Why were the Jedi OK with using a Slave Army of Clones

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Very good video and exactly how I felt about the prequels portrayal of the Jedi. But what's confusing is fans apparently had no problem with this because theyre accusing The Acolyte of ruining the Jedi, but they were ruined by George Lucas back in the 2000s already...


*_"From my point of view the Jedi are evil!"_*


I donno, The whole Star wars universe makes no sense. All the other aliens in the galaxy seem to lack any skills in making an functioning government or spacefaring empire. IF you were an alien in the star wars Universe, You would wonder why the Humans were fighting with themselves like a bunch of barbarians


Clones were mainly used because it was the army that was present. Keep in mind, they were created without anyone knowing and suddenly were found at a time of crisis.

A lot of the stuff you bring up has also been brought up in legacy content and Clone Wars. Jedi justifying it as a necessary evil, adapting to the culture of the clones(Mandalorian). One even had an affair with a Commando in which a child was created.

I can go on if you want me to later and in more detail (sources). On the go right now.


The Clone troopers were the most popular part of the prequel stuff and made Lucas a lot of money.


I think you'd like star wars the clone wars, some of these topics are addressed in that show.


we're not supposed to think about how pointless the whole galactic war was. Maybe your first point would've addressed your second point. If the Jedi had been trying to end slavery, and the separatists seceded because the Republic finally bowed to the Jedi's will, it would've been a U.S. civil war analogy. A war ostensibly to free the slaves (but we'd all know Palpatine was up to something else). It would've set up a clear good vs. evil battle. And that would've added a lot of importance to Obi Wan's trip to Kamino where he discovered the Republic was using clones. It would've set up a moral dilemma for them. Then as you alluded to, the Jedi could've talked about freeing the troops they led, could've become civil rights champions for the clones under their command, promising them equality and liberty once the war was over... and that would've made the clones turning on them with Order 66 even more of an emotional blow.


The galaxy is so huge what difference would it make to free some slaves on a desert planet and start a conflict? And the clones? come on they are disposable. Why would anybody care about them? Slavery is considered to be evil here on earth but that doesn't mean it should be considered evil in some other galaxy were morals are different or nonexistent. That's what made star wars believable in the first place.


I never saw this as a problem. The only inconsistency is Obi-wan calling the Jedi a force of peace and justice. Naturally he would see things that way, and he could always say it was true from a certain point of view.


What's worse slavery or abject poverty? The entire galaxy is not civilized: under the control of The Republic and developed. Slavery under certain humanitarian guidelines may offer better life conditions for those out on the fringe and therefore is tolerated. Slavery in this sense is slightly worse than working full time for minimum wage.