How can I get my 7 month old to stop screaming and hitting?

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It's very normal for older babies and young toddlers to hit. They're discovering the world around them, they're learning about cause and effect, and understanding their emotions and how to react to them. And you mentioned that you have a 7 month old that is hitting, and you're wondering what you can do to get them to stop and get over this behavior. Again, it is very normal. At 7 months of age though, a baby doesn't understand words that you speak to them. So you can say "No", and eventually they'll understand that, and it's not a bad thing to say "No", but they do understand nonverbal cues. They get a furrowed brow, or a negative expression on your face, and a firm tone of voice. So every time your baby hits, firmly say "No", and then eventually they'll understand what that means. And by doing this, you're laying the groundwork for what your expectations are.

One of the reasons a child hits is that they get a reaction. Whether it be positive or negative, children like attention. So if they hit and you start yelling, then that actually reinforces the behavior. So instead of reacting, just, again, have a firm tone, don't freak out, but don't ignore it either. He needs to learn that that's not okay. And then, eventually, as your baby gets older, they'll understand what acceptable behavior is and what isn't. Also as your child gets older, you'll be able to enforce consequences for negative behavior.

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We liked the strategies, they seem quite easy and practical. Thank you !


This helped me a lot since my brother Ethan Yan has been screaming since his 5th birthday


My son keeps screaming at the top of his little lungs. He's only 7 months. Its too much...


Some how i keep coming back to ur videos lol


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Looking for info on how to stop yelling specifically. My son is 9 months & yells with very little babbling. No hitting


Do I count down out loud so that he knows to expect the countdown or just count in my head?


Just scream in its face until your baby gets an earrape


my daughter 4months and she's scream a lot
