An Exhaustive Guide to Mastery in Stardew Valley

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Here's the compilation of all of the videos I've made about Mastery! This video includes a bunch of corrections and new information we've gotten since the videos came out!

0:00 - Intro
2:08 - Experience grinding methods
6:30 - Farming Mastery
17:16 - Foraging Mastery
24:29 - Fishing Mastery
33:54 - Mining Mastery
39:18 - Combat Mastery
Here's the lofi Stardew Valley music I use a lot:

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I got to floor 216 after showing up to skull caverns at 11 am using the "no bomb damage" effect and just bringing a shitload of mega bombs. Didn't use a single staircase! There's a special pleasure in just carpet bombing skull caverns and having Mr Qi tell you that you're "honorable"


A relaxing playthrough tutorial:

"Do what you want when it occurs to you. There is no rush, there are no deadlines. Everything can occur again. You can always try that quest again another time, there will always be another season, and you can reset your day if you mess up big. Take your time and have fun."


My brain hit Nirvana the moment i used scythe on other crops.


The Tresure Appraisal Guide affects the price of dinosaur eggs sold raw, which means that at higher friendship level the iridium quality dino egg you get will sell for 2100g which is more than dino mayo that sells for 1120g


During the iridium scythe segment, it was worth mentioning that harvesting by hand still has the advantage of the animation pausing the clock. It's faster to harvest with the scythe in real time, but it comes at the cost of in-game hours, thus eating into your plans for the harvest day.


It's nice having these mastery videos combined into one.


A more affordable option for liked gifts is salmonberry jelly. Every single NPC except Sebastian likes it, and it is super super cheap and easy to mass-produce


thank you for making these. I cant push stardew back onto myself when I’m fixating on something else but I get excited to have your videos to marathon later


The iridium scythe is actually so peak


Kind of a bummer that the frogs and fairies get different color variants but the parrot doesn't. I know there's other parrot sprites in the game, so what gives? But thank you as usual, Sal, for a really in-depth explanation of new mechanics. (I play Switch and am living vicariously through PC players at the moment.)


Thank u so much for all the charts u make!! They're always well-organized, visually appealing, and concise! Super helpful 😊❤


Another video to add to the sleep playlist!


this gonna be a good meal with this video 🙏🏻


just a few things i thought were helpful to add: the iridium scythe can be used to harvest berry bushes which i find helpful in cindersap forest, if you have the treasure appraisal guide then dinosaur eggs get the artifact price buff so it's way more profitable to sell the eggs and is affected by quality/friendship, the heavy furnace is goated since you need 5 times less space and can click them 5 times faster, and especially if you're a parrot girlie like me throw the anvil recipe in the trash since each level of egg has an equal chance to drop once you unlock it so you'll be swimming in level 4 parrots


I used crap pots to max mastery. I purchased ~350, 000g worth of crab pots from willy and laid them down the right side of the island farm, the stream at the bottom of town, and over then entire beach. each day I walk the entire trap line and collect and rebait (at lvl 10 fishing I took the perk that eliminates the need for bait) my trap line makes ~15, 000g/day and 5xp/crap pot/day this dominates any other method on the list IMHO.


I watched all these videos but this was perfect to have on on the background as I work on my final project for my class


Oh boy, what a massive amount of work this must have been. I can’t thank you enough for this it has explained so much and will ensure I don’t make disastrous choices 😄


im on year 17 in my main file, but these videos are the best for having in the background, sometimes there may be a tiny detail i missed in game, which is always useful


hey man! i used to watch your videos when I first started playing the game. your challenges are always so entertaining and i thought it was really cool seeing you come up with creative ways to complete them! I stopped playing a while back but have just gotten back into it and am overwhelmed with all the new additions :, ) this guide was really helpful and im really glad to see you're still making stardew content! keep it up king <3


Correction for Dinos: once you get the treasure appraisal book that increases artifact sell prices, it's actually much more profitable to sell the dino eggs than to sell the mayo if it's silver quality or above as artisan mayo sells for 1, 120 and a silver egg sells for 1, 311 and above for better quality. Meaning it's worth having high friendship dinos for the chance of iridium quality eggs
