Did the Dogon Tribe Predict What Stars Are Made Of?! | NASA’s Unexplained Files | Science Channel

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The Dogon tribe of West Africa has had many accurate predictions about the stars. Did they get their astronomical knowledge from extraterrestrial species?
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Did the Dogon Tribe Predict What Stars Are Made Of?! | NASA’s Unexplained Files | Science Channel
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Just because White European could not discover it, it does not mean other civilization were stupid.


The Dogon never had a chance to continue their research since the Europeans came and interrupted them. But Afrikans has already mapped the stars and done more astrophysics than the Europeans, in Afrikan Ancient Egypt


What amazes me, Here is a tribe of people that have 100% proof of a past we cant explain but we just watch these shows and dont act on it. Doesnt this get your brain ticking...What was before us. How did they know this


Dogons are wise, Native American's are wise, ancient nations are right, NASA are Dodo's compared to these knowledge passed down. 😅


In the village I grew up in Lagos, Nigeria, we could and still can tell the past, present, and future time through the sun. WE KNOW, WE DON'T PREDICT!!! THE DOGONS KNOW, THEY DON'T PREDICT.


Sirius C imploded thats why you can't find it and why the dogon have not been visited in 1700 years


I absolutely love how angry all the racists are...


Someone I met while camping in the Mojave referred me to a great book. MAN BEING VOLUME 1: THE TRANSMISSION. Unbelievable read. Highly recommend to anyone who wants a new Hermetic work. Authors are Dramos & Bohemias. Don’t know how this book isn’t more widely known.


Maybe we should point the James Webb over there see of we detect any life signals.


We also know about Time machines that won't be revealed to the public


they didn't predict it. The dolphin aliens from Sirius told them!


Maybe they’re actually longer rocks, like an iceberg, and the winds are blowing sand into the middle and around the edges in a circle. There are rocks on hills but also patches of dirt, could be sand blown around.


I think the shamans left there bodys and in astral travel went to the sirus system and where able to recive information. Not a fan of the ancient alien threoy.


They always trying to water stuff down maybe this, predict that, claim this 😂 they knew exactly wtf going on


I wanna know how you come to talk about an invisible star with people that do not speak your language and who you’ve met three days before. This part of the story is missing here.


The religion of the📌 Dogon people, Amma is the creator god. He is benevolent and sees and knows all. Amma created three other, albeit lesser, gods. 🚩He created Nommo, his son, who is a water spirit. Amma also created Lebe, considered the Earth incarnate, and has its fertilizing characteristics. The third god is Yurugu, who represents a fallen man. The Dogon people are animists who also believe in malevolent and benevolent spirits in objects, animals, and places.‼️


God had an amazing capacity for creating the universe in such a way as its an insanely complicated orchestra.


Is predict the right word? More like they were told and knew.
How that happened, well I’ll leave that to you.


Hypothesis: An ancient race of spacefaring creatures came to our solar system millions/billions of years ago. They came with technology based on geometry. They went to mars, noting how it would be in the habitable zone, and attempted to build their geometric landmarks. But the conditions of mars meant the effect they were hoping to achieve was unsuccessful. So they came to Earth and tried again. Earth's volatile but more hospitable conditions allowed for the desired effect to take shape. The effect? Life-forming geometry. Perhaps some of the oldest stone monuments we have here on Earth were created by an alien race, that at the time of their construction, worked in tandem with the Earth's magnetic field to generate electricity that could be harnessed and directed towards inorganic material to produce organic material, akin to that being produced by the scientists in England (I believe Cronin's was an important name, but I forget the details). So this monument on Mars is a failed precursor attempt at creating life in our Solar system before they were successful here on Earth. Which could go some way to explaining why we have a hard time finding concrete solutions to some of the architectural 'anomalies' we find from places like Gobekletepe. Call me crazy, but I don't think it's too far fetched. The odds of the universe existing as we know it is practically impossible, the fact that there is life here is even more impossible, so to be close minded and say this hypothesis is ACTUALLY impossible would be more ludicrous than to posit that perhaps there's some weight to this idea


I actually did a channeled message with them via stichomancy today to connect with my ancestors and they brought up woods that I didn't even understand at the time such as imu, and specific words talking about a bright light I'm sure it had something to do with Sirius. Anyway my whole point is a lot of stuff I ended up finding after I finished the reading and I went back and looked at my notes to look over what they were trying to say on the bright side they say that anyone who has ancestral connection through oral tradition by keeping the stories alive keeps them alive so continue talking about this 😊 of course talk to them too they will definitely have a lot to say
