Laws Cannot Prevent Crime

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The author of the article linked below, and so many people on the political left seem to ask this question, or others quite similar to it, every single time there is a horrific crime involving a gun, so let me answer this simple question, yet again...
No law ever has prevented a crime. Laws cannot and will not ever prevent crimes! Laws merely prescribe the punishment one will receive for violating the law. That is it!
What stops people from committing crimes, especially those who lean toward criminal behavior, is not the law, but rather the prospect of facing the consequences of being caught violating the law.
When a mass murderer plans on killing them self upon the completion of their horrific act, I ask you, do you think they give a crap about the consequences of violating the law? When a mass murderer gets the attention he craves after committing his violent act, if he lives through it, do you think he cares about the consequences he will face years down the road? On a smaller scale, when the criminal gains street cred for serving time in jail, and that street cred gives him power and prestige amongst his peers (other criminals), do you think he cares about the very short lived consequences of his criminal acts?
Laws cannot prevent mass murderers. It just is not even remotely a logical thought process to expect that.
However, what does stop them, every single time, is being confronted by a good guy with a gun. While we cannot prevent them, we most certainly can and should be concerned about stopping them as quickly as we can, and you do that by having more good people armed, trained and ready to react when evil shows it's face.
Original article I shared:
No law ever has prevented a crime. Laws cannot and will not ever prevent crimes! Laws merely prescribe the punishment one will receive for violating the law. That is it!
What stops people from committing crimes, especially those who lean toward criminal behavior, is not the law, but rather the prospect of facing the consequences of being caught violating the law.
When a mass murderer plans on killing them self upon the completion of their horrific act, I ask you, do you think they give a crap about the consequences of violating the law? When a mass murderer gets the attention he craves after committing his violent act, if he lives through it, do you think he cares about the consequences he will face years down the road? On a smaller scale, when the criminal gains street cred for serving time in jail, and that street cred gives him power and prestige amongst his peers (other criminals), do you think he cares about the very short lived consequences of his criminal acts?
Laws cannot prevent mass murderers. It just is not even remotely a logical thought process to expect that.
However, what does stop them, every single time, is being confronted by a good guy with a gun. While we cannot prevent them, we most certainly can and should be concerned about stopping them as quickly as we can, and you do that by having more good people armed, trained and ready to react when evil shows it's face.
Original article I shared: