Learn Spanish Tenses: IMPERFECTO –complete class–

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Learn about one of the most common tenses in Spanish, the imperfect tense. What is the imperfect? How do you form it? When and how do you use it? These are just some of the topics you will learn in this video. The imperfect (imperfecto) is one the most important and most used tenses in Spanish. When people are learning Spanish, they become confused with the imperfect tense. The confusion is rooted in the fact that the imperfect shares some similarities with his cousin, the past simple. And why wouldn’t they? They belong to the same family, the Past Tense family. So even though the imperfect and the simple past sometimes could play tricks in our brain and confuse us, there are clues to identify when to use each of these in the correct context. In this video I will give you a thorough explanation of the Spanish Imperfecto and will give you some clues that will help you identify when to use it and why. The imperfect is commonly used as the background of other actions, to give you the time, the scene, the circumstances like the weather of other past actions. The imperfect is like a lasting past. It is a past that started and ended but the beginning and end are not defined at specific points in the past. The imperfect helps you to describe the qualities of places and people in the past. The imperfect often tells you of repeated actions in the past but that cannot be identified with a specific number. For example, something used to happen, you used to do something, it was a regular habit but don’t know exactly the number of times because it really is not important. With the imperfect you can tell me about your habits, your traditions of you, your place, your people, the places you visited. So, imperfecto: it really makes you a good storyteller, a chatty person whose memory is great. Are you a chatty one?

00:00 Introduction
01:53 What is a verb?
04:14 What is the imperfecto
06:19 When to use imperfecto
31:34 Conjugation of imperfecto
36:12 First conjugation: Verbs that end with "ar"
39:55 Second conjugation: Verbs that end with "er"
42:41 Third conjugation: Verbs that end with "ir"
47:56 Time markers used with imperfecto
54:41 Examples using imperfecto

You may want to check my other videos where you can learn more verbs and learn to conjugate them:

Spanish Verbs that belong to the first conjugation that end with AR in present, past, future:

Spanish Verbs that belong to the second conjugation that end with ER in present, past, future:

Spanish Verbs that belong to the second conjugation that end with IR in present, past, future:

I also have lessons about many useful Spanish verbs. Here is the playlist:

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This young woman is absolutely brilliant! Thank You, Ana!


I learnt in an hour, what an online Spanish teacher has failed to do after seven weeks of lessons. Mil gracias a ti - you're very clear in explaining a tedious topic in Spanish.


Ana you broke this down so good . You're the best spanish teacher on the internet


I've taken 9 years of Spanish in HS and college. Ana has more skill than any of my instructors. Her energy and excitement is inspiring!


Sometimes while watching your videos I get annoyed and think to myself "hurry up and move on Ana, I already understand it!" But that is because you are so good at simplifying things, I understand it very quickly. You are the best Spanish teacher I've seen, and I've had many in school and online!


I've never listened to a better Spanish teacher!!


Although most of you worship Ana, I don't. Her teaching method is very confusing for various reasons. However, I want to give her props big time because she is real. She has been doing this a long time and I believe she genuinely wants her students to not only learn Spanish, but also to appreciate and understand her culture (perhaps to excess). Recently, there have been an influx of "Spanish teachers" onto YT. You can tell that they are just in it for clicks and subscriptions. They heard that people are making money on YT by doing something as simple as speaking their native language and they are jumping on the bandwagon. Their "lessons" are nothing more than them talking. They don't teach anything, They just speak Spanish, as you to give them a like and to subscribe to their channel. Ana has taken time to prepare. She is detailed with what she does. She instructs, and that takes a lot of time and effort. I truly appreciate that. We all know that she has to eat like everyone else, and now she is being rewarded for her years of diligence. She continues to streamline her methods and that is also greatly appreciated. Much respect to Ana. Not so much to the others.


Being taught about tenses ends up being strangely existential and philosophical.

Thanks for the wisdom!


Somewhere, in the cobwebs of my memory, I was probably taught this, in High School Spanish. A loooonnnngggg. Time ago. I am now in Mexico, for the fifth year, and still try to learn the language.
You tackled a VERY difficult concept, and explained it very well. I makes LOTS of sense, and looks easy. Thank you, so much. I enjoy ALL your lessons.


Whenever I watch your videos, I can't stop smiling and laughing. I think my boyfriend is getting jealous 😂 Thank you for making learning Spanish easy and fun! There's no one I'd rather learn from ❤


Recuerdo cuando era mi primera vez aprendiendo español y nunca entendí nada y siempre veía tus videos y ahora puedo entender el español con fluidez y hablar también gracias butterfly spanish 💕💕


Ana... You have a mighty intellect. This grows more obvious with each video I watch. Thank you for sharing your gift and expending your bilingual energy in pursuit of harmony and learning


1HR+ Best Spanish Teacher on YouTube 😊


You are the Best spanish teacher i have ever seen in you tube. Mil gracias Ana 🙏


"The lasting past" - very poetic indeed! Thank you for your extreme thoroughness.


I finally found my Spanish teacher here. Ana is teacher of the year 2021. Mucha Gracias a ti 😘


Your are the most efficient Spanish teach on YouTube and of course most entertaining.


Best and most generous Spanish teacher


you teach in a way that allows people to stay watching the entire lesson.


You have an incredible talent for teaching. There are none better. You should be cloned and put in every school in the U.S. thanks.
