Opera Singer & Vocal Coach REACTION: Dimash Kudaibergen | Ogni Pietra Olimpico

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Occupation: Singer-Songwriter, Actress, Influencer, Performer
Birthday: July 12
Education: The Juilliard School
Editing Software: FCP
About: Maggie Reneé is a singer, songwriter, vocal coach, YouTube, Twitch and TikTok content creator and Honors Graduate in Classical Voice from the prestigious Juilliard School. She has an Album of original songs out on iTunes, has a black belt in karate, and performs throughout the world with a goal of bringing joy to audiences all over the world through music that touches people's hearts. 💗

Dimash - Olympico | New Wave 2019 Sochi
#DimashKudaibergen #MaggieReneéReacts #OgniPietra #Juilliard #Singer #Dimash #Operasingerreacts

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Рекомендации по теме

Yes, look at those "eyes", I did and I swear Dimash has hypnotized me...I haven't been able to stop watching him for the last 5 years! I even seen Dimash (The Master Voice) at the Barclay Center, Brooklyn, NY in December of 2019! I am obsessed with him!!


The author Igor Krutoy tell that he wrote an “opera” to Dimash for Second European Games at Minsk, and is difficult piece for to sing (for two opera singers, baritone and soprano) and is in is trained opera singer and He has classical vocal Technique and do it wonderfully!..Last perfect note is a high E6 for 7 seconds....for that reason I like Dimash! He is unique and amazing Singer. Saludos desde México…….! ❤️🇰🇿🇲🇽❤️🇰🇿🇲🇽❤️🇰🇿🇲🇽


Queen of the night high... You do know he does Diva Dance from the 5th element, right?

Dimash Bastau divav Dance 2017.❤️


Love seeing these 'vintage' reactions on your new channel. Looking forward to seeing the new reactions. Great analysis as always - thanks Maggie.


igor really did a fantastic job writing this song that used all of dimash's range. being as this was only a few years ago, he's still improved his high register greatly and continues to do so. there is no stopping him and he's involved in so many other projects as only wish him the best in all of his adventures and projects.


He’s absolutely brilliant. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Dimash is absolutely just one and only.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I love your reaction ❤️ I just really enjoy it.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Indeed, Dimash's voice in the first part is very deep and powerful, he sings in the bass-baritone range and as a classical opera singer.
And here is the second part of the song - alto, countertenor, soprano, passing in the key already above the classical soprano.
In the third part, Dimash sang in all the ranges that only exist in singing, and then rushed off to incredible heights, as only he can.
As one of the girls who listened to the song said: "This song was written for two people, but the girl could not perform, and Dimash calmed her down - "Nothing, I'll do everything myself!", and sang for himself and for that girl.".


I think this is my favorite song by Dimash! Amazing!


Excelente Maggi.has reaccionado a Ave Marías.te caerás de espalda.desde Argentina.gracias.


There’s actually a video of him backstage, looks like he’s warming up or doing a sound check, and just for giggles he sings the infamous passage from Queen of the Night. Like it’s nothing. Bah! I’ll be interested in hearing your take on his D8. I’m impressed he can make that sound, but it’s not a sound I really need to hear again. LOL. I don’t think he gets to a D8 in his duet with Li Yugang, but I like his whistle notes better there just because they’re doing Diva Dance and it’s appropriate to be making unearthly sounds.

Great reaction, Ms. Maggie!! 💕


I would like to see you react to "My Swan" from the Bastau concert where he sang it as a duet. I think it would be interesting to compare his high notes with the high notes sung by the soprano. When I heard the song without the video I thought they were all sung by one person but when I saw the video I saw that they each took turns! I would like to hear what you have to say about this.


Dimash has a clip of singing queen of the night


Thank you for calling Prince Dimash Oh my God How could Dimash turn himself in without leaving a trace... Oh my inexcusable God! It hurts all the strings of the soul!!! Good Dimash! So in this world, all is not lost! There is hope for good, light and peace! ... Dimash is a star in the sky shining all over the world... Dimash's voice is unique... Beautiful songs give people enthusiasm and the ability to live with a beautiful Give people a feeling of love and happiness. Dimash's voice spreads peace and happiness all over the world... He is an old soul with incredible wisdom and depth beyond his age... Such is what I challenged myself with every time my eyes fell on my beloved Dimash...
I have been following this man for three years and it still amazes my mind that he is a legend., You haven't seen anything yet..Here is information about the owner of this legendary voice, Dimash, This man is the eighth wonder of the world ❤Music, and the King of Hearts, Dimash his nickname and his real name is "Din Muhammad"., It's the abbreviation of Dimash, and Cody Bergen means "God Gave Him". Dimash Kudabergen, living legend, genius singer, one in a million, no, one in a billion. With 23 years of classical training, he has become a unique singer. He has an amazing musical education, all the technical details that he sings and uses, he knows how to work. It is musical perfection. There are no technical details that he does not possess, and no one has such talent and skills, it can be bass, baritone, tenor, counter tenor, alto, mezzo-soprano, soprano etc., issings in 15 languages, he has the biggest range . He sings many genres, opera, pop, rap and so on. In addition to the talent that God gave, the work that he did is amazing. From the age of 5, he dedicated his life to music, did everything to develop it All his amazing songs blow your mind that he is an artist from another dimension that will make you addicted to his voice, art and music that he is simply a genius of this century, , Dimash. He speaks Kazakh, English and Turkish, Russian and a little Mandarin Chinese, was born in 1994, his height is 192 centimeters. He has a very serious musical education since his childhood. Dimash is interested in oriental philosophy Legendary music artist. He is the king of emotions on stage. He has incredibly great technique, and a unique voice covering over 7, he's a convinced straight guy. Despite his immense popularity, he is not a spoiled man. On a human level, , in personal life - very modest, kind-hearted, educated, good and honest, never consumed, never smoked, neither alcohol nor drugs. His popularity began in Kazakhstan, he participated in the program "I am the singer" in China, and his star rose all over the world(Good at sports. He practiced swimming and martial arts and has a black belt in Taekwondo. Able to swim and ride horses. swimming in the pool, breathing control, range, healthy lifestyle)He is an amazingly humble, warm simple man, apart from his musical excellence, as a person he is an amazing person. His songs are exceptionally complex both technically and emotionally, he is able to properly develop emotion in music both vocally and artistry.Dimash has fans (called dears) from 150 countries around the world. she has good looks In Fans of all religions, cultures and nationalities, it is world music (well, she's very attractive and cute) or because her performances are fun (unlike other pretend singers who are more performers than singers and vocalists). We love him because of the talent he has, because of the work he has done almost all his life. He deserves everything. There is no other singer who can be compared to him, he is at the apogee of development.He plays 7 instruments, loves the culture of his country and wants to introduce it to the world. As I already wrote, he is very educated, he is still studying. he has 2 degrees in classical and contemporary, and on the way to a doctorate in musicology.Dimash has an incredible range that no one has ever had, full range 7.8 octaves, from G0 to D8. ( D8 whistle note, off the piano) Has very good details, staccato, distinctive vibrato, rifs, melizens, vocal acrobatic, glissando, crescendo, dominoendo, long notes, breath control, correct tesitura, Able to develop emotion properly, fit roles well . Uses professional technique, Italian Bell Canto technique. In his song it feels like he is a professional even without high notes.Unfortunately, as always, geniuses are appreciated late, this guy deserves much, much more recognition, I hope the time will come and he will be properly appreciated. I also want to mention that Dimash is like a drug. I have been listening to him for the third year, I can't imagine a day without listening to him, he is the best, not because he sings high notes and has a great range, but because he enters the soul with his song and you feel something you have never felt before. .But if we consider it from a technical point of view, in this case too Dimash is the best. As vocal teachers and professionals say, her singing is technical perfection. I could probably write a lot more, but I'll stop now, I want more people to know about him, believe me, you won't regret it. I hope I conveyed what I wanted to say correctly., His presence is so powerful and unwavering on stage, he is compared by some to the god of music, sometimes a prince or king, the energy he absorbs from the universe, how he anchors himself to the earth, and his connection to the god, all at the same time. The place gives him the strength and confidence to "arrange the audience, orchestra and song", so that everything turns out the way he wants and how Dimash feels, this is unique. All of these qualities are only present in Dimash, for sure. The goosebumps and hypnosis caused by Dimash are the hallmarks of his concerts and appearances on stage, shaped by his infinite beauty, sometimes transparent, sometimes sensual, sometimes angelic. Dimash storm, thunder, lightning, sun, rain, smile, 🤗For more Dimash, I subscribe to your channel, thank you❤salam 🙏


Gracias por reaccionar al gran príncipe Kazajo Dimash y por esta gran canción...Ogni Pietra...


Здравствуйте, Мэгги! ДИМАШ в оперном звучании великолепен! Трио Аида Гарифулина, Лара Фабиан и Димаш ( Ti amo cosi), дуэт с Аидой ( Uliss), Passione... А на Царице ночи он распевается!😘


Really appreciated the information you give, it’s so helpful for those of us Dimash lovers who have no musical background. ❤️❤️


This was fun to watch. Thank you. 😍 I'll be waiting for your next one. Warm greetings from Australia 🇦🇺


Please watch the music video for “Know” by Dimash when you can. It’s stunningly beautiful mix of contemporary and ethnic styles.


Saludos, Dimash es tenor, estudio ópera desde los 5 años e incluso cantaba de soprano se lo pedían los profesores y ahora obviamente todavía conserva esos niveles y más y siempre trabaja en superarse cada día, digno de admirar!!!yessss, es incredibel y tan joven ha hecho realidad su sueño de ser cantante y eso se lo merece bravo


Dimash y su maravillosa voz, saludos desde Chile 🇨🇱
