Why You Shouldn't Be A Software Engineer

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Wondering if you should learn to code and if you should be a software engineer? Here's why you should not be a software developer: 2 reasons not to be a software engineer.

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You shouldn't be a software engineer if:
1. You really dislike having challenges and obstacles thrown at you.
2. You don't like sitting alone in front of your computer for hours at a time.


You convinced me, imma stay at my job flipping burgers. Thank you Clément!


everyone watching this is probably interested in being a software engineer lol


You guys will never know why this comment is hearted and has 128 likes


These feel super valid. I'm a software engineer and work remotely. These are two of the very most crucial things to consider, as you really will have more functions to your job than coding, but you will be coding for hours and hours. If you end up in environments like I'm in, you may even spend 4/5 days of the week coding with no human contact from your team outside of a "Daily Standup" call.
This career is my pride and joy outside of my family, so I can't recommend it enough to others. I think unless you really have a great reason not to learn to code, you should be coding. It's fruitful, it's fulfilling, and it's in need.


As a recent CSE graduate, I've also noticed that regardless of how much you know, you still need to memorize all of the algorithms and possible question paths in order to land a decent job. And everytime you want to switch a job, you face this issue again and again. From a personal standpoint, I've done a lot of projects while I'm studying but unfortunately they always stayed in the background during interviews.


2nd reason is super true. I do enjoy staying several hours in front of a computer coding, but as I get older I realize that it has do be done in a balanced and take breaks, especially to not get bored, prevent falling into routine and staying interested and focused. For me it might be as simple as taking a coffee or walking a bit every couple hours or so, and get that energy flowing or perhaps spending time thinking into how to find that new challenge and fit it into my day to day work, like automating some process to make work easier.


The torturous part of coding, of debugging, is when I spend 3 hours debugging to find out I misspelled something


Clement, because of you, I started learning to code (I'm 15) and now got really good at C++, and I'm starting to learn algorithms and data structures in particular.
Thank you. :)


Hi Clement! I'm a college student heading into my third year into community college and I am currently majoring in computer science. However I am not too sure if I want to continue majoring in this field because it is so dang hard. I'm one week into my oop class and idk how to even start my code. I honestly don't think I like to code anymore to be quite frank. I'm just so confused what I want to major in. I want to get a good degree out of college and make it worth the money and I know a cs degree can do just that but I am not sure if i'm cut out for that kind of work. I dont want to be miserable and go through the motions for the rest of my life. However there are 3 things cs-ish related that I think im interested in and that is data science, data analyst (i think this is more econ/business related?), and I love the thought of doing ux/ui design! What are your thoughts on what I should major in? I always here about people going back to college for stable income/job and thats what led them to cs. I want a lucrative career. Should I major in something else like econ, and minor in stat/cs/math? Major in business information management? I'm very confused and your input would be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much.


This title always baits me. As a software engineer, I always wanna know why I screwed up


Thanks. It give me more the feeling that I am picking the right field. Sometimes when I am trying to figure something out I go down a rabbit hole ie look up one thing to realize that I needed to understand another thing... that maybe a separate problem of knowing when to stop and letting good enough be my guide instead of perfection


Thank you clement for the insights. Can you please help us know how a frontend interview is conducted on the google doc? is it the same DS/algo or more specific to frontend domain like creating a webpage with some funcitonalities. There are not much resources which provide this transparency. Can you please help us in knowing the same. (experience more that 3years)


My heap-sort implementation passed merge-sort problem on algoexpert.io. How do you think to fix this bug?


Hey Clement, I'm a student using AlgoExpert to prepare for my software engineering internship interviews coming up this fall. I was wondering if you could make a video on creating the best test cases. I've noticed that as opposed to Leetcode, Algoexpert includes very detailed test cases that account for a lot of possibilities. Thanks so much and keep up the good work!


lol I missed
"What's up everybody how's going"


I have an issue right now I have been looking at for 2 days. Driving me crazy. But when I figure it out, it’s going to feel so good!!


I approve this message.
But I thought you will be talking about CRM or ERP like Microsoft dynamics that has something called flow (you program your logic by drawing flowchart and don't need to write a code).
I'm scared that in the future my coding skills will be useless, what do you think about it?


Hey Clement does having a skills of a MERN Stack make you a Software engineer or just a Fullstack Developer?

What's the difference make a video


Software Development is not an easy job. But it's super satisfying to build stuff that people can use! But yes, we also get stuck in meetings 😭.
