The Truth About Farm Murder White Genocide Claims In South Africa

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People have been claiming that South Africa has a crisis of farm murders for longer than a decade, and recently some have claimed that a genocide of white South Africans is either taking place or about to. What does the evidence say in reality, and how are people trying to keep the believe of a crisis alive?

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As an Afrikaner I wish I could say this to people, but when I do it looks horrible for me


Personal testimony:
No matter your colour, you are in danger as a farmer.
I have an aunt who is a black farmer and there were several murder attempts against her and her immediate family by some of her employees at the farm and close calls during robberies.
My parents, black and coloured respectively, now own a farm and there were some close calls even when I visited for the holidays.
Our neighbors, coloured and white, respectively, also recieved some close calls.
Farmers and farmworkers are easy targets. Emergency services find it difficult to get to farms because of the landscape and GPS isn't much help in locating farm homes. There were countless times where people got lost when trying to visit my family because the GPS took them to a neighboring plot.

My commentary:
I find it offensive that Afriforum is using farm murder stats as if white people are the only farmers in SA. There are black and coloured farmers too in those stats. This campaign is just racist and exclusionary and a huge distortion of the reality.


Farmers are soft targets especially if the owners house is far located from the workers houses, so I've heard.


I'm so so glad more people are speaking out on this conspiracy. I find it disgusting that an organization is using people's deaths as a means to push their own agenda without facts and evidence.
You and Busting the Myth are doing exceptional work ❤️


Finally some truth being shed on this matter. It's definitely disheartening to find people using unrelated, yet tragic crimes to fuel the flames of their own agendas, thus misleading even the international community. Thank you Dan for this!!!


I hope media won't silence you. You are the most reliable news source, I no longer watch SABC, CNN and more. Thank you for your work


Why cant all people be this honest regardless of color😭


South Africa has a serious criminality problem & a narrative problem (to elicit desired outcome from an electorate or market), because people like bad answers that fuel their prejudice. The extent of the criminality is such that each specific grouping feels it is specifically and uniquely targeted be it foreigners-xenophobia, women-gbv, south of joburg-Zama zamas, Cape flats-gangs, KZN councillor-political violence, farmers-farm murders, taxi-hitmen & taxi violence.


How is it that it's only now i find this breath of fresh air because i don't do mainstream media at all.


Hey Dan, as a media personality who I think would would respect principle and right of reply, as you have raised points made by Afriforum, it would be prudent to have a follow-up conversation with Ernst Roets so that these points may be ventilated as necessary.


5:28 "they're trying to silence me" you couldn't have said anything better 🤣🤣🤣


Hey Dan, thanks for the video. I do think as someone with farming background, the real issue all farmers have in South Africa now are the same as most South Africans, load shedding, transportation infrastructure issues, water municipal or drought issues, safety issues mostly solved due to aligning with a security organisation, but most daringly local suppliers don’t always buy produce locally sourced😮


Their is a problem though with Sounth Africans targeting farmers over land but all its gonna do is lead to a growing starving population. The attacks on farmers need to stop


This is the content I have been waiting for!!

I've been so frustrated with this topic since 2019😭😭
I lost all hope after watching farmlands.

Great stuff 👍🏽


Well researched. I respect your journalism. Not only speaking the truth but backing up your thoughts with concrete statistics.

This "white farm murder" nonsense makes me so shamed of being an Afrikaans-speaking white South African. I am so grateful for this video. It is poking holes in AfriForum's agenda.

Thank you, Dan.


Dear Dan,

I want to express my sincere appreciation for the effort and dedication you consistently invest in producing thought-provoking content. Your commitment to research is evident, and I genuinely enjoy learning from your episodes. I eagerly anticipate each new release.

Approaching this topic, I must acknowledge that I entered into this episode with my own set of biases. As a 50-year-old white male, husband, father of two daughters, farm owner (not a farmer at all), business owner, product of an apartheid education system, and both a lover of our beautiful country and a critic of our government, my perspective is undoubtedly influenced by a lifetime of experiences.

Your presentation shed light on farm murder statistics that I was not previously aware of, prompting a re-evaluation of my thoughts on the matter. I am grateful for the information you provided, though I do have a few minor points of contention and one major concern.

On the minor front, I respectfully disagree regarding your belief that the number of commercial farmers is increasing. Anecdotal evidence and my findings suggest a decrease through farm consolidation, with conflicting data from sources like "Dianne Barnard" and SARS in 1994 (120, 000) and 1993 (60, 000), respectively.

Similarly, while I fully agree that South Africa's inequality, as reflected in the high Gini coefficient, is a serious issue, I believe there is no justification for violent crime, regardless of one's economic circumstances. Your use of the term "desperate acts" seems to justify violent crime, which I find troubling, especially in the context of discussing murder rates.

Additionally, you highlighted the private security industry specializing in farm protection. It is crucial to emphasize that an industry arises to address a pre-existing need. The order is essential—first a need, then a solution. Furthermore, the financial burden of private security is paid for by farmers, but is passed on to the consumers, thereby impacting us all. Without this multi-billion-rand industry, the farm crime situation could be much more dire.

Now, I recognise these are relatively minor issues which we could hash out over a beer around the braai, and overall, you've done an admirable job. However, my major concern arises when you discuss Julius Malema and the infamous "kill the boer" statement. I find it puzzling that last week, you deemed Benjamin Netanyahu's reference to Amalek as incitement of genocide, yet a week later, you don't apply the same standard to Julius Malema's words.

For one person to reference an ancient war as incitement, while for another, you require evidence despite explicit calls for harm, seems to suggest a double standard. Words carry weight, and the distinction between what is said and what is meant is crucial. Holding you to a higher standard is not out of criticism but rather an acknowledgment of your intelligence and thoughtfulness. I hope this critique is received in the spirit of constructive dialogue.

In conclusion, thank you for your hard work and your contributions in moving South Africa forward. While we may not agree on every point, I believe your channel has a positive impact on our country. I wish you continued success.

Kind regards,


i remember when this started getting attention i watched a documentary where they interviewed a family of a farm owner who was murdered. they hinted that a few farm workers were also murdered in the struggle against the attackers but their races were never mentioned and no follow up on their stories was done. i remember feeling so frustrated thinking the interviewer would go into it but it just completely got glossed over...


'Violence during farm attacks is much worse than the public can imagine'. “The things which happen during these farm murders are very cruel. I don’t believe people realise the cruelty used when the farmers and their family members are murdered in their homes’.

'Over the years the farm murders have become ‘increasingly sadistic’. “Often everyone inside the homestead is killed – even the pets. And people often are tortured in their homes for DAYS before the attackers finally leave". “The public must know how cruelly these people are being murdered. We were at scenes were people’s skins were peeled off their bodies; where children are drowned in boiling water. It’s horrific". *SHOCKING*

In their book Blood Sisters, two South African sisters Roelien and Eileen recount their experiences cleaning up after bloody crimes. That is their business... “The book goes on and on, each atrocity worse than the last. Still there is not a peep from the ANC... Their silence says it all... Anyway, what is there to ‘debate’? Debates usually imply there are two sides to a story. There aren’t two sides to this story. The facts are not up for argument.”
🇿🇦 #FarmAttacks 🇿🇦 #FarmMurders 🇿🇦 #Southafrica


Informative video. As a maths teacher, I appreciate your analysis of the stats. Afriforum were either incompetent in their analysis or deliberately misleading.

I thought you were a little dismissive of the “Kill the Boer” song. I agree with you that Malema singing that song doesn’t by itself provide evidence of a genocide but it is a incitement to violence from one of SA’s most prominent political figures and it certainly has the potential to motivate violent acts against white farmers (even if no hard evidence has yet emerged that it has done so). I think we need to at very least acknowledge its potential to produce violent, racially-motivated murders.

Otherwise, I agree that the most sensible explanation for most of these murders is wealth not race and I think we will only start to find solutions when we realise what the actual problem is.


Crime affects us all but if you think you special then criminals will remind you.
