Washing Your Toes

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✍️Today we take a look at what happens when you tear your ACL. How do we diagnosis, treat, and manage the condition. We learn about what is involve with surgery and how surgery is performed. We talk about recovery and what you can expect after the injury.

👨‍⚕️Dr. Matthew Harb - Orthopedic Hip and Knee Surgeon
📍Located in Washington DC
📚Education and Insight
🛠Minimally invasive, outpatient, hip and knee replacement surgery

✍️QUESTION — If you have a question, comment, or topic you want me to cover about medicine, orthopedic surgery, or musculoskeletal conditions please post in the comment sections and let me know!

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Dr. Matthew Harb specializes in minimally invasive, muscle sparing, hip and knee replacement surgery. Minimally invasive surgery allows patients to recover faster and have less pain post operatively. Implants are tailored and custom fit to each patient to allow for improved performance. Dr. Harb’s expertise in rapid recovery protocols allow for quick recovery after surgery and excellent outcomes in patients with hip and knee arthritis. With minimally invasive, muscle sparing surgery patients can return to their lifestyles and get back to doing the things they love sooner. Dr. Harb performs outpatient joint replacement surgery with many of his patients walking independently and going home the day of surgery.

“My focus is excellence in patient care, expedited recovery after surgery, and getting people back to the normal activities they love. Our team focused approach is committed to superb outcomes, improving lives, and returning patients to living pain free.”

** The information in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor/health professional **

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Bro has an insane amount of trust in his balance


Bro ain’t even worried bout his grippers


When I was a dumb kid I touched the water very gently with the tip of my finger, there was a small line where it just deleted my skin multiple layers deep. I'm just glad I touched the stream and didn't block it


The first time we got a pressure washer I didn’t know that it was powerful enough to hurt you so I went to play with it and shot it like a gun. I then sprayed at the ground and accidentally sprayed my little toe, I didn’t think much of it and kept playing until after a few minutes I looked at my little toe and noticed I had ripped off all the skin from it. Then the pain started to set in.


I love the fact that my 8 year old cousin sent me this


when i was a detailer i once pressure washed the top of my hand. it looked for all intents and purposes like i’d just scraped my skin off, but i didn’t think much of it believing it would heal on its own bc it wasn’t bleeding a whole lot. two weeks later it’s infected and barely scabbed over. completely scarred my hand now, one of the most baffling injuries i’ve ever had


Bro got more confidence in himself than I have taking to anyone 💀


Dude is like the end of every toy commercial


My man with the biodicc . I never knew that future could be this cool!!


Remember, psi stands for pounds of pressure PER SQUARE INCH. Pressure washers are rated typically 1000-3000k for regular consumer electric ones to 4, 6, 8000 gas or diesel powered washers


I shared it to everyone because they don’t deserve to die


The cucumber was stronger than the grey concrete stuff 💀


My mom and I didn't know how strong these things were until we tried to wash our feet with it. Luckily we weren't severely


I still shake my head at the memory of a neighbor power washing his driveway.
While wearing Flip-Flops.
I saw, and just pulled over and started a casual conversation, complimenting him on his new toy. As he was bragging about how powerful it was I asked, "So, if it takes the moss off this easy, how easy do you think it'll take off your toes?
He was an EMT.
He got the hint, and got his boots.


Send this to someone you don't want to lose...HIGH PRESSURE INJURIES ARE VERY DEC-


My parents bought a pressure washer and used it as a shower head. My brother was liquefied and we weren't able to find him after his encounter with our new "shower head." It's assumed that he went down the drain, but that day we all found out the dangers of pressure washers


He took take out the dogs to a whole new level 💀


First rule in pressure washinh. Never EVER put any body part ANYWHERE near where the water comes out! Learned my lessiin on the first day. I was licky it was just a graze.

Ive seen a short thay shows (using a ham ) what a pressure washer does to flesh. Its nasty, the outside can be as little as a pin hole while the inside gets obliterated. My ex's dad worked with a water cutter that he said he watched a mam get cut in half in less than a second. Dont ever doubt just because its water it can not and or will not cause damage.


Got the smallest wound from a power washer on my finger in high school that is still a scar to this day. Now I know why


Bro trust that hose more than he trust his life💀
