Why Ron and Hermione are Perfect for Each Other - Harry Potter Video Essay

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I think people don't see them as a good match because of the interaction that we see between them, but the thing is we only get to see what Harry sees. If you count the times these two were together without Harry they were way more than whatever Harry shared alone with Hermione, I mean she was at the borrow earlier than Harry, when he met them they were almost always together you just gotta see that, these two shared a lot of time together. I think they are perfect, and I love that it was difficult and a bit messy because of their pride, but I think they always knew.


I think the entire reason people think Harry and Hermione would be better is because of how poorly Ron was portrayed in the films. So was Ginny as well.


I think that Ron and Hermoine go well together. I think it's nice how sidekick type character (I know he’s not a sidekick but he’s not the main character if that makes sense😌😌) gets the girl for once, instead of the main hero getting everything


Often opposites attract. Harry and Hermione are too much alike I think. Great for deep friendship, not so much for real romance.
Hermione is smart enough to encourage lazy goofy Ron to show his more serious side with her, and fun Ron encourages Hermione to unwind a bit with him.
I did read a funny joke about this topic though: "Harry says: 'My friend got the girl... So I nailed his sister!"' LOL


I love Ron/Hermione and this was a good breakdown of why they work together!


It was also said that when Hermione was describing the love potion she was going to say "Rons hair" and that's why she stoped blushing. Btw I think the are the cutest couple ever


The Ron/ Hermione relationship (especially in the books) was really cute! I don't understand how people say Harry would've been better for her. He doesn't like weepy girls (and Hermione was a very weepy one). At least Ron learned how to comfort her.


Hermione smells cuted grass, parchment and toothpaste because she was seeing ron cut the grass outside of the weaslys house, she always helps him with his homework at hogwarts and because he try to remove the toothpaste from her face
They're so cute


In the books, you can first see it clearly when Ron beheads that Krum figurine (he was his idol before y'all) but one would argue that the fact that Ron's the one that is constantly aware that Hermione has a weird timetable is very telling ( also I like this passage of CoS that seems like nothing but it's about Ron facing his fear because of his friend basically "Ron read the message, swallowed hard, and looked sideways at the empty seat usually filled by Hermione. The sight seemed to stiffen his resolve, and he nodded"). In the movies I believe it's hinted as far back as the second one, with the awkward handshake scene, the eat slugs bit and THAT OTHER TIME Draco wishes for Hermione's death and Crabbe!Ron wants to punch him.


I love you video essays, but I think you focus too much on the films. The books have way more clues as to why Ron and Hermione are good for each other (not to mention, Ron's character development is a lot stronger, because his heroic, intelligent, and kindly lines aren't pawned off to Hermione to make Ron just the comedic relief, like you see in the films).


Let’s bear in mind that Hermoine was described in the books as being plain, even after she had her nose readjusted. In the movie Rita Skeeter describes her as plain. So Hermoine never really grew up with an ego regarding her looks. Ron wasn’t a prize either so, it became more about other attributes such as Hermoine’s brains or Ron’s eventual courage.


Hermine: and who r u??
Ron: your future husband


Rowling said that Hermione also smelled Ron's hair in the Amortensia potion, iirc.

Don't forget the quick holding of hands between Ron and Hermione during Hagrid's lesson with Buckbeak.
And during "Goblet of Fire, " Ron finally realized Hermione was a dating possibility, and the disastrous exchange that happened because of it (it was worse in the book) further forced the link between Ron and Hermione.

I also liked the way Ginny muttered to Harry "It's about time!" to Harry when Hermione was visiting Ron in the hospital (not in the book). Plenty of hints.


I always connected the spearmint toothpaste to her parents, seeing as their dentists?


I knew Ron and Hermione were a match from book 1. They each complete each other in a way that is so realistic. They're relationship isn't perfect, they've had ups and downs. But, that's life. I've been married 10 years to a man who is my complete opposite and it's really our biggest strength. We level each other out. I'm the calm to his chaos and his spontaneity counteracts my need for control. That is how Ron and Hermione are. She needs him to get her out of her own head and help her be in the moment. He needs her to provide stability and order.


I heard that the parchment thing was because of her helping Ron with his homework lots


I have a simple theory about it. Hermione is the brightest witch of her age. Standing by Harry as I believe J.K. Rowling said she would do if she could rewrite the story, Hermione would kind of disappear, she would be invisible because of the fame that Harry would have after defeating Voldemort the second time; though all three were famous enough to be put on famous witch or wizard chocolate frog cards. With Ron, she stands out more, and Harry doesn't need her as much as Ron. Your mate is supposed to be your mirror as well. You have strengths in area's they are weak in, and they have strengths in areas your weak in.


People say Hermione and Harry were more fitted to each other, but they forget that's not what really matters. Love doesn't choose who you have more in common with, the best relationships are the ones where one completes the other, and they grow together, learn with each other every single day, challenge each other. That's why they are perfect to me and they remind me of my own relationship. Plus they're chemistry is absolutely amazing, I love them so much!


I really love Hermione and Ron's well developed relationship. I'm glad you pointed out the potions scene. I miss little things like that. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your HP video essays!


JK Rowling admitted that Hermione also smelled Ron's hair aroma in Slughorn's love potion.
