After Effects: Clear Disk Cache to Save Hard Drive Space

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Clearing your disk cache can save a tremendous amount of space on your hard drive, which becomes increasingly important if you're rocking a smaller SSD. In this video, we'll go over how you can clear your disk caches in After Effects, or manually via Finder or Windows Explorer.

If you have any questions or feedback, leave them down below in the comments!
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Good tip. I have an SSD that I use only for caching and a separate one only for my windows installation. Then I use regular hard drives for my project files. This has really sped things up for me.


You can also go to Edit->Purge to clear the Disk Cache, so you don't have to go into the preferences


could you do a indepth color correcting and grading tutorial series how to correct certain problems and how to get a look your trying to go for for different moods genres and maybe to match certain types of music? i'd like to hear your take on certain techniques to achieve these things... because your an expert and usually very detailed when explaining yourself! thanks in advance!


how do you set an external drive to store the caches do you or anyone have a quick hint on that? thanks for the tut btw 


Can you customize and specify where the Media Cache files are to be stored? Whenever I'm done with an AE or Premiere Pro project, I copy the entire Project folder to an eternalHDD for archiving...however the Media Cache Files stay on my Computer's Hard Drive which was a pain since I didn't know what was clogging up my Computer's Disk space. (I Know now!) But it would be nice if I could archive everything into one folder....?


What version of AE is this? It looks awesome.


160GB taken up but previews still slow


Hi anh Sơn, I love to make VFX and I love After Effects. I just want to talk something about future of AE. I used to try using many softwares like Nuke, Fusion and specially Hitfilm. Hitfilm's really impress, it's so fast and easy to use. With some projects, I can playback realtime in Hitfilm while I got 30 seconds per frame in After Effects. In the future, Hitfilm (and another new compositing/VFX softwares) will developed fully like After effects, but After effects can't be developed to be faster like them, because they got the new technology platform and AE's too old. I'm afraid, afraid oneday, when hitfilm (and the others) grow more and more, get powerful tools like After effects plugin+script, there'll be no one use After effects :(. So I hope Adobe will re-build After effect at the beginning, whether have to renounce the old system that builded from 1993 for that After effect would become to be fast like Hitfilm, powerful like Nuke. I love After Effects .
