Be The Change - italktosnakes

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I'll be honest. Though I don't condone homosexuality, I also won't stone anyone who practices it. Personally I have better things to do with my time. But I absolutely will not tolerate polygamists. And neither will God or Jesus Christ. God clearly gave his answer to polygamy in the Bible. The book of Genesis clearly states what will happen to all polygamists. So I will never tolerate polygamy.


Todays awesome cuz i just watched a video by one of my fave people talk about how they support a community that i sadly have no choice but to be a part of. Still dnt understand why the pansexuals were left out (look up pansexual if u dnt kno wht it is, or pm me and i will explain) cuz we're just as awesome as the lgbts but still. Be the change cuz i wanna get married to my beautiful gf someday god dammitt!!


No matter what religious or discriminatory [not trying to discriminate against any religious groups.] people come to me and say that people who are different should "burn in hell" I will not change my opinion and my opinion is: Everybody should have equal rights. No one should be judged based on their personal decisions when it does not harm themselves or others. Being a lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender does NOT have a negative affect on the community. It just provides more diversity. ;)


I completely agree with this! My Aunt is a lesbian and even before I noticed this, she was my favorite Aunt and she will be until the day she dies...which hopefully isn't soon because she also was just recently diagnoised with breast cancer. My day was actually notsome because I felt sick basically all day thanks to Mother Nature's curse, but this video made me feel better.


Monday was awesome because there's a new baby in the world, and if I have anything to say about it (which I really don't b/c he's not mine, but maybe I have some influence?) he'll grow up in a world where being different is good. Welcome to the world Moshe Leib! <3


I'm open-minded and whatnot, that hopefully goes without saying but I have noticed the LGBTQ community acronym gradually expanding to include more people. Which is great, sexuality isn't simple to define but my worry is:
What happens when they run out of letters?


U guys are awesome for supporting this!! I'm not any of those things, but i totally support people in whatever they want to be!! Everyone is a person, so we might as well embrace them for who they are!! U guys are setting a great example!!


Thank you so much for doing this. I have felt completely alone in the fact that I am a straight female, who completely supports the Gay/Lesbian community. So thank you for making it okay and showing you can support it and not live the lifestyle.


What a fantastic theme for this week! I cannot wait to see the rest of the girl's videos. Thank you so much, Kristina for being so fantastic and open minded and passionate. <3 You guys are wonderful


My day was awesome because of these Be The Change videos. =) It warms my heart to hear about the acceptance we as humans still have, because I believe people can be good, and I like it when they show that they are.


There's a group at school for this kind of stuff. I was in it ofr a while but we never really did anything so I quit. Although it's a little weird; I've never heard of the 'questioning' part of it.


An awesome theme. We are living in the 21st centuary, people have been LGBTQ since the begining of time. People need to realise that it's not weird. It's natural. I'm an ally all the freaking way.


today is awesome because my subscriptions box is filled with be the change videos, and it makes me realize that, even here, I'm free to be openly me--whatever I am.


amazing theme..and i so agree with you kristina..
we should accept everyone for who he/she is..everyone's different and has the right to be different..let's be the change..!


I am [now] a LGBTQ ally. I have some gay friends but they don't get treated horribly by the teens at our school. (though that might be because we have a lot of gays.)


is it nice have more than 2 views on a video you made because i feel sad than i only have 2 views on videoes of mine that i works really hard on =(


@lilbluehersheykiss Someone flagged your opinion of my sense of humour as spam. That's sweet and all but a little bit mean to the commenter..


It would be amazingly ironic for youtube to be the foundation for a worldwide acceptance of lgbtq, have you seen comments the past couple years.


Today was awesome because this video was awesome. You did a great job saying what needed to be said in such a short amount of time. :) Thank you!


Awesome video about an awesome project. I'm an ally, too :)
Today was awesome because i watched the entire 1st season of Doctor Who :)
