Pass Your Driving Test First Time Like This 2022 | Newcastle Under Lyme

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Pass your driving test first time
To maximize your chances follow these simple tips to your driving test.
Make sure you turn up on time that way to wont be feeling as nervous for the real test which is when you get in the car.
Always make sure you have a warm up driving lesson before your test but not much more than an hour as it gets tiring.
Check you have everything you need before leaving the house.
Take your driving instructor or someone who is going to help reassure you in this stressful situation.
IF you are confused with a direction or instruction ask the examiner to repeat the request.
Never assume you have failed before getting back to the test center as chances are you got a minor driving fault not a serious fault.
Get the lay of the land of the general area you plan to take your driving test.
Finally driving test routes are not everything, but it might be worth having a go at one or two so you can see the challenges you are going to be expected to face. Watch this video to see me take on one of the regular driving test routes around Newcastle Under Lyme.
Stoke-on-Trent (Newcastle-Under-Lyme) driving test routes have been specifically designed by the DVSA examiners to include parts of the most challenging areas with Newcastle Under Lyme and Stoke On Trent. Its well worth getting to know the area as well as you can during all time of the day or similar times to that of your test.

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I watched this video this morning and this is pretty much the route I got🤣, I passed


I noticed a few checks I do that it looks like you don't.
Probably not even worth of a minor, but thought I'd mentioned them anyway in-case anyone would like to engage in a discussion.

1. After waiting at traffic lights or pedestrian crossing, check left and right mirrors for overtaking bicycles or motorbikes before moving off.

2. When turning right and waiting for on-coming traffic a right mirror check before moving in-case of overtaking motorbikes.

3. After entering a new road (or on speed limit change to higher speed) centre and right mirror check for any overtaking vehicles before accelerating.

4. Lanes merging two-into-one side mirror and shoulder check on relevant side.

5. Entering a roundabout left mirror check for anyone straight-lining.

6. Reversing into bay on left do a right blind-spot check before frontend swings around, and visa versa.


had one minor for speed where you went 31 in a 30 zone, but apart from that nice driving


I passed my driving test
I watched your videos it was so helpful thank you so much


I’ve got my test in around 14 hours in NUL and dreading it. I failed my previous practical last year in Crewe so fingers crossed tomorrow goes well


Got to be the easiest drive round Castle I've ever seen.. No roadworks, no smart phone zombies stepping into the road, no 18mph taxis, no temp lights 8 metres from a fixed set of lights, nothing
Gosh, I wish I could have just one day a week on the road in those conditions...


Just a suggestion but it b helpful if u use head camera too so we can tell where u r looking when u looking at mirrors etc


Why does it feels as if the video is faster then usual, as if everything is happening quicker then usual. Maybe because I can't see the bonnet of the of the car.


questions; 5;45 you mention waiting in the middle of a traffic light giving way to oncoming cars before turning at a green light. Regarding this, how many cars can wait in the middle? One or Two?


Fair play for putting yourself in our shoes 👍


Hi Josh. I'm interested in booking some driving lessons in Automatic car for July is it possible for it? Thanks


Hi Josh, hope you are doing well.
I cleared my theory test. Now waiting to take practical date. But before taking I would like to have a mock test with you.
If possible can you let me know your availability and mock test charges if any. So would like to have your comment on my driving.
Await your reply.


Hello! at 15:30 mark, is that a no entry on the right turn of the road?


Hi Josh can I ask
How long it took you to gain your trainee licence please


ooops said Cars... More work needed for part 2


Hi Josh. Please I need you as my instructor. How do I get in touch on phone?
