Goldfish, keeping them alive and healthy for years using an Anoxic filter

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Yes, there was a time when I could not keep goldfish for very long either. However, once I started using the anoxic filtration system all that changed and my goldfish lived for over 15 to 17 years. The anoxic filter is a game changer for those who want to keep Koi and/or goldfish.
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I remember when we were kids we won some goldfish at the carnival throwing the ping pong balls in the glasses they were Grandma bought a 29 gallon fish tank second hand from her nextdoor neighbor to home them in and she had two air pumps and 2 of the old penplax clear plastic housing type filters to put an air stone and layer of filter floss one bottom some carbon in the middle and more floss on the top then put the cover part on top she ended up with about 13 gold fish in it including some celestials and fantails and the original 3 fish won at that carnival she figured maybe to have them be alive for 3 to 4 years tops...surprisingly they all made it to full adult hood healthier than ox's and all lived over 20 years and she never dreamed they could live so long and that she would be caring for them as pets for so long. She was careful to never over feed them and fed them once in the morning and evening, she cleaned their filters alternating every week and a 25% water change with dechlorinator once every 2 weeks so bi weekly she was so happy when they finally all started dying off of old age to get rid of the fish tank finally... LOL


Case closed! I can't wait to implement this system with my new tank. Sound advice from a man that's done the research. Thanks so much Dr. Novak!


Second time I've watched this video. I implemented this system in my new 50 gallon tank. It's been only 2 months but so far I'm thrilled with the results!. I bought 6 young Orandas to add to the new tank and haven't lost a one. In the past I accepted a loss of 1 out of every 3 I've purchased from the same reputable dealer. I have a fin nipper in the bunch and don't bother medicating and the victim is recovering just fine. I can't wait to send you a one year update! Thanks again Dr, Novak for all the sound advice. We do hear you!


Would be nice to see a video on how installing the anoxic filtration. This video was very helpful and I’m surprised no one else is talking about it


These videos make me want to try goldfish again, as they are beautiful and originally got me in the hobby


it was yesterday when i discovered your channel. Goldfish corner youtube channel also said that traditionally clay was used to line goldfish and koi ponds. and after googling i learned clay is also very beneficial to people and it's eaten in some parts of the world. thank you so much, i will upgrade my kannister filter in near future, i hope my fish will grow long and happy lives, thank you so much!


Wow thank you so much. I never planned to have a aquarium or pet fish. Stupid me wanted a cute little fountain outside to enjoy the sound of water but also control mosquitoes repopulating from feature. I put some cheap “feeders” in it with lotus, floating plants and solar pump etc. Low and behold I they survived after raccoons and weather to the fall. I couldn’t just kill them so now they are inside and I have little to no knowledge about how to keep the tank clean without going crazy. I’ve had for a yr now and they are still alive with plants and snails. But I so needed to find someone with a better method to keeping them happy and thriving til they get a pond. Thanks so much again truly it’s hard to find goldfish videos that are this informative.


Thank you so much Dr Novak. I have amongst many aquariums an African Cichlid tank that is heavily stocked (to reduce aggression). The Nitrates after a water change would sit at 150ppm. This worries me, so I set up a BCB basket in said tank. The Nitrates never rise above 20ppm before a water change now. I am so happy and grateful for your teaching me about the Anoxic Filtration system.


In Japan many Gold fish and Koi breeder using montmorillonite clay powder into their tank or pond. I tried that too, color and scales of the gold fish look shining after using clay.


I know about the female youtuber you're talking about i used to watch her all the time, I've also made the same mistake as her but I actually gave up after the first time. I've always loved orandas and when I lost my two orandas i just moved on to different fish. Now after 5 years of keeping fish and with more knowledge I'm feeling more confident and watching your videos I'm getting this desire to get myself some orandas one more time. I will definitely try your method when I finally decide to get them. Thank you so much I've learned so much watching your videos.


I appreciate your insight! That girl just didn’t really know what she was doing and then called the whole breeding of fancies unethical as a cop out! Sad!! I love my goldfish and I don’t give up on them. ❤


You are so right about the clay. You have proven it. I have been keeping a fancy goldfish for 36 years. I get them from Walmart or the box store, which is a 3 hr round trip. I just love them, , but I have lost my fair share. Then our town switched to well water in 1989 or 1990. Our town is about 150 houses. Then my fish started living 11 - 15 years. I only have 3 to 6 at a time. I know you are also correct about having quality water. We have very good water which is really made a difference for my fish.


I have had goldfish for years. I have hanging filters, I start with feeder fish, that within a year are 7-8" long and I move them successfully to an outdoor pond. I add a scope of food grade diatomaceous earth everytime I add water, I don't have sick or dying fish. I now have fancy and orandas, also with no issues. I also add DE to my fish pond. This has worked for me for over 20 years 🤷


this video is a game changer. exactly what i needed to hear. you got me excited again for this hobby. Thank you sir!


Thank you so much! Finally someone that I can get the right knowledge to keep my fish living a long life!


I have only 1 oranda in a 20 gallon long and she is 3 years old.Im mainly into tropical fish.They are expensive like you said and I spend alot on her to keep her healthy and it works.Sometimes its not all about the tank size but the quality of water.


thank you dr. novak. The same thing happens to me with goldfish too. I consider myself an experienced aquarist, and yet I cannot keep these fancy fish for a long time. Your video made me regain my spirits. I want to give him a hug. thank you


Back in the 70's when I was a kid I was given a 55 gallon tank. Being a kid w/no $ I went down to my local pong w/ a couple of buckets and gathered muck from the bottom and some surface muck w/ algae, sticks leaf detritus the top 2" of the pond bottom. I mix the muck w/ soil to a thick mud consistency @ 2" deep in the tank topped w/ 1/2" clay kitty litter and mixed the top 2" of pond bottom with sand added to the top of the litter added water planted w/ some pond plants and put some rooting plants my mother had ( a spider plant and some Ivy) on to the back wall. Got a couple of little blue gills and a small 3" bill head and saved up for 'fancy' gold fish from the local dept store. The only time I every had an issue was if I over stocked the tank. That was the only time I had to do water changes.No pumps or air stones only a cheap lighting and that's it. Once the system was balanced the only maintenance is to top off water. The old KISS systems are the simplest and most tried and true. In the 80's under gravel filters were the rage, in the 90's Every one wanted the clean look so we moved our deep beds and bunches of plants and external filtration to the sump and ran an off set lighting schedule and circulation pump and called it a refugium. Back in the 70's I didn't know squat. I figured that if it was good enough for real life/ nature why wouldn't it work in a tank.


thank you for this video. I'm having goldfish issues right now, with dropsy and fin rot. The one with dropsy was my fave and the 2 with fin rot came up recently. I will look into the anoxic filtration system for sure now. Thanks again.


wow. awesome . The lights of the aquarium is brighter than the reflected sunlight.
Your goldfish is something to look foreward to in future as the journey begins.
Thanks for the quick update on the 20gal at 21:40. That little bit of gravel can be lifted up with a hose siphon, just like a vaccum. Those gravel at the bare bottom maybe caught in the sponge when you clean your tank, acting like a glass cutter.
I appreciate updates every now and then.
