LAWN GRUBS//Grub Worms: How To Get Rid of Lawn Grubs

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Grubs and Grub worms found in the lawn in spring - what to do to get rid of them. Lawn grubs can cause damage, but getting the right grub control is the most important part of the strategy - or may you don't treat the grubs at all?

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For years my front lawn would turn yellow in summer and I thought it was a water problem. I tried different fertilizers, more water, nothing worked. Finally I did some digging and found just a couple grubs. I put down grub poison and in two weeks the lawn was perfectly green.


I don't know how anyone listening to this extremely informative video can say thumbs down. It is a COMPLETE education!


My yard is absolutely infested with grubs and because of that I have moles tunneling to feed on them. You have educated me and provided some ideas to attack the problem. Thanks for taking the time to do this video!


I just used a 2000 square foot tarp cover the lawn from 10pm to 8am in the last two weeks of June so grubs won’t lay eggs in my lawn. I did it for seven years and my lawn has no grub problems at all.


Allen I really like these videos where you stand and talk, keep them up. It also reminds me of the old days!


This is by far the best information I have ever heard in one place about grubs. So preventative in the Spring and curative in the Fall, if needed of course. Thanks


I always see CROW (BLACK) BIRDS in my neighbor’s yards in the morning razing neighbor’s yards for grubs. I never see the CROWS in my but 3-4 times out of a 100 times a season, when I do see them in my yard I apply something for GRUBS because that’s the signal. I’ve been doing this for 7 years. Good video Allyn!


Allyn I have a fescue lawn in South Carolina i watched the video on Grubs, i found small patches of dead grass so i lifted the dead grass and it pulled wright out of the soil. directly below the surface there was the grub i now have a bag of grub killer going down today. good timing with your video and teaching us about detective work in the lawn love you Bro I bought ( Grub Free zone III)


I had a white grub issue last year here in Maryland. Pretty bad. I used the BayerAdvanved Grub Control product as well as my usual bifenthrin treatments. This year I had zero white grub issues at all. I wiped them out and was super pleased to do so. Bifenthrin on a religious schedule is really an incredible product for anybody who has any type of insect issue.


Good info! Cool to see I made the thumbnail and a whole :50 (6:55) at the end! Lol I'll be definitely making sure to lay a preventative this year! PS... The "bucket of grubs" was taken care of by Spectracide's Triazacide Ready to spray hose end sprayer! They surfaced within 12hrs and I picked them all up to prevent birds from eating the poisoned bugs.


Can I apply BioAdvanced Lawn Control in the Fall? I mean this weekend (end of September)? I have Kentucky Bluegrass (cool season).


Been watching this kat for years now, excellent lawn advice, skillful and humorously artistic in his delivery and my man's soundtracks are 🔥🔥🔥 !! 😎


I have been having issues with grubs last year. Never had them before. Found out my neighbors had them and started treating them. The treatment drove them to my yard. I am hoping to send them back. :-D


South Carolina, they're eating up my yard, and now I have an armadillo digging and feeding in my yard


Al you're still my number one in lawn care 👍


I have a very thick lawn and during drought season I let the lawn very tall and watered and developed grubs because all my neighbors lawns were dried out...grubs did some heavy damage know I just apply season long every year rather safe than go through that again


I really thought overtime you would run out of content concerning lawns but it just keeps coming and coming. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you for the information. I didn’t even know grubs were an issue in our lawn until raccoons started digging up our lawn every night for the past couple of weeks. We hardly have any lawn left, so we need to get rid of the grubs if we want to keep our lawn from the destructive raccoons.


Nothing like waking up to a LCN video and a tracking label for my LCN shirts. Woohoo!


Thank you, this was the most scientific intelligent discussion of grubs and grub management. I need to dig the bare patches of my lawn!

I know you’re the lawn guy, what do I do for grubs in my raised beds for tomatoes. I haven’t had problems with the vegetables in past seasons and I manually dig & pick them out.
Would beneficial nematodes treatment be advisable?
Thank you!
