Avengers VS X-Men

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Today on Variant, we matchup the Avengers and X-Men, breakdown down the power sets for both teams, and see who would come out with the victory!

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Tim (Producer)

#DoctorStrange #XMen #Avengers
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It depends highly on what incarnations of each team are fighting. I can't choose a winner because I love both so much.


"Wanda killed 95% of the mutants and resurrected them again"
And Franklin Richard couldn't do that? As you said yourself he literally created a pocket UNIVERSE as a kid, I'm sure he could kill 95% and resurrect them 10 times over


The key word is reality manipulation. That what makes wanda powerful. But x-men have a lot of people that can manipulate reality.


Mutants are hands down the most OP group in comics.


I know more about the Avengers, but I’m pretty sure the X-men would win. During the Avengers vs X-men storyline from the early 2000s, Professor X alone managed to put an entire battlefield of Avengers and X-men to sleep. Take all the telepaths on the X-men collectively and they can do that on an even greater scale. Then, anyone still standing after that can be dog piled by the rest of the X-men.

Also, considering the great mental abilities of the X-men I don’t see Wanda as such a massive threat as the telepaths can just break her mind (which history proves isn’t difficult).

Additionally the Avengers don’t have many (or powerful enough) telepaths on their side to prevent the attack from the X-men telepaths. The Avengers have like Moondragon and … I think that’s all of them. That’s another point from the same Avengers vs X-men issue I was referring to before.


A lot of times when you read/hear about some of the powers these characters have, you wonder how are there “battles?” I mean a lot of them can just destroy reality, or maker their opponent not exist. So how would there be a fight?


Remember Wanda only casted no more mutants with the aid of the Life Force and even then it didn’t effect omega level mutants (including Jean who was in the White Hot Room where Wanda’s spell couldn’t reach). Also, since Wanda couldn’t undo her spell, it took the Phoenix coming to Earth in AvX and Hope Summers expelling the force to restore mutants. Again, it was Hope Summers/Phoenix Force, not Wanda, who restored mutants. There’s literally comic panels of the Cucoo sisters stating what Hope did. Also, Jean as the Phoenix becomes White Phoenix of the Crown. Who unlocked the full totality of the Phoenix Force. Which is stated to be the 2nd most powerful entity right behind TOAA. Even the Beyonder(s) wouldn’t dare tread in the White Hot Room where the Phoenix lives.

While I love Jean and Wanda, it’s no comparison between the 2. Wanda can do minor reality warping while Phoenix has omniversal reality warping skills.


the x men absolutely mop the floor with the avengers. Avengers cant just win because the have 1 overpowered character x men have the quality and quantity over the avengers way more powerful people overall


Yeah but the X-Men would just send someone back in time to warn the mutants and they'd take out SW, but then Strange would do some fabric-of-reality manipulation, triggering the mutant reality warpers and then all bets would be off...

Could make for a fun story!


There are so many counters to Wanda, though. For reference on any of the 100s of them, just read any comic where the X Men go against the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. She is a regular, and not unstoppable by any means. She is high end powerful, true, but so are so many other characters. I noticed that you brought up Galactus for the Avengers, and failed to mention that time that Franklin Richards made Galactus HIS herald to fight the celestials, lol. You know, when they survived the universe being erased, and Franklin remade it from scratch? Good times.


The X-Men have 2 reality warpers including Hope who can duplicate powers. How do they lose?


Franklin Richards also made Galactus his Herald so he's on the same level as cosmic entities like Eternity and The Living Tribunal. This makes him easily more powerful than Wanda. He should have been the focus of this video.


This didn't mention the biggest deciding factor - the Avengers have much greater aggregate plot armour. Way more characters who can carry an individual series, way more characters who can carry a movie franchise. If it really came down to it, this one would be a wash, ending with an all-powerful interdimensional being named the Living Corporate Lawyer appearing to sell off the X-Men's rights to Hulu or something.


The X-Men have Legion. As unstable as Wanda can be, but infinitely more powerful.
It would come down to four characters: Franklin Richards, Legion, Hulk and Wanda. Everyone else would be dead.


I’m with the X Men not the Avengers, I’m a Mutant through & through.


I would love to see this turned into a movie


Wanda definitely feels like the deciding factor but she originates from the x-men and ha seen a part of that team as well. Just like Wolverine. He's mainly been an x-man but he was also a part of the avengers so really the determining factor would be which team she sides with. So my question is how and why did you decide that she would be with the avengers fer sure?


It depends on who's on the team at any given time. Also depends on the writer. But in universe? X-Men steam rolls


Naw naw, if that’s the case, we can say professor X can just take over everyone’s mind and make them stop breathing. Or ice man just freezes everyone’s lungs or brains. Or Franklin just stops Wanda from warping reality by taking everyone to a pocket reality. Come on man.


6:07 For years, I’ve thought that Rogue had the potential to be the most powerful X-Men member due to her power absorbing ability. Today, you informed me that Hope Summers can essentially do the same without the need for physical contact.
