New Sorcerer | 2024 Player's Handbook | D&D

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0:00 What's new in the Sorcerer
07:37 Aberrant & Clockwork Sorcery
11:48 Draconic Sorcery
16:23 Wild Magic Sorcery

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Sorcerer level 20: metamagic machine
Ranger level 20: hunters mark does 2 more damage


"Innate Sorcery is like the Sorcerer's Rage." Shut up I'm already sold.


So a Wizard is a cook who follows a recipe precisely and a Sorcerer is a cook who just knows what to do with a chicken and adds ingredients in the moment.
Warlocks are Fast Food joints pumping out Eldritch burgers all day long.

How's my analogy?


Draconic Sorcer.
01. More AC and higher HP.
02. Extra spells - draconic spells
- 3rd dragons breath, 9th summon dragon,
03. Resistance without the costing Sorcery points.
04. Get the wings sooner but limited.
05. Dragon companion. Cast the summon dragon spell for free and no concentration.


New favorite full caster. Aaaand... having seen the table, I really want to play a Wild Magic Sorcerer now. That feels weird to type ;).


Wild Magic Sorcerer.
01. Wild Magic is going to happen more often and giving more options at later levels.
02. Easier to get tides of chaos back.
03. Level 18. Once per day you force Wild Magic to happen but you get to choose what happens. Can't use last row.
04. The Wild Magic table has changed.
05. Spell list has been added to the wild Magic good. Confused also.


Sorcerer can cast a 5th level concentration spell without cost and without concentration. Yet the Ranger still has to concentrate on Hunter’s mark that is a 1st level…


01. Innate sorcery - advantage when you cast sorcerer spells and spell DCs go up.
02. You can change a cantrip when you level up.
03. You get both Font of magic and meta magic at level 2.
04. New meta magic options also some meta
05. 5th level Sorcery restoration allows you to get back Sorcery points.
06. 7th level sorcery incarnation. Spend sorcery points to get innate sorcery back.
07. Also you Can use two meta options on spells while using innate sorcery
08. 20th level. Arcane apotheosis. You can use meta magic without spending sorcery points while using innate sorcery.
09. Tactical versatility on the fly was the goal for this class.


Abberant sorcerer and Clock Work sorcerer
01. Mostly the same.
02. Wording has chanced to match new rules and clear up some things.


Draconic Bloodline capstone should have been turning into a dragon, not summoning one as a pet. If I wanted a pet, I'd play Ranger. I want to BE the dragon.


I know it wasnt in ua, but i think a neat way to synergize the sorcerer class mexhanics to its subclasses would be with sublass specific metamagics. They've really made these types of synergies an important part of the other'24 classes so far. Hopefully well get something in that vain.


Fingers crossed we got more spells known per subclass now


I like draconic sorcerer changes (no resources needed for resistance, wings flying speed might actually compete with the fly spell now, and finally having an expanded spell list is huge) but the capstone feature could really use a tweak IMO. Being able to summon a dragon better than anyone else is really cool don't get me wrong, but I would much prefer if the capstone ability allowed the sorcerer themselves to become a dragon. Unless true polymorph has been added to the base sorcerer spell list, a draconic sorcerer still won't be able to fully become a dragon meanwhile classes like wizard and bard (with no connections to dragons) can. You could just tweak the draconic sorcerer capstone ability to being exactly what it is now, being able to cast summon dragon for free once a day without concentration, but with the option to instead cast true polymorph (with the limitation of only being able to choose dragon type monsters) on yourself for free once a day.


The only thing that worries me about the Draconic Sorc is the invalance of the elemental types. Playing anything other than fire (specially acid or god forbid, poison) felt like handicaping yourself. Gotta see if they changed how resistences and inmunities work in general in the MM


But can the Draconic Sorcerer cast True Polymorph in the 2024 book? The biggest issue for me was always that literally any Bard, Druid or Wizard can turn into an actual dragon (near permanently in the case of Bards and Wizards), while the *DRACONIC* sorcerer couldn't. Having a dragon buddy is fine, but we don't pick draconic sorcery so that everybody *except us* gets to be a dragon.


I’m not sure being a dragon summoner is what I’m imagining as much as the character embodying draconic power but it’s a good option to have regardless.


I wish Storm Sorcerer was part of the PHB. I'm hoping there's some kind of elemental themed book later that brings back the Storm Sorcerer as well as the Tempest Cleric (I know you can technically play them with the 2024 rules) but still.


Love the sorcerer changes, they were desperately needed.
Draconic I have mix feelings about. The new stuff sounds really cool and changes the subclass up but makes it feel like a caster pet class. I was hoping for more of embracing your inner dragon as you leveled, such as at higher levels turning into a dragon. Without seeing the final print, as presented here Draconic sounds more like a Wizard subclass that specializes in summoning dragons and utilizing their powers more than your own.


So if dragon sorcerers get a concentration free summon, why can't rangers get concentration free hunters mark?


Xzibit: Yo dawg, I heard you like Dragons
Me: Rolling a Dragonborn Draconic Sorcerer
Both: *Rubs hands together manically*
