Boy Recalls Being Held by Jesus During Pool Drowning

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Max McKee was just a toddler when his grandmother found him at the bottom of her swimming pool with no signs of life. However, Max recalls being held by Jesus while he was unconscious and recalls something significant on Jesus’ hands.

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What a good brother to immediately start praying for his little brother❤


Praise Jesus! The Holy Spirit urged me like this too 12 years ago, over my son—I fell on my face before God and prayed for I don’t even know how long, but until I felt the peace of God. I got the call shortly after getting off the floor, that my son was in a bad car accident & they could not tell me if he was dead or alive-but, Jesus rose up inside of me His faith-I knew my son was alive! He was air lifted to a trauma center hospital. I arrived at the hospital to find my son paralyzed and spent 5 days in ICU—30 days later, my son walked out of the hospital to Father Gods Glory!


I am 73.
The list of times the hands of God saved me is endless.


My nephew drowned in the pool of the hotel that my sis & her husband managed. His dad found him & resuscitated him. All glory to God.


I once got a conviction to pray for my mother. At night. In the middle.of a movie. She was on a bus coming back home from the city. I ignored it at first. But it got so intense I couldn't breathe so I finally went to my room and prayed until I felt a peace come over me. It was 9pm. My mom came late that morning. She told us at 9pm as they were on the road, the rear wheels of the bus burst, and the bus just swayed all over the road but didn't lose control and overturn. God is great


You are raising your kids right! Hearing your son praying for his brother… wow!


What a beautiful testimony! At 16 months my son contracted bacterial spinal meningitis! Years later he told us of being in Jesus’ arms in heaven and all what he saw there! Our God is so loving, good and faithful!


Yes Max you are a miracle. Praise God -- the power of prayer. We never know what God has in store for us, He saves us in so many ways. Thank you Jesus!


Made me cry when he held up his precious drawing 🥹
Praise Jesus for comforting & healing this boy.


Amen Max, you ARE a miracle. What a beautiful story of God’s intervention and healing. ❤


Praise Our Precious Caring Lord Forever🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


I too was saved by Jesus when I was little and fell into Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana at 5 yrs and I wasn’t scared either because these big strong hands and arms picked me up ever so gently by my shoulders as I was looking up at the water swirling around not touching me at a beautiful light above as the hands and arms came down straight away to me and I recall opening my eyes laying on the bank with my one yr older brother yelling I saved you, I saved you but as I got older I realized he couldn’t have or would have drowned with me .But who did the arms and hands belong to? I kept that story to myself for such a long time trying to figure it out afraid to say anything for fear of being called a liar or get into trouble by not being believed! I have throughout my life been saved many times and told what to do and not to do and I am no longer afraid to speak my truth and affection /thankfulness for the love that has saved and protected me in the name in our Lord Jesus Christ to this day and why I am a reborn Christian in his light and hope to help others come back to his love 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍♥️


Glory to Miracles still happen!!!! SO happy for this beautiful family!!! Thank you Jesus


I love his big brothers prayer for him while he was under the water. This little boy Max is full of faith along with his parents and brothers and all of those around him. Such a miracle right here!! 🌟💛 Praise the lord!!


Thank you Jesus for saving this precious baby and all you have done for us!♥️✝️


Hallelujah! This story hit so close to home. I was out of town working and I received a phone call, my sister told me that my son had drowned in the pool. He was 2 at the time. My wife was there and she cried out to God. God gave him his life back after being in the bottom of the pool for 5 minutes. I gave testimony at our church and him and I sang together Gentle Shepherd and gave glory to God. He sang with his little lungs that God had preserved. Your guys story is incredible and I'm so happy for your family. God bless!


Any time a 2 year old can testify of the love of Jesus Christ you know God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit is real that testimony touched my heart Amen


Thank you Jesus for returning this little boy to his family. You tell us all things are possible with our Heavenly Father and You encourage us to pray is recorded in the Bible so did You🙏❤️❗


Thank YOU JESUS for being our GOD and never letting us down. It's so overwhelming to hear such awesome miracles!
