One of the saddest bosses in the series (in multiple ways)

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Poor guy had a hard life.

Song used: Goron Mines - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess OST
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I was asked in the comments of a previous video to show the jump he does, and it seemed worth going over the whole interaction. There's apparently been quite a bit of confusion surrounding it, so hopefully this does a good job of giving a practical demonstration of what exactly is going on.

As with throw escapes, I've always thought it was a little weird how some players believe the ledge grab event was somehow unintended. It has unique animations and a prerequisite for triggering, and yet I've still seen some people refer to it as a bug. The rumor that throw escapes were a bug came from a prominent member of the souls community mistakenly claiming that, so I have to imagine similar misinformation may have been erroneously circulated by some other big name people trusted.

Something to consider, I suppose, is that many players probably only played the game a single time. When someone told them after the fact, they probably wouldn't recall the exact details of the fight, and so the notion that it was a pathing error or some other glitch wouldn't seem immediately outlandish. There are also likely some number of players who fought and killed Ceaseless directly, never witnessing the ledge grab event firsthand at all, who were told there was an "easy way" later on and simply accepted that it was a bug because they didn't have any reason to think otherwise.


"Just ignore how it's tragic and kind of cruel" - 90% of encounters in Souls.


Another tragic part of his story: the centipede demon arena is quite close to where CD is standing, and if you look closely you notice hes missing one of his arms. The centipede holds the ring that protects you against lava damage, and in the description it says it was given to CD by his sisters, to protect him from the pain the lava caused. What happened is that his arm fell off and mutated on its own, creating a centipede demon, and leaving the poor guy without his protection ring, causing him infinite pain.


I never noticed that his arm was fused to his chest since the camera is relatively close to the player and makes it hard to see bigger enemies. And I wish they waited longer to have him fade away and drain his health bar using the cliff kill. It would make it look like it was actually the fall taking him out and not 2 slaps on the hand.


He's willing to throw himself off a cliff just to get his dead sister's belongings back to her grave... In a constant state of pure agony, that was what tipped him over the edge (literally). Such a sad boss. Up there with pinwheel.


It's really sad when you realize Ceaseless is basically a gigantic baby, mutated horrifically because he lost the ring that his sister gave him.


Ah yes, “unending release of load”, truly the saddest boss in the series. Not because of lore, but because the name he was given.


“Ignore how it’s tragic and kind of cruel”
Well, that kinda goes for all of dark souls. I mean, let’s not forget that Sif is a mandatory boss fight.


Something that people might not know about the skip: It is possible to try it again if you fail it. If you die during the fight, his arm will reset and re-fuse with his body, which causes most people to think that you have to fight him "fair" after that. But if you run to his sister's corpse, this causes him to rip his arm out again, and you can attempt the skip again.


The Ceaseless Discharge bossfight.

Aka kicking a handicapped child off a cliff.


Ceaseless discharge's name in Japanese is "Tadare Tsudzukeru Mono (爛れ続けるもの)", which means "the thing that keeps on being sore" or "the continually inflamed one" depending on the translation.


I always took the cliff fall as the canonical way he dies.
You loot a corpse, discharge gets angry, you run away from the impending doom, reach a dead-end, await doom.
Realise your doom is stuck and unable to fight back then become the doom of your doom.


Him taking his arm out actually has a huge hitbox and will likely kill you outright if you're anywhere close to him when he does it


I kinda wish his body didn't disappear. Seeing as he's right above centipedes boss area when he jumps, it'd be cool to see his corpse in the arena when fighting centipede. Of course, Izalith was rushed so we'll never know what was planned. So much potential in that area imo, if only I could mod/understood code. Ha ha ha.


Nothing can beat Sif when he starts limping. Gets me every single frickin' time.


To add to the sadness the noise he makes it's a slow motion version of an infant, even though he is very big he might just be an overgrown toddler.


There's also the fact that his "dead" sister is Quelana, the pyromancy master who appears in Blighttown when you or a phantom has a +10 pyromancy flame. All he has left is the solace of knowing he's with his sister, and it's not even her.


Sif, Queelag, Ceaseless, Artorias, and to an extent, Manus, all share the “Ignore how it’s tragic and kind of cruel” sentiment when it comes to boss fights.
I'd kinda feel the same about Bed of Chaos if she wasn't so infuriating to deal with, that by the end I'm always like FUCK YOU, YOU ARE DEAD! HAHA!".


Wish you spent a bit more time looking at his body afterwords, it almost looks like his arm was INSIDE his torso earlier, not just fused to it. There's that giant gaping hole with the psuedo rib-cage around it, gives off the feeling that he's not just a person that was mutated, but a malformed fetus that's just been blown up 100x in size and set on fire. Really was their baby brother.


The one thing I'll never understand is how I beat him legitimately on my first ever playthrough, but after abusing the cheese strat so many times, I struggle to fight him normally now.
