Te-iru, Te-inai, Te-ita, Te-inakatta Verb Endings | Japanese for Beginners, pt. 25

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An introductory Japanese lesson for beginners! In this video, you’ll learn how to say you are doing, aren't doing, were doing, or weren't doing something by using te-iru, te-inai, te-ita, and te-inakatta endings of verbs. Model sentences and vocab are all shown on the screen in kanji, kana, and English.

00:00 intro
14:56 僕(ぼく)は寿司(すし)を食(た)べている。I am eating sushi.
15:00 私(わたし)は赤(あか)いドレスを着(き)ています。 I am wearing a red dress.
15:05 何(なに)をしていますか。What are you doing?
15:08 彼(かれ)が笑(わら)っていた。He was laughing.
15:11 君(きみ)をいつも見(み)ていました。I was always watching you.
15:16 お父(とう)さんはテレビの前(まえ)でタバコを吸(す)っていました。Dad was smoking in front of the TV.
15:21 昔(むかし)はいつも逃(に)げていた。In the past, I was always running away.
15:26 ネフライトが死(し)んでいます。Nephrite is dead.
15:29 私(わたし)は結婚(けっこん)しています。 I am married.
15:33 去年(きょねん)は太(ふと)っていたけど、今(いま)はやせています。 Last year, I was fat, but now I'm thin.
15:40 ねぇ、お金持(かねも)ってる? Hey, do you have cash on you?
15:44 ラルクのハイドって知(し)ってる? Have you heard of Hyde from L'arc?
15:49 まだ着替(きが)えてない。I haven't changed clothes yet.

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Please don't learn 100% of your Japanese from me! I'm a highly-experienced J-E translator and teacher of dance and theater, but a beginning level teacher when it comes to Japanese. It's also best to learn from a variety of sources (preferably native Japanese) and to hear the concepts explained by multiple people (again, preferably native Japanese). Here are some other great resources:

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14:56 僕(ぼく)は寿司(すし)を食(た)べている。I am eating sushi.
15:00 私(わたし)は赤(あか)いドレスを着(き)ています。 I am wearing a red dress.
15:05 何(なに)をしていますか。What are you doing?
15:08 彼(かれ)が笑(わら)っていた。He was laughing.
15:11 君(きみ)をいつも見(み)ていました。I was always watching you.
15:16 was smoking in front of the TV.
15:21 昔(むかし)はいつも逃(に)げていた。In the past, I was always running away.
15:26 ネフライトが死(し)んでいます。Nephrite is dead.
15:29 私(わたし)は結婚(けっこん)しています。 I am married.
15:33 Last year, I was fat, but now I'm thin.
15:40 ねぇ、お金持(かねも)ってる? Hey, do you have cash on you?
15:44 ラルクのハイドって知(し)ってる? Have you heard of Hyde from L'arc?
15:49 まだ着替(きが)えてない。I haven't changed clothes yet.


Thank you so much for putting the effort in and making the series available for free! I really love the in-depth explanations and the practice part at the end!


I was learning through this series on the other channel, up to this point. I see a couple hundred of us already suscribed to this new one. Let´s pray to the allmighty algorithm, so this migration helps propel this amazing content.


This is really good! The explanation, the examples, etc. How does this only have a few views? Anyway, thank you!


Great video, I came here for the ITA explanation. I’ve been trying to find an explanation on ITAN. For example “shuuri shite itan” is that the same as “shuuri shite ita”? THANKS!
