How to make a Balearic sling

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This is how I make a Balearic sling for target practice and competitions.
The truth is, these slings can be made from just about any material, not just the ones listed in the video i.e. sisal, hemp/linen, esparto, etc. These are just the materials that, from my experimentation, produce a better sling.
Working with a camera between me and the braiding proved very challenging, so I'm sorry if it looks awkward at times.
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My ADHD has my fully engaged in this. All other chores and responsibilities have been put on hold until I've completed this. My wife is going to be so mad at you.


This is the best instructional video on the balearic sling making on YouTube. Thank you so much for making this valuable content.


Wow. I've been making thinks out of string, cord, and fibers since I was a small child, but I never had anyone to show me anything. Over my decades of doing this, I have made maybe 12 slings. It's always been out of my own curiosity, though.

On the third or fourth sling, I came up with a design which is basically this, apparently. I never thought to include a different type of fiber for the tassel at the end of the sling. That makes a lot of sense.

My daughter sent me this video today after we were having a discussion about some of the things I've made and she was saying that it is a lot like how "practical archeologists" figure things out. (Sorry if I misspoke there. I've never heard this term before.)

I've never seen how slings were actually built, have never used an actual sling, and am just a guy with no university schooling. I'm just curious about how things work.

It brings me tremendous joy to see that I "created" something which has been known since ancient times. Which is to say that I am so happy this video exists.

It makes me so happy to know that the techniques I've developed organically over decades of messing with things are the same that have been used for millennia.


Another item to add to my ever-expanding list of “Things I Never Knew I Needed And Now Have To Make”! The only comment I wish to make is that, instead of the constrictor-type overhand knot for retaining the tassel, a Matthew Walker knot be used, as each strand of the tassel is used to lock into the others (basically a series of interleaved overhand knots).

Thank you for a complete and thorough explanation of this process!


Thanks to this video, I was finally able to make my own sling. I made mine out of synthetic twine. It was the worst material to work with especially when tapering. Though the worst part was joining both legs of the basket. It took nearly an hour to get it positioned just right so I could continue weaving. But the sling works. It works beautifully. You, sir, are an amazing teacher. Can hardly wait for Part 3.


This is guy is very thorough, very detailed & he leaves nothing out .He's a very good teacher .I learnt so much from this video .👌


You, sir, are an INVALUABLE asset to the sling community.
I'm lost for words to qualify your presentation. WONDERFUL, AMAZING and SUPERB comes to mind.
May all the luck in the World be with you!!


Over the years I've always had such curiosity of ancient/medieval weapons, and have been crafting and carving swords and piked weaponry since childhood. Ranged weapons have always been a struggle however. This video has definitely opened a whole new world for me, and I hope you know that your teachings will never be forgotten. Thank you


This is what youtube is for. Amazing work. Thank you for the education!


Like 1000 times more difficult than a bow string. Awesome stuff, thanks so much for talking the time and sacrifice to learn this, in this age of cut plastic overburden.


Amazing stuff! I want to thank you for making me appreciate the balearic sling and the sling in general. I am waiting on the video in which you discuss how to sling properly. Thanks!


Thank you for this tutorial, i finally built my first sling. I used hemp for this one and it took me around 6 hours and it wasn't as perfect as yours obviously but i am still surprised with the outcome.
Next time i will try with sparto since it is very common where i live (Iberia), and i will also try to make a pouch to use smaller ammunition.


A few years ago I grew some Kenaf, a fiber plant similar to hemp🤔pondering. Your work is beautiful. Thank you for the inspiration and thoroughness in showing how to braid the sling.


You caught that first shot of the rock flying by the cam perfectly. It was a perfect shot. Just that first scene in your vid, it was Artistically perfect in that unexplainable way.


very nice and detailed, my respect. Since I have seen your slings with my own eyes, I know that they can compete with the best from the islands. 👍


It's a skill and an art. Wonderful!


This is going to help so many people making these slings. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.


Beautiful sling. Many thanks for showing how to make the original. I usually cut a few corners being lazy and impatient and make mine from paracord. A bowline loop for the split pocket and small one for retention cord, and a knot on the release cord. Good for tennis balls for the dog. For stones I use duct tape to cover the split pocket. I’d like to see an expert trained on the traditional Balearic design try a paracord sling and compare accuracy.


I’ve never been interested in this, but I think I’m going to try to make one just for kicks.


Велика подяка вам за відео.Вже тривалий час захоплююсь темою балеарської пращі, але досі не знаходив такого докладного керивництва по її виготовленню.Ще раз дякую вам за гарну роботу!
