EMDR for Complex PTSD (Does it Help or Hurt?)

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EMDR for Complex PTSD (Does it Help or Hurt?) You’ve heard that EMDR for trauma is highly effective, right? Yet you may also have heard that it may not work as well for complex trauma. In this video, Barbara Heffernan, EMDR Approved Consultant, and trauma expert will answer “what is complex PTSD?,” "what is complex trauma?,” and “Can EMDR for complex trauma help?” Further, Barbara will elaborate on some causes of complex trauma, including childhood neglect, and addresses the question of “is childhood neglect trauma?” Does EMDR work? Does EMDR for childhood trauma work? Does EMDR for childhood neglect work? A key element of complex trauma is dissociation. Barbara explains what dissociative symptoms are that go with complex PTSD, as well as the other common symptoms of PTSD, including PTSD avoidance, PTSD intrusive thoughts, alterations in cognitions and mood, and PTSD hypervigilance.

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This video was created by Barbara Heffernan, LCSW for educational purposes only. These videos are not diagnostic and provide no individual consultation. Consumption of these materials is for your own education and any medical, psychological, or professional care decisions should be made between you and your primary care doctor or another provider that you are engaged with. Barbara Heffernan is not available for individual consultation via YouTube, social media, or email, and provides services only in the manner mentioned above.
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What are your thoughts - do you think that EMDR could be a beneficial therapy practice if used with the proper precautions?


"Trauma treatment will be very complicated if the environment you're living in is not safe." Herein lies a huge portion of why trauma work is often perceived (either by the patient, or the provider) as "unsuccessful". Because in today's world - June 2022 - we are in a massive housing, political, financial, emotional and societal hellscape that prevents anyone without means from being able to remove themselves from their environments. Is it any wonder that so many of us are on the edge? Where does that leave C-PTSD patients who are trying anything and everything to heal, but their living and/or employment situations (which they are forced to experience daily to survive) consistently and constantly erode whatever therapy techniques they may have the privilege to be able to afford every 2-4 weeks?


I personally have found EMDR to be life changing for me. It really does come down to the therapist and I have found that seeking out a holistic therapist who is really compassionate is my golden ticket.


Great video to learn from! I have Complex PTSD. Back in April of 2017, I sought and found a therapist to help me with this condition. I didn't experience EMDR for about 3 months into an intense schedule of 2 visits a week. My therapist believed she could help me at this point through the EMDR process. So she does, and what happened at this point, had my therapist about to call the medics and have me sent to the emergency room. I resisted the session at first but was thrust into a very old memory of an experience while I was 2 years old. I had suppressed this memory for over 50 years. I immediately began to convulse having no control over the effects I was experiencing, and had stopped breathing. I came around after a couple of minutes with my therapist screaming at me - breath Daniel, breath!!! This memory was of me falling through the ice at the lake and drowning. The physical effects experienced were of me drowning and dying. What the therapist couldn't interpret was an experience of hypoxic convulsions from freezing and drowning. It was very traumatic and it was something I would reexperience every day for nearly 6 months. I would be triggered every time I tried to fall asleep. It wasn't until I asked my sister if anything happened to me when were were younger that could explain this behavior. That is when she said - yes, you fell through the ice and drowned. My therapist said at the beginning that therapy would be hard and it would most likely get worse before it gets better. She was spot on with that remark. But having discovered the source on some of my worst PTSD was helpful, and to this day has allowed me to find answers that I would have never come to realize. It scared my therapist to death. Therapist need to be careful because they don't know what "Genie" they are releasing from the bottle.


How does EMDR work with C-PTSD clients when the main cause is emotional neglect? The memories aren’t overly specific or distressing.


neglect makes you feel worthless but also extremely fearful and unsafe as a child because you feel like your parents arent there to support you and cant look after you efficientely and if you were in potential danger noone will help you and you cant defend for yourself because youre too young, its very scary so i can imagine ptsd and being on edge can be from that too


There are so few therapists who trully try to understand their clients. Thank you for putting your time into this different aproach 👐


Just started EMDR a few months back, and it’s worked miracles for me. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do, but it’s been so worth it. Wishing you all the best on your healing journey! 🙏🏼💖


Thank you for posting this video. I have recently started EMDR and I have been fighting the process which is a bit disheartening. I think I need to talk to my therapist about going back and doing more work on stabilization and affect regulation. I present myself as being more together and in control of my feeling and obsessive thinking than I actually am, so my therapist took me at my word and jumped into meat and potatoes before I was ready for the fall out. I acknowledge and recognize this is because I wasn’t upfront about my lack of coping skills (I didn’t really know at the time I was going to be so reactive) and we will need to have a very frank conversation about what is going on in my head. Cheers.


I have been doing EMDR for around 6 months and it has changed my life. My trauma started when I was a little girl and continued till now. My therapist is awesome! I have complex ptsd and body dysmorphia. I see myself so differently now. In the beginning I use to take my trauma outside of her office and cry all day but I have learned to leave my trauma in a box in her office. It is very hard at first to go into that trauma experiencing it again but it gets easier. It is hard work but in the end it is worth it.


“what was wrong was what happened to you; not how you responded to it.”

hear this and hear it again!! once more for good measure!


Very informative, thank you. I was considering it...but I'll pass. I had a therapist push me in to a psychotic break back in the 90's and then drop me because I became "too complex". Just trying to establish a "safe place" would be impossible for me. I really do appreciate your honesty.


wow, it's really helpful how you logically lay out the symptoms and definitions, but also make sure to say that it's not our fault... it seems like if I had you as a therapist in my past I would still be in therapy. it's really tough to find a trauma therapist who has any idea about cptsd. thanks for sharing your knowledge!


Thank you for this very informative video. I celebrated 5 years clean from drugs and alcohol. Just the tip of the iceberg! I am learning about how my childhood trauma and neglect is still impacting my progress. Just started looking for a therapist who does EMDR. It's fascinating how our brains work and can be repaired.


Last year my therapist who I had only had two sessions with at the time started full on EMDR therapy with me. I had one session and it has forever changed me. I was at my most vulnerable point at the time after having already done too much trauma therapy on my own too quickly and this one session shattered me. I was totally retraumatised by the experience. I thrown back in to preverbal memories that were so overwhelming I ended up with a terrible increase in symptoms, ie obsessive thoughts and extreme anxiety and hypertension. The whole experience was utterly terrifying and I have regressed so far with my healing. A year on and I am definitely more detached from my self and the world and am constantly outside the window of tolerance. I don't know what to do. I am taking antidepressants now but I feel they just increase my detachment. I am still seeing the therapist that did this to me and am making no progress at all. I will never do EMDR again and I'm sad that this is the case as I know it had the potential to really help me 😔


just found your channel on youtube and I am really happy I did.


Dear Barbara, I am so grateful I found this video. I have been trying to start EMDR with a therapist, but got stuck at the "safe place" exercice, not able to bring myself to feel safe / create the mental space to connect to feelings of safety for over 2 weeks now... After I was instructed to 'try harder', I found that trying so hard made me desperate and miserable, to the point of making my depression much worse, and quickly spiraling down into suicidal thoughts for the past few days. Your video helps me to understand and acknowledge the complexity of my own emotional state, and know there are ways to help recovery from complex PTSD -- and probably, most importantly it also helps to understand the need for self-compassion and patience through the process. Thank you for giving us access to this invaluable information as we have to assume looking for the appropriate type of therapy and professionals on our own and to be our first own caregiver. I look forward to learning more from your channel, and to asking many questions :)


It made me worse and most therapists don't have a clue about complex ptsd. It's like trying to make an amputee grow their limb back.


Thank you so much for mentioning childhood neglect. It’s an issue that is, uh, neglected.


I’m in trauma therapy with c-PTSD. And I feel like it’s for certain events but when it’s everyday it’s too much to go through
