Brexit explained: What is the problem with the Irish border?

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Northern Ireland is the smallest nation in the UK, but the border with the Republic of Ireland could become one of the biggest parts of the Brexit negotiations. So why is the Irish border so important?


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Ireland wasn’t always part of “Britain “

It was and is a totally separate Island, a totally separate people, a totally separate culture .

It was colonized. by England and they sent people from England and the Scottish lowlands to take over the fertile lands that the Native Irish had been forcibly removed from .

These people that came over to Ireland kept theirselves separate , which was what the Westminster government wanted and they believed they were superior to the Irish.

Ireland has never accepted Westminster rule in Ireland and every generation has rebelled against the colonizers.

Eventually, about 100 years ago ,
The British government realized they couldn’t ever impose their unwanted ways and rule in Ireland and agreed to vacate, but not before partitioning the Island and giving their planters offspring an artificial majority in the north eastern part of Ireland .

This was and is the root cause of the conflict in Ireland,

Once again, Westminster hasn’t been able to do what it wants to do with Brexit because of its involvement in Irish affairs ..

Perhaps there is such a thing as Karma .


oh my god this ignorance of the video is astounding. the violence broke out late 60's as a result of the human rights of catholics to vote and work and be protected from protestant violence not being satisfied by the British government.


I have a solution. Give Ireland back to the Irish ☘️


British soldiers "clashed with republicans". Not to mention collaborating with loyalist paramilitaries and murdering unarmed civilians.


Uhm... Ireland was an independent country before being invaded by ‘Britain’, more than the 100 years ago you mentioned, you made it sound like they were not before regaining their independence...
and the Isle of Man is a dependency and not part of the uk... it’s a self governing country


It's not a Irish border, it's a British border in ireland


nearly choked with this propoganda. If thats how people are educated openly about Ireland, what happens behind closed doors.


"What's the problem with the Irish border?"

Britain. That's the problem with the border that YOU imposed. 100 years later, here you are again, imposing your will across our Island.


You need to go back a lot more than 100 years...


You forgot to mention the threat of violence from loyalists (loyal to the English crown) you only mentioned threat of violence from Irish Nationalists. Also no mention of the "Plantation of Ulster" Very biased.


It is not the Irish Border. It is the British border in Ireland. The British put it there in 1922. Get the facts right!


1:50 What this video failed to mention was that before Britain "ruled" Ireland, we ruled ourselves.


I'm from a Border town, and grew up with currencies, friends, events and politics split between both territories. I also grew up during The Troubles, with terrorism affecting people I knew, and endless experiences of nervous Squaddies swinging a gun in my face. I have other Border links, too, so it's fair to say I grasp the related issues very, very clearly.

As such, I'm sorry to say that the vast majority of British people - or should I say, English people - know nothing about the North, and care even less. I've long, long since stopped being surprised at the often shocking knowledge many such people have about the North, and the Border, which is just something that it seems the vast majority of British people associate with a problem 'over there' associated with the deeply unloved, unwanted part of the United Kingdom, rather than being a distinct problem for the body politic as a whole to overcome.

To this day, and this is where I Am shocked, the vast majority of Brexiteers either entirely ignore even acknowledging that the Border represents a significant, complex problem, or else they casually, blithely shrug it off as a trifling matter of no consequence and Why Haven't We Left The EU Yet?!

You'd almost despair at the almost proud ignorance on display, but that's just the way of it. Northern Ireland voted by a majority to stay in the EU, with the Northern Irish grasping the political, economic and societal harm that Brexit represents. But their will to remain has seen them required to sacrifice themselves, seemingly so that Nigel and pals can gad about, throwing shapes, free entirely of the consequence and impact of Brexit 'over there'.

No wonder it's been such a chaotic farce, to date, even ignoring the DUP's games as a minority propping up political corpse Mrs May, to enact a future that the majority in Northern Ireland democratically oppose.

It would be a farce if it wasn't such a tragedy...


Not the Irish border it's the British border in Ireland ... our border is the beach .


Let's face it, Ireland SHOULD be united.


I've seen so many videos and I am surprised that the UK still has no idea what is going on in Northern Ireland and why it's so important. Can't tell if it's ignorance or stupidity


Give Northern Ireland back to the Irish. The Brita stole northern Ireland from the Irish. GIVE IT BACK


Mother Nature already put a free flow border between UK and representing the tis called the Irish Sea


A video on why the public should not have been given a vote on something they know absolutely nothing about would be useful.


Because the English decided by referendum that NI should leave the EU against its will, then it might be equally fair that the Northern Irish should decide by referendum what kind of backstop they'd prefer: the entire UK part of "a" customs union or the border in the Irish Sea.
