Donnie Yen Asked By Jimmy Lai Could he Beat Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee in Fight

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How does Donnie Yen answer Jimmy Lai graciously?

Jackie Chan in his prime. Bruce Lee in his prime. Donnie Yen straight out of Ip Man's success. Who do you think?

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Donnie yen didn't just show respect towards his elders, he also shows respect to the host who obviously trying to make him say something bad against either Jackie or Bruce. That shows how much discipline he has. A true master.


This is why Donnie Yen has no haters. He’s respectful, humble, and a family man.


Donnie Yen is so humble and respectful to his elders. I consider him one of the best martial artist performer. Love all his IP Man movies.


When he said that Bruce Lee is his idol and he wouldn't think of fighting him and that he is a martial artist worthy of admiration, it felt so emotional and inspirational that my eyes became full of tears.


In the martial arts world; you always hold your elder to be superior to you, cuz they have seen more with their eyes and study longer. But if you do somehow end up in a fight with a senior martial artist and WON...bow and say “Thanks for going easy on me..."


This is what I love about Donnie Yen, he's so respectful of Bruce and Jackie because they're his elders. It also doesn't hurt that he's an outstanding martial artist, on a technical level nobody comes close to matching him.


The interviewer is crazy. How dare he says that Jackie and Bruce Lee are not real fighters? More respect!


"Did jackie chan and bruce lee knew how to fight?"

No. Jackie was a ballet dancer and bruce was a rockstar


to beat Bruce you must not be hit by him first


I respect Donnie Yen for not bragging. Guy is really great, and is even greater for respecting Jackie and Bruce as his elders. We need more of that respect in this world.


Jackie Chan has an interview on the David Letterman show in which he told a story about him and his Peking opera brothers getting into a brawl w/ a bunch of biker gangs. They won the fight within half a minute or so, then ran away. Jackie's fist was wounded, and he refused to go to the hospital due to police activity. After a couple of days, the wound continued to swell, oozing out watery blood. Thinking that it's a broken bone, he tried to push it back in place but something popped out instead. "It's a tooth!"


Right or wrong, you always respect your elders. Good man.


the guy on the left is so disrespectful, how could he say Jackie doesn't do real kung fu, Jackie trained so hard and he mastered the drunken kung fu style which is so hard to master even for professional martial artists, besides that he also uses his surroundings in a fight, put him in a fight with Donnie in a room full of furniture and stuff and see who's going to win, it'll probably end up with a draw because Jackie's old now but still he can still fight and he knows kung fu, that guy on the left was just too disrespectful, I would like to see Jackie kicks his ass, he probably never seen Jackie Chan's movie or Jackie during his prime


I think it will be difficult for anyone to beat Bruce Lee in a street fight or a match with no rules, even if his opponent was a professional fighter


Bruce, Donnie, Jackie, all three of them are my idols. I think they're all great and instead of thinking about who would win I think it would have been amazing to see them team up lol


Love Donnie Yen. His respect for both Bruce and Jackie is outstanding.


Donnie, in a sense, Mastered the blueprint Bruce was establishing. The student became the Teacher.


According to news reports by Hong Kong news channels in the late 1990s, Yen was at a nightclub with his then girlfriend, Joey Meng. Inside the nightclub, Joey got harassed by a troublesome gang that had taken an interest in her. Yen warned them to leave her alone but to no avail. As Yen and Joey left the club, the gang followed and attacked Yen. According to the news, Yen beat up eight members of the gang who were later hospitalized.


I really love how Donnie, Jackie and Jet are all complimenting each others when they are asked if they would have a match. Also saying that the other one would win. They are so humble <3

Also that Host that said Jackie Chen's kung fu isn't real- Bruh just so rude... Donnie is a real man for not agreeing with that host and showing respect.


That guy is a jerk, he only want Donnie to say theses guy are not martial arts artists... he has NO RESPECT of theses icons !
