Goodbye from Martina

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💞 I haven't been responding to the comments, but I have been reading them. Thank you for sharing your wonderful stories about when you found the EYK channel, your favourite segments and moments, and the kind messages. It has been extremely emotional, but the comments have been helping to bring a smile and to remember many warm memories.


We love you Martina and support you 100% on your new channel. I can’t imagine how hard this must have been for you and you’ve been really brave. You made EatYourKimchi such a wonderful thing to experience for a lot of us and appreciate your goodbye 🤍🤍🤍


Grew up watching you guys through my teenage years. And now I’m a grown ass adult in my mid twenties. Whilst it’s been painful watching the transition, I’m happy that you are moving forward and closing this chapter. It’s a part of the healing process and I hope you find peace from it. Thank you for all the memories you made on this channel for us!!


I was in high school (2009) when a I got into K-pop and in my country it was really unpopular at the time. I watched all of your videos back then, it was a way to connect to people who had the same interest as me. I’m thankful for all the happiness you brought to teenage me and I’ll cherish all this memories. I wish you all the best you deserve it ❤


I cried so much watching this.. it’s the closure I didn’t know that I needed and I’m grieving the loss of the past with you Martina. It feels nice to genuinely mourn the loss of this channel after so many years of watching you guys. And I’m proud of you. I’m so proud. I’ve started watching all of the king kogi videos and it gives me the same nostalgia as the EYK videos did. And I want to thank you for that. I look up to you so much for the strength and dedication you have.


Thank you for everything Martina...I'm saying goodbye to this channel as well. You are the heart of Eatyourkimchi.


Thank you for literally shaping my childhood and teenage years, regardless of what both of you do, i hope that you are both happy, as happy as you made me for years and years. Love you both💗


Martina out here making the hard videos like a boss. Keep keepin on in the King Kogi Kingdom! I'll see you there <3


I unsubbed and moved over to King Kogi long ago, but today, this popped up in my recommended videos. I didn’t realize how important this closure would feel to me after watching EYK for so long. Martina was always the heart and soul and talent of this channel, and it hurts moving away — but I am so proud watching her flourish on KK. So long, EYK! Its old content will always be a happy memory.


Thank you for addressing this. I’m so proud of you for taking this step. I will always appreciate what you gave us here. I remember watching you guys educating on how it was coming to Korea and becoming teachers and tips you had.
This was not just a channel. This was yalls lives and it impacted so many people.
You’re right that we can’t control things and I appreciate you bringing that up.
Thank you for all your time you’ve shared with us. I am excited for your future in King Kogi. I look forward to it.
Thank you Martina truly.


I think this was needed, but in the long run I think we all know it'll be healthier for you both. Thank you for putting yourself first, Martina. It was a tough decision to make but the rope will burn less when you let go.


Never commented before but wanted to say, an old video you made was about ‘building a ladder’. You said ‘if I’m going to die anyway, I might as well do the things I like before I go’ (paraphrased as it was a very long time ago). This literally saved my life. I still take time each year to list films coming out, games launching and places I want to visit that year as ‘things to do before….’

Anyway, I’m still here cause of that. Thank you x


I’ve been here so many years and it breaks my heart to see you cry, Martina. This page was so critically important to me for so many years. You helped me escape my abusive family by giving me hope and dreams to look forward to, and you helped me navigate my disabilities and mental health. I love you Martina and I will follow you anywhere. I wish this wasn’t being held against you. You deserve this page, without a doubt, and for it to remain sacred. But you deserve safety and a fresh start too. It’s so unfair that you’re forced to leave this page/community when it was your baby and family, but you are so SOO loved by us.
I’ve already followed you on all the new pages 💕


EatYourKimchi made me so happy and got me out of sad times. Will cherish all the great laughs and memories I gotten. King Kogi kept that happiness alive and I’m beyond thankful. Beyond excited for the new year and all the big things for King Kogi 💕


EYK got me thru some of the DARKEST times in my life. My sister had just ended her life, I got kicked out of high school multiple times, I was heavily addicted to drugs, everyday was so painful. The only escape I got was watching travel videos, which was how I found you. Y'all actually got me into Kpop, which was an amazing distracton for me at the time. I'm subbed to King Kogi and watch all your vids. Thank you for all the work you have done and will do! Still here for you.


The community fully supports this decision. I have watched as Simon has continued posting and everyone has said repeatedly to stop and just keep this as an archive. Martina, I am so happy that you have been brave enough to do this for us and for yourself. You are an amazing person, you have helped so many people and deserve the very best in the new year. ❤


Martina, I’ll miss you posting here. I’ll continue supporting you on your other channel. Please stay strong, and continue being who you are. Your ladder’s been built so keep climbing.


back in 2011-2012 no one around me knew what kpop was, and I felt so alone until I came across EYK. Thanks to you I found an amazing community, full of laughter and good memories that I'll cherish forever. I'd hold what EYK was very close to my heart. I'd also like for it to keep being an beautiful memory archive. Thank you for being such an important part of my 20's ♥ I'll follow you in your new adventures, you have all my support Martina ♥


Sad to unsubscribe but happy to be following martina on her own journey. Love you queen, live on the legacy


I'll always come back to watch all the old videos because I have so much nostalgia in them but otherwise I guess this is goodbye to my subscription to eyk. Thank you to both Simon and Martina for what you built and I'm sad to see it end but I'm excited to continue to get similar content to what I initially subscribed for over on King Kogi!
