Al Jazeera Did A Story About Me (Ex-Muslim and I Respond)

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Al Jazeera English aired a story about atheist YouTubers in America and the picture they painted was very positive. The piece featured me, Seth Andrews of The Thinking Atheist, and Chrissy Stroop of Religion Dispatches.

An additional part of the story of atheist activism is the work of ex-Muslim content creators like Apostate Aladdin. Here he and I respond to the story from AJ.

Apostate Aladdin’s channel

AlJazeera’s video:
God and Atheism on YouTube | The Listening Post


Non-sectarian Biblical Studies Courses by Dr. Bart Ehrman (affiliate link):


-------------------------Resources for atheists in need-------------------------

This video contains 100% therapeutic grade skepticism.*

*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA
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Well, this one got demonetized. I guess that tracks for a video like this. Check out another video or my patreon/paypal if you feel like helping me out!


The fact that he covers his face should give us all shivers. This man literally risks his life professing his apostate status.


Thank you Drew for shining a spotlight on exmuslims and filling in the gaps in Al Jazeera's piece! I hope your audience finds value in our commentary.

And thanks again for having me. It's always a pleasure chatting with you


I'm a female ex-Muslim and I appreciate you shone a light on this issue❤


I've got to say Aladdin seems to have more integrity, compassion and humanity than pretty much any other religious or atheist youtuber I've seen, maybe even more than Drew himself. I wish he wasn't in a world that might want to harm him for his beliefs.


I may be a little biased, but I love seeing Drew portrayed as the "face" of empathetic, compassionate atheism ❤⚛️


It's sad that apostasy is rarely talked about in the Arab world. It's good that the younger generation is more open-minded in addressing it.


I updated my 'religion' on Facebook to atheist a while back. Shortly after I had a friend reach out to me saying how 'brave I was' (I was honestly scared to), and that his Muslim family would disown him if he did the same. The pressure society puts on us to live up to their standards, whether it be to act a certain way based on sex, race, religion, etc, it's fucking bullshit.


Thank you for platforming ex Muslims. The fact that this man has to go on camera covering his face, refuses to give his real name, and admitted that he would be scared for his safety if that information was ever leaked to the public should tell you everything


You didn't make me an atheist, but you made me a better one.


The fact that Apostate Aladdin feels a need to wear a mask while speaking on youtube tells me more about Islam than any actual argument.


As an exmuslim in Pakistan I wish you would tackle Islam more often, people here need you more then anyone, I want you to look at the debate between Daniel haqiqatou and I think Mike ( spoiler it's disgusting) where he defends child mareiages as well and how much support he is getting and no one is covering that
Daniel has this series called genius of Islam which are his dystopian exaggerated forced morals and values onto the west and the supposed downfall of west compared to very properous and happy islamic counteries lol, it doesn't take a lot of debunk his tbh, a sane teenager with bare reading can find flaws in his reasoning which are mostly deflections, whataboutisms and his lack of experience in any thing related to medicine, social things he talks about, so plzz this would be appreciated
, other then that tackling more people in islamic circle for example Muhammad hijab, thank u drew
Making some edit to add a bunch of fools of Dawah
" Ali Dawah, Smile to jannah, Jake the meta Physician, etc


Having moved from the USA to Estonia, a largely non-religious people, I can safely say I’m glad not to have to deal with any of the problems from being non-religious that I might expect in a religious society. Hats off to both of you, keep up the good work 🙌


Al Jazeera will discuss the ex-Muslim movement as soon as they start reporting on corruption in Qatar


The fear that ex-religous people fear from their former friends and family is a very real and very dangerous fear. Thank you for talking about this for those who can't.


Ex-muslim from the Netherlands here, I watched your videos a year ago since and I'm proud of you not being scared to criticise this culty religion. PLEASE, keep up with this!!!


Why is it so difficult for believers to understand anyone that differs from their belief?


As an ex-Muslim, I really appreciate you doing this video and I’m glad you’re talking about it. Years ago when I first stopped believing, I felt so alone and isolated, but now there are more and more brave people like Aladdin who are willing to talk about being an ex-Muslim and atheist and I’m so glad this is happening.


It's so pathetic for any religion or religious state to compel people to stay in a religion that they don't believe in. It's absolutely ridiculous


You guys are better men than me. After 25 years of having that shit shoved down my throat, there will always be a (admittedly not very constructive) part of me that just wants to hear people call religion dumb. Not for the purpose of attempted deconversion but just for the sake of ridicule. It’s not at all how I would ever want to engage with someone in real life but watching it in a controlled environment provides a kind of catharsis I don’t think I could ever give up. Yeah, videos like that might turn off some less invested fence sitters and it’s not the *_only_* kind of community I would want to be a part of, but it is a valuable community. Some of us need an outlet for the vitriol
