King Henry VIII wifes that he loved the most #fyp #thetudors #henryviii #anneboleyn

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I think he love Catherine of Aragon the most because if he didn't they wouldn't be together for 20+ years. Henry was so obsessed of having a male heir and was pressured at the court that he needs a son for an heir. For Anne Boleyn, it was an infatuation because she was young and he was thinking she would've give him a son. At first he just wants Anne to be his mistress but Anne wants more than that and because of the pressure at court, he annuled his marriage with Catherine to be married with Anne. If he had a son with Catherine he wouldn't have other wives. If he loves Anne, he wouldn't have her beheaded. For Jane Seymour he maybe loved her but not that much. He was just pleased of Jane because she bore him a son. But eventhough he was married with Jane, he still has his mistresses and wouldn't want her to be involved in National affairs he always reminded her what happened to Anne. He loves Jane because Jane was bound to obey and serve Henry and was a good wife to Henry and a good stepmother to his daughters. He grieved and mourned for her death because she was the only wife who bore him a son. If Jane didn't bore him a son and lived a long life, he would've divorce her or have her beheaded as well. But all in all Henry is a selfish and self-centered man who only thinks of himself. He really never loves his wives, he only loves his hunger for lust and himself. That is a fact.


He loved only himself. He lusted, used and destroyed these women and he didnt ever truly love them.


Anne of Cleeves, chilling at the back drinking wine.

"I'm a no queen...I'm this jerk face beloved sister."


Jane maybe gave birth to a son as Henry wanted, but Anne gave birth to one of the most powerfull queen


I think he likely would have stayed with Catherine of Aragon if she'd given him a son. He was obsessed with making sure he had an heir to secure the family line but they had a stable marriage for many years and got along well


He doesn’t deserve any of his wives and children. All of them deserve better husband and father’s.


Oh he loved those two so much he had their heads off


Henry loved henry end of story

He divorced Catherine cause she was old and didnt give him a son in all 24 years of marriage.

Beheaded anne cause she didnt give him a son.

He threatend Jane seymor while they were married and whenever she did something he didnt like he'd compare her to anne or catherine and say they never did that, and he still took mistresses while with her and honestly everyone saying she gave him a son, even after that he still remarried to get more didnt he.

Anne of cleves after the divorce they formed a brother-Sister bond, but it was really only for politics and to keep the love of germany as she was a princess so he couldnt behead her unless he wanted war.

Katherine Howard he loved she was young and loved and was grateful to him (she also never cheated she was Sa'ed and raped and they made her ladies lie that she had other men)

Catherine Parr honestly was basically his mother she took care of him and his children and then after he died she re- married and helped her new husband Sa Elizabeth.

And stop believing every show you see about the Tudors because its not true you guys are taking random facts from inaccurate sources and passing it off as the truth, the tudors was a very interesting show but it was not accurate not even the casting was accurate and it exaggerated loads of the relationships


Can we just continue to be reminded that Catherine Howard was like 14.... she was a literal child.


I think it was Katherine of Aragon. He was married to her for over 20 years and they did have children. She was the most dedicated to him and England. Even in death she visited him, and chastised him about Mary being abandoned and not married off. She made sure he and Anne knew she was his true Queen and loved him dearly. She stood by him in battle and defeated their enemy. He just wanted a male heir..i feel for him the pressure put on him by the courts and his fathers legacy after Arthur died; but i do feel for all his wives and children.❤


the fact henry was such a lively and talented person, wedded catherine of aragon for true love, yet turned out like this is just shocking.


Henry never loved Anne Boleyn. He wants Anne. But he don't love. He did not regret killing her. He likes Catherine Howard because she was young. He said his best love is Jane Seymour. The Second is Katherine of Aragon. And I think Katherine Parr like a friend for him.


Who knew they were the only wives Henry ever loved.


He likes Catherine Howard because of her youth and because she was easily manipulated. Catherine Howard in her early childhood was subjected to sexual harassment and assault by men who had power over her. She was used multiple times even at court which led to her death. People say she truly did love Henry with all her heart but when he was gone from the palace people would often corner her and it’s assumed that many people at court again sexually assaulted her.


I still find it hilarious that Henry was so concerned with securing a bloodline only for none of his children to have children of their own.


I feel like he only “loved” and adored Jane bc she was the only one who hadn’t been around long enough for him to get tired of her.


1. Catherine of aragon
2. Anne boleyn
3.Jane seymour
4. Katherine howard


Fun fact katherine Howard was a cousin to anne Boleyn


Uhhhh no. He horribly took advantage of Katherine Howard, and same with Anne. His always said his greatest love was Jane Seymour, but it's also clear that he very much loved Catherine of Aragon, as they were together 24 years.

Katherine Howard had been sexually abused and used from the age of 13. She was around the age of 15 when he married her! He was 49. Even back then, this was a pretty drastic age difference. To posit that he loved her really at all, is ludicrous, as the only evidence supporting charges against her was a letter, but a letter that could've easily been between close friends, or that was the result of blackmail. She didn't even get a trial!

Anne Boelyn was also used. And if he did ever love her, he certainly seems to have forgotten that upon having her beheaded for charges of which there was no proof.


*Anne of Cleves, chilling at the back*

"Im not his queen, im this jerks sister"
