Why I Am Spending Millions To Be 18 Again

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Blueprint is a public science experiment to determine whether it’s possible to stay the same biological age. This requires slowing down aging processes as much as possible and then reversing the aging that has happened. Currently my speed of aging is .76 (DunedinPACE). That means for every 365 days each year, I age 277 days. My goal is to remain the same age biologically for every 365 days that pass.

This video is a whirlwind tour of what my daily life looks like as my team and I are on this adventure.

On the surface, Blueprint may seem like something about health, wellness and aging. To me, it’s a philosophy.

Blueprint was born when years ago I would overeat every night as a result of the stress of everyday life: being a startup entrepreneur, a father to three young kids, leaving a religion I was born into, chronic depression etc.. Every night, at 7 PM, there was nothing I could do to stop myself from committing this self-harm of overeating. This was rapidly degrading my health and wellness and speeding up my pace of aging. Eventually, I playfully fired ‘Evening Bryan’, and revoked his decision making authority from 7 PM - 10 PM every night.

I imagine a future where we would not accept self-harm as the norm. The idea of systematically and reliably avoiding self-harm may be one of the most important goals of the 21st century. How silly is it that we do things, individually and collectively that harm our self interests? How odd is it that we are so normalized to it that we even cheer it on?

Our best selves, and a positive shared future, may start with this simple principle. Blueprint is the plan for that.


Рекомендации по теме

The fact that you're giving this data out for free is too amazing to put into words!


(This comment is old I know things had changed)

Unlike other proclaimed biohackers, he isn't selling anything! no supplements, no books with dreamy promises... he is only sharing data for science, for free!!! that's why i started to follow his journey.


He kinda looks uncanny though. Kinda young, but also kinda very old.


This is the absolute perfect storm of excellence. By that, I mean this is such a pure place to learn! Already independently wealthy, so not selling anything. No malicious motives, no affiliations or biases to cater to or skew, just a genuinely curious and hungry "scientist" sharing his findings with full transparency right in front of you.

Keep the content coming Bryan. Big fan and excellent work.


As long as this stuff isn’t stressing you out I think it’s great. Stress is the thing that ages people the most imo.


IMO the world needs more people like this. Anyone who has worked in a nursing home will know why.


When you spend too much time trying to live longer, you spend too little time living


Thank you for going through this groundbreaking work, this is an incredible achievement. Good luck


Who would have known that being ridiculously rich and living a lifestyle where you can focus 100% of your efforts on sleep, diet and exercise while being surrounded by a team of medical doctors and scientists could prolong your lifespan?


Publishing his data gives a whole new meaning to the phrase “being a public person”. I think more people should do this and we should eventually transform society to focusing on health again, like the philosophers of ancient times imagined.


Thank you so much, for your research, and for the open data. My goal is to look as good at your age. You're a living legend 💪


Just found you and am fascinated! I will be doing a deep dive. Thank you Bryan for all you’re sharing with us.


You are an inspiration and paving the next step in human evolution. To everyone saying his not really "living", what is living? Eating unhealthy food, binge watch netflix, go out and get drunk on the weekend?🤷🏽‍♀️. This is a man of vision, purpose, healthy, seem to have a great relationship with his family and is leading in his professional field. Sounds to me like the pinnacle of living.


I’m 23, I find what you are doing very inspirational and helpful, before I learn about you I started to invest on my health and longevity. It’s great to see someone focusing on this path and shares the knowledge, I truly appreciate it.


Very interesting Brian. I am with your journey!


Looking forward in seeing his results, keep us updated and looking good for your age..


Let's be younger and healthier in a better world, I am 46 and taking baby steps in this new journey, feeling so much better, thank you for your teachings, Brian. You are an amazing human being. 🙏🌹


I lot of people in their mid 30s and 40s have started longetivity routines, people like you inspire everyone to live healthy and stay fit.👍


One of the few YouTube-channels that is really worth the subscription.


Definitely an inspiration! Keep it up, never look back ❤
