Panhandling picture goes viral

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Picture showing Grand Chute town Chairman Dave Schowalter standing next to panhandler is going viral.
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never forgotten when I was a kid, went to kfc with my dad and there was a lady outside asking for money to feed her kids. my dad told her he would buy her and her kids the biggest family meal kfc had. I remember thinking, wow my dad is going to help someone in need. I felt good about it, until she said "I only want cash!" that day I learned people lie.


Saw a homeless guy panhandling, brought him a large meal and drink from Burger King. As I handed him the drink and the bag, he almost wept with joy, saying " Thank you for understanding!" and ran under a tree and wolfed that burger down like he hadn't eaten in days. (he probably hadn't) So, some of them are telling the truth.


You'd think the pink hair made it obvious.


Many years ago I was approached by a pan handler saying his wife had gone into labor and he needed money for a taxi to take her to the hospital. I looked around and didn’t see her anywhere. I didn’t have any cash on me anyway, so I said sorry, I can’t help. The next week I was walking in the same area, and the same man approached me with the same story. I looked at him and said, “Your wife went into labor last week.” He just turned around and walked away.


We have a guy in my town that stands on a busy corner with a sign that says "need money for wife with cancer", or something along those lines. Before he goes home every day, he goes to the quick stop and buys cigarettes and beer. One day I passed him and there was another guy standing about 10 yards away from him with a sign that said "⬅️con-man" pointing toward the other guy. Made me laugh so hard .


Amen. When I was out of work, I would see a church or a business that needed something done, like mowing or trimming of something painted and 9 out of 10 would give me a job to do it. I lived like that for 2 months until one company put me on full time because of my WORK ethic. So, IF you're out of work, LOOK for work. It's there.


Maybe ten years ago I saw what appeared to be a homeless guy begging, and I mean begging, for change. He was really putting some emotion into how he asked for money. You would feel like a monster if you walked away from him. I'm sure he put on this show for me since I was a teenage girl at the time and I was the only one around at that moment. He was sitting down with his back against the wall, his hair disheveled, and his clothes looked filthy. He claimed he was incredibly hungry. I only had the money my mom had given me to get a couple of subs at Subway so I told him I would give him some of the change when I came out and I did. I was worried my mom would be pissed but she didn't raise a fuss and the man was so thankful.
A few minutes later we went to the gas station that was at the end of this particular mall and as I am walking in to pay for the gas the same man comes walking out with two bottles of wine. We made eye contact, he hung his head, and he quickly turned and walked away without a word.


One time a guy asked me for money because “his car broke down around the corner with his family”. I saw him a week later in the same spot telling the same story.


gave a homeless guy my sandwich after school one day walking home & as soon as I turned to walk away he threw it back at me saying he wants money & called me nasty words. I now show little empathy


I'd sure love to stand next to some politicians with a similar sign: "BEWARE some politicians are fraudulent".


I once offered a mum and her children gift card to whole foods (because that’s where they were sitting outside) she said she needed cash instead to stay at a hotel. Having children myself I looked up local hotel on Expedia (I get points so it’s a win win for me). She declined and said she can’t get there. Asked her how she got there and she told me she got there on a bus. I offered her uber. She was almost annoyed with my persistence to make it work. Even with hotel and uber it was going to be cost a bit over a $100. I’m At that point I knew she was not a good mother. She was using her kids to get cash out of soft suckers like myself.
The point is if I can’t trust a mother to do right for her kids then I sure as hell not giving it to a able body person who’s perfectly capable of working their limbs.


I was once living off of the day olds left over from work and there was a guy asking for money for food. He was really excited when I reached into my bag, but when I pulled out my much needed left over food from work to share he outright refused it. I learned a lesson that day. I also once gave a homeless guy some of the food I just bought and he just threw it on to the ground, and I just wanted to slap him silly. I know what it is like to be so hungry that I ate food that was rotten or I knew would make me sick, and it ticks me off when someone who claims they are in that spot too proves they are well enough and maybe even better off than I am. Although, this does not always happen, there are people that are happy to get any food they can and is grateful to those acts of kindness.

My grandma said that it is up to the person we give things to to chose what to do with it. Once it is out of our hands it is not up to us to be disappointed if our gift is misused.


I lived in downtown Minneapolis for the past 2 years and pan handlers seemed to be everywhere. What I loved was my apartment managers would go "OH no not that guy" and would go inside. Then I would have this guy come up and tell me some story about how he just got of the bus and had no where to go. Now not everyone was that way. Had a guy ask for money as I was walking down the block to get something to eat. Guy asked for money for something to eat. I offered to buy him breakfast and the guy thanked me and sat down to breakfast at Keys Cafe. I was shocked he accepted as I expected to be turned down. Talked to him for about 45 mins while we ate and he was just happy as he had just gotten approval to move into assisted housing that morning. He thanked me for breakfast and I never saw him again. I hope he is doing well.


My brother in law ( a Chicago police officer) was out with my niece and nephew, when they were approached by a pan handler, deciding that he had a teachable moment, he decided that he would show the kids just what fraudsters panhandlers could be, so he asked the pan handler what she needed the money for, when she said a room and food, he offered to call the local precinct, (which was less then two blocks from where they were standing) and get her a ride to a shelter which would give her a bed, shower, and a hot meal for free, the woman lost no time in making herself scarce, when the kids asked why the woman had run away, he told them outright that what she really wanted was money, for drugs and alcohol.


I love seeing people being taught valuable life lessons


When you give people money, you risk giving it to them knowing they may misuse it. That's part of it.


Once offered a homeless guy $100 for a days worth of work. The dude laughed and said he can make twice as much begging for money. Most of them don’t care to be helped. Some of them like it so don’t feel sorry for them. Try asking them if instead of money they can $10 for an hour of work...if they do it then have them work it, if they don’t then obviously they want to stay homeless. Don’t be an enabler


I stopped by McDonald’s on the way to visit my dad. He had asked me to pick up a sausage, egg, and cheese McGriddle. They had a buy one, get one free, so I left with two. When I got off the interstate, there was a panhandler with a cardboard sign reading, ‘Hungry, please help’. I was about five cars back from the stoplight as he approached my car. I gave him the extra McGriddle. As I pulled away, I looked in the rear view mirror in time to see him toss the food over the guardrail. Motto of the story: If you want to help people, donate to organizations, not individuals.


If a bum can afford a pink wig, she can get a job. Especially if they are citizens and have an ID. If an immigrant with no contacts can get a job why can't they?


My neighbors son made $500/day tax free in HB Ca on Main Street by the pier. Of course he spent it all on drugs and alcohol.
