there was the bishop in Palestine.

Heretics, either modern liberals, or actual Romanists, wouldn't even be Christians.

Would be interesting to see how you see the conservative Anglicans that re aligned with the African Anglicans.


Thank you for noting the variance of belief amongst Episcopalians the same is true of most denominations on a liberal slant. When you said it was the church of the unbelievers I considered stopping watching the video but as you elaborated I kept listening an I’m glad I did.

Would a truly apostate church preach on topics like divorce and remarriage at all?


That is very sad. It really is just a form.
