What is the Problem with Christianity?

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Pastor Carl Gallups lends unique expertise to the correlations between ancient prophecy and modern headlines in Ground Zero: Jerusalem.

Prophecy is foretold in the Bible — and fulfilled in today’s news. But America is not mentioned in the Bible, so can there be any true connections between modern America, Israel, and the end times?

In this series, you will learn how prophecy works, how modern America ties into ancient prophecy, why Israel is in the crosshairs, which countries to watch, and what’s about to happen next!

Make sure to catch this timely discussion on the next episode of Shabbat Night Live!

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Pastors are tickling ears. People don’t want to hear the truth, and people seek out pastors who sugar coat things.


The HOLY SPIRIT is no longer with the church's because they will not teach HIS WORD they teach the traditions of men which make the WORD of GOD void!!! Mt 15, 2-3 Mt 15, 6 Mk 7, 3-13 Colossians 2, 8 2 Thessalonians 3, 6 ... Wake up if your church is not teaching the WORD GOD will not BLESS it🤔


Exactly.  I was blasted on facebook by several local friends for posting coming prophesy, and pointing out the corruption and lies of the coming deception.  They all said, "that's not how to witness...just show the love of Christ".  Well Jesus tore the Pharisees apart in an entire chapter in Matthew chapter 23...and other times also.  He was exposing the false teaching, and that is what we should do.  The problem is there is no church that has the total truth.  The closest is Baptist with salvation, but then they don't teach the power of the holy spirit.  So many in church have never been in the presence of God.  I know because I ask. “For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.”   1 Thessalonians 1:5


REPENTANCE is not being taught in most churches either. And the need for repentance. Reciting a prayer with the pastor is not repentance unless something (change) takes place in the heart. The thief on the cross never said such a prayer. But Yeshua knew there was repentance in his heart.


Political Religion has major issues. You cannot serve 2 masters unless your anointed for it.


Everything he is saying is true

Nice how he also says, In my humble opinion. His opinion is the truth revealed by Yehovah through His prophets & His Word, Yeshua.

May His Kingdom Come! Hallelujah!


Christianity in this country is about money and advancement of the organization rather than the truth. In a very real sense many believers are tricked into believing they have the Holy Ghost. Who justifies and sanctifies a believer.
1 Corinthians 6:11 KJVS
[11] And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.
But here is the number one deviation from sound doctrine.
1 Timothy 4:10-11 KJVS
[10] For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe. [11] These things command and teach.


If you preach lawlessness in place of righteousness sin knocketh at the door and comes in.


I agree with Carl Gallups. He is 100% right.


Christianity has too much catholicism in it... it never left it's mother fully.


you can thank the "incorporation"[asking permission that was never required], the 501 c 3 churches that are now obligated to only "preach" what the permitting agency will allow. The body of messiah has never required permission from any other source to exist. Are we not under the law that we submit to? see it in the word of the father.


The church teaches the law is done away with. That's a much bigger issue then political correctness in my opinion


The Main problem is, WAAAAY too many people have "Religion", but they do NOT have a RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST!!! He is not a concept.... He is ALIVE and VERY REAL!!! But you WILL have to accept the FACT, that you are a Sinner in NEED of a Savior!!! THAT'S the thing keeping most people away....they just want to feel good about themselves.... without ever noticing that they STILL have the same sinful nature! Come to Jesus.... NOW!!! You don't know if you'll even be alive and able to, tomorrow!


The law opened the door to Satan to cast people to him alive. Abbadon and Sheol are never satisfied. They always have their gaping mouths open to see who can they devour next. Once evil enters it does not depart.


No Jesus. No peace. Know Jesus. Know Jesus. It's all about Jesus Christ AND the Holy Spirit. You can't have the one without the other!


JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY! He is the first of all creation, the Word made flesh, and fullfillment of the Word. Prophecy is His Church!


10% is interesting. Reminds me of Abba REQUIRING 10% as His portion. That 10% sounds like a "remnant". As the world gets darker we get lighter. A single flame will push back the darkness!! Even with 10% His plan will be perfectly executed. He changed the world with only 12 disciples... not surprised by this.


Is it true that there are 7 gifts of the holy spirit? One of those includes FEAR OF THE LORD, a thing catholics say...


As Joseph put away his gentile servants before revealing himself to his brothers, so Yeshua is putting away the gentiles before revealing himself to Israel. The apostasy consists of his servants not his family.


Why would you guys even have a man speaking about or trying to teach us anything that mentions Sunday morning worship and has no beard
