Pastor Cash Luna: Guatemala's richest pastor & God's giant carrots - BBC Stories

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Ben Zand spends time with Guatemala’s huge evangelical community. Visiting a Guatemalan million dollar mega-church, and meeting Cash Luna - one of the most famous pastors in Central and South America, and one of the wealthiest. Cash Luna runs Casa de Dios, one of the world’s biggest churches. Ben also meets Pastor Sanchez, from the town of Almolonga. Almolonga is famous for the story of transformation, where God blessed its giant carrots and vegetables, saving people from poverty. Both men claim they have the ability to heal, and that the story of Almolonga’s carrots is true - but is all as it seems?
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When you speak spanish and still read the english subtitles.


I am Guatemalan. I don't attend any of this churches but I think, and this is my personal opinion, in one way I feel like this was a bit unrespectful. The fact that someone from another country visits my country and talks about it and about how everything is wrong and puts everything under bad terms is not new. Religion is a very sensitive topic but of course there is nothing wrong on sharing opinions as long as everyone respects each other. Anyways, it is all a matter of opening up to what people have to offer, to what a culture has to offer. Thank you for visiting Guatemala and I hope you had the chance to enjoy your trip!


As horticulturist and Christian, I believe this is a miracle...Plants have varying sink capabilities...even if you feed carrot alot of fertilizers, they will grow reach a threshold and start diminishing...


This guy does not listen to the pastors correctly


I’m from Guatemala and yes we have all kinds of people like some people preach just to make money yet I believe there are people that are doing it because of their faith anyways god bless my country 🙏🙏
Thanks for the video btw


His name is CASH.
That tells you something.


God can heal, He will do it for free. Just have faith!


Not this video, nor any reporter will be able to explain God’s work. No matter how much you try to dig but God is not a car or a recipe that you can tell how he work. Other than that thank you for giving us another perspective of how people who don’t believe will end up believing 🙌


The translations were very disingenuous. When the pastor was speaking of people watching the film being healed, he did NOT say that everyone would be healed, or that everyone in the world will be changed by the video. I don't mind questioning in an interview, but the twisting of his words made this film extremely biased.


So there are no chemicals in London. I like how the simple farmer answered the seemly educated reporter with such wisdom.


Ben Zand failed to inform that most of the population in Almolonga are rich. The trucks that these mayan people drive are Mercedez Benz, trucks that they use to deliver their produce. Those huipiles that women wear, are around $200.00 each. So the pastor is rich because his church is richer. There are not poor people in Almolonga. That is the greatness of the mayan people, they look so humble, even though many of them are millionars. Another fact that you forgot to mention mr. Zand.


When I was on my 16 I suffered from Anxiety, panic, depression. I had money, family but inside on me I was so unhappy. And if you suffer from all of that you will understand me. One days on of my friends invite me in to church and I asked God to take all the sadness in my sold. That feeling was a blessing. Since that day my life change. Is been more than 4years. God bless you no matter if your don’t believe in him.


The only question I have is: why the giant carrots only come from Almolonga, while the farmers are using the same fertilizers and methods in other places in Guatemala? It would be interesting to see a study about this, because it gives me many doubts


One of the best videos about religions in Guatemala.
Religion is the opium of the people in Guatemala.
If that's not change, the country will be never have a chance to grow up.
Corruption, religion and ignorance are the worst evils in the country.
Well done Benjamin!


This was really funny, i laughed a lot. Mainly at Ben's reaction 😂 he was like yeah, yeah.... People are so naive and uneducated there. Those pastors make millions. I don't need to attend such a place to believe in higher power, God is in my heart.


God has blessed the people of guatemala almolonga with these amazing crops. They closed jails and bars and opened 24 churches. No one understands how these veggies grew so much thats what the power of God does heals the sick and prospers. Families live in peace there


Shallow journalism. This is a desperate attempt to discredit the pastor. can't you subject these carrots to scientific tests and compare the result to that of 'normal and harmless' carrots?Then you can present the finding to the public to make an informed decision.


One lie that makes us happy is more valuable that thousand truths!


Que pasaria si alguien le diga al famoso pastor Cash regala todas tus riquezas a los pobres y sigueme* que haría?.(simple curiosidad) 🤔🤔🤔


If fertilizer made the carrots grew so much the US would use them
