MongoDB How to insert documents

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#MongoDB #course #tutorial
00:00:00 MongoDB shell
00:03:56 MongoDB compass
{name:"Sandy", age:27, gpa: 4.0},
{name:"Gary", age:18, gpa: 2.5}])
00:00:00 MongoDB shell
00:03:56 MongoDB compass
{name:"Sandy", age:27, gpa: 4.0},
{name:"Gary", age:18, gpa: 2.5}])
Complete MongoDB Tutorial #6 - Adding New Documents
How to insert documents in MongoDB | MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners
Manually add Data or document in Mongodb Collection | Insert data in mongodb compass table
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MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners - Inserting documents in MongoDB -Part -7
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#06 Insert Documents in Collection | Fundamentals of MongoDB | Complete MongoDB Course 2022
Creation & Insertion in MongoDB
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How to insert documents in mongodb java | MongoDB | Java | Part -1
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Create Database, Collections, and Documents in MongoDB Shell