Boeing 737 That Started Disintegrating Mid-Flight | Mayday: Air Disaster

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The Boeing 737 takes off under clear and sunny conditions, but when the plane reaches its cruising altitude of 24000 feet, the pilots hear a loud bang. What has happened is incredible, a huge chunk of the plane’s roof and walls is missing!

What caused Flight 243 lose body panels?

Mayday: Air Disaster - From Season 3 Episode 1 "Hanging by a Thread": A short island hop from Maui to Honolulu quickly turns into a nightmare for the crew and passengers aboard Flight 243. Shortly after take off, a loud bang is heard. A huge chunk of the plane’s roof and walls is missing, right down to the passengers’ feet. They are flying in a convertible! Against all the odds, the plane gets down safely. But what caused it? A startling theory links it to the mysterious disappearance of one of the flight attendants.

Mayday: Air Disaster is a dramatic non-fiction series that investigates high-profile air disasters to uncover how and why they happened. Mayday: Air Disaster follows survivors, family members of crash victims and transportation safety investigators as they piece together the evidence of the causes of major accidents. So climb into the cockpit for an experience you won’t soon forget.

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What caused Flight 243 lose body panels?


Its jaw dropping that CB was the only fatality. May she rest in peace knowing her passengers and crew survived


It always deeply saddens me that the senior flight attendant, with 30+ years of experience, ends her career and her life being sucked out of the aircraft as she was. I worked for several years as an airline crew scheduler and one of my primary jobs was scheduling the flight attendants. They were all dedicated professionals and wonderful women and men to work and fly with. It would have torn me apart to have any one of them die in an accident so needlessly. RIP CB Lansing.


Poor CB Lansing. I hope it was quick and that she didn't have time to realize what was happening. She seemed like such a delightful person, from what others have said about her.

The memorial garden is such a lovely gesture and I hope it brings a sense of solace to her friends and relatives.


When I lived in Hawaii I worked for Mimi Tompkins as a flight instructor. She was always professional and was an excellent pilot. I learned a lot from her.


My deepest admiration to CB Lansing for doing what you loved for 37 years. Rest In Peace ❤ on your 35th Anniversary 💐


This was so emotional. My heart goes out to the family and friends of C.B. Lansing. However, I am so happy that everyone else survived. The pilots did an excellent job of handling this tragic incident.


The irony of her working in the field for 3 decades and then being sucked out of the plane into the sky to her death if this was her passion she died doing what she loved😔


The guy who held and squeezed her hand helped save her life.
Gave her hope to live.
Thank God she survived.


It gave me shivers to see those first responders (firemen) drop everything and race into action upon hearing the 737 emergency over the loudspeaker. Well done. Pilots are total heroes, goes without saying really. Poor CB. She deserved better. Hopefully her head impacting part of the interior fuselage in fractions of a second brained her, rendered her unconscious and she never really knew what happened. Did not have to suffer, RIP.


Was that actual footage of the Captain casually shaking hands with the passengers at the end!? My God! What an absolute BOSS!
If that was my husband - I would be so choked up with pure pride. What a man!!

Incredible piece of flying. I wouldn't mind betting that only a very few pilots could have landed that plane.
Im so impressed with the way they manage to keep calm and focussed, special people and excellent training.

Those poor people who got sucked out, I suppose you're not conscious at that point.
Full respect for those who were prepared to re-live it for our information. Thank you.


Unbelievable the recovery by these two pilots


Good pilots are worth their weight in gold They saved that plane, passengers and crew..


The first time I saw that image on the news, I knew that was a sight I would never forget. That only one person was lost is nothing but a miracle. I hope she never knew what happened.


Oh CB, 37 years. Thank you so much for your dedication and passion to your role. I’m sorry it wasn’t kind to you, Resting in paradise i hope CB xx


Can't be easy trying to read a manual during an emergency situation. It's amazing how the pilots still managed to land the plane. That's why fastened seat belts are so important. A miracle.


It's not the length of flights- it is how many take offs and landings that is important.


Everyone seems to be giving the pilots all the credit here. I'm a pilot myself, and while they certainly did a great job of holding it together and not panicking, the plane was still controllable, so I have to give this one to Boeing. Losing that much of the hull suddenly, the explosive decompression, and the 300 mph winds should have torn that plane apart, but the longitudinal stringers, which were never intended to bear that kind of load, held that plane together against all logic and reason. RIP C.B.


People keep complaining that they need to put new videos on here. Of what exactly? More plane crashes? Are you putting two and two together now? What do you want, new plane crashes or something?


Narrator: What's the worst that could happen on an airplane?

Me: I could die.
