A Discussion about Pastor Kids, Tik Tok, and Abraham Piper, the Son of John Piper

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Abraham Piper, the son of John Piper (Desiring God founder, former pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, and prolific author), is making headlines for his popularity on the social media site Tik Tok, where has had made videos mocking his upbringing in evangelical/fundamentalist Christianity. Jason Whitaker joins Tim Frisch to discuss the situation.

Article referenced:

Jason Whitaker's blog:

Other videos about Abraham Piper:

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Composer: Benjamin Tissot (also known as Bensound)
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Happy Canada day from Alberta Canada. In the hospital with blood clots in my lung. Prayer for healing to my body. Thanks.


The greatest test for a born again parent. I pray for strength for J. P. and mercy for A.P.


Praying Abraham Piper will come to understand what a true relationship with our Savior and Lord Christ Jesus is truly about-- Great seeing you, Tim and Jason! Great topic;)


Every Christian should listen to Abraham Piper and learn to answer his objections. It will strengthen your faith.


Excellent conversation, Tim. Praying for JP and AP.

Since men are called into the pastoral office at different times the "pastors shouldn't have kids" is a lap too far indeed. Ask China how the "1 child policy" worked for them.

Tim, your edit game is getting to MVP level! I wasn't ready to laugh at this as hard as I did.

Why did I call old comics "texts"? I'm so used to referencing bible texts.

My girls like to read through SS. Guess what they take from it? A man and woman can be in love with another deeply and still honor God. So glad our Lord was wise enough to put a book in His holy word that honestly points out that marital love is all good!


Really hard topic . I heard of this after seeing his videos . First thought it was fake . Thinking how could a preacher’s son get things so wrong.
Not his unbelief no his lack of knowledge concerning his criticism of Christianity. My opinion is what we are seeing is missing a pice of the puzzle. There is so much emotion in his comments nothing much more. He seems hurt or wounded.
I believe we should pray for him and his father John.


I cannot watch tik Tok. It is extremely addictive for me for some reason. I have gotten on and just kept watching clip after clip for hours. I deleted it off of my phone because of this. Also I used to be a teacher and there is research that children who learn to read using the Bible (along with other books obviously) are actually better readers and have better reading comprehension later on in life. Additionally, I actually love the book of numbers! It has some of my favorite passages like the talking donkey passage! Anyway great video. It's sad I have atheist friends and I don't really know how to talk to them because they are so similar to what I think his audience would be like. Just making fun of God, calling the Bible a fairytale book.


I don’t like the term ‘deconstructing’, in my opinion is a worldly terminology; the biblical term is apostasy or apostate.


Have you watched the show the Chosen? What do you think of it?


I believe parents should be given grace regardless of whether their kids are still in the home.
Adam and Eve Rebeled against God whilst still under God's roof (Eden).

God was and is a perfect parent, and yet his children still rebel to this day.


Dr. R. Scott Clark's Heidelblog " Christianity Is Not A Construct"
In order for something to be deconstructed, it first must be a construct, i.e., an artifice, a mere human convention, something that could be something other than it is, something that might not be. There are such things in the world ( e.g. stop signs) but Christianity is not among them.

This distinction comes up in the context of Christians writing about " deconstructing" their Christian faith. Most of the time, " deconstructing, " in this context, seems to signify apostacy from the Christian faith. The assumption seems to be that Christianity is just another construct subject to deconstruction.

The incarnation, obedience, death, and resurrection of Christ is not a construct. They are not the product of subjective religious experience. They are not mere social conventions or contrivances. They are facts. Neither are the gospels and the writings of the apostles, conventions or constructs. They are divine revelation.

I understand that life in the visible, institutional church can be let us be clear about what is at stake here when people write about " deconstructing their faith." If by that they are referring to apostacy, they are playing with fire, and not the temporary kind.

Apostacy from the Christian faith is not a is no game and Jesus is no chatroom moderator.


Some kids look like their parents. He looks exactly like his dad.


Congratulations to Abraham for thinking his way out of the cult.


Raise up a child in the way he should go and when he’s OLD he will not depart from it. I don’t understand why everyone acts like it not the fault of the parents when there adult children depart from the way?? Everyone I’ve seen talk about this has said the same thing “when there old there on there own” We need to conform our thinking to the Bible not say “well we knew a very “godly” man that had some bad kids once so maybe thats not what God meant there”. No God cannot lie RAISE UP YOUR CHILD IN THE WAY HE SHOULD GO AND WHEN HES OLD HE WILL NOT DEPART FROM IT. John should be the first to rebuke his son followed closely by all of us. I say this in love! Love for Tim and live for John Piper. If you think I’m wrong show me with scripture


Its easy to have a large following with young people if your debasing the bible..the gate is narrow..worldly minds are angry that it is..i deal same thing with my children..that Jesus is the only way to Father..so yes im narrow minded.


The writer of The Purpose Driven Life. Had a son who committed suicide in his own home was father was in the house. I don't pass judgment on the father.


Abraham must despise his Father to bring destruction and hurt to his Dad. We know he hates Christ and has rejected Him, but to do such despicable harm to his Dad is appalling!


We all have a prodigal family member. But, how else to look at it other than to say- we all have a choice as to how we respond to this Gospel. A novel concept for our Calvinist brethren.


Abraham clearly has unresolved 'daddy issues'. He's coming over as the oldest teenager in town rather than the 40 year old guy he really is - that's a long time to throw an adolescent strop!


Somebody please point out the errors of John Piper's preaching. I don't know much about him. It could be that his son is prodigal and, if so, his eyes will open in the tribulation. In the rapture all that atheist stuff goes out the window. When Christians and, in particular, if John Piper goes up in the rapture Abraham's eyes will open up.
