THE EASIEST 100K + OF YOUR LIFE | 1 Bar Magicka Sorcerer | The Elder Scrolls Online

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Delete bosses in The Elder Scrolls Online with the EASIEST build for the Magicka Sorcerer you've ever seen! We get 95K DPS out of a 3 button Heavy Attack rotation and 110K DPS out of a regular old one bar build!

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Intro - 0:00
Foundations of the Builds - 0:41
Race/Mundus/Atrributes - 3:41
Build One: 95K Heavy Attack Sorc - 5:15
Build Two: 110K One Bar Build - 13:34
The Secret! - 20:56
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been running a 1bar sorc for a while, now. blind in one eye, deaf in one ear, and arthritis in both hands, so i appreciate not having to swap and run a complicated rotation. never tried sentinels, been running a high health recovery (over 4k) build with sgt/deadly/slime/oak. going to try this out and see if i can up my damage a bit. thanks for the video. btw, my 19 other buillds ARE 2bar setups. haters be damned.


I'm a elite veteran hardcore player and can bench press a dinosaur. You can't play 1 bar builds. That is illegal. Do you think we play this game for fun? Dps is the only thing that matters. Dps is the foundation of human society. The roman empire existed for 2000 years because they had the highest dps until an update changed the meta. We as a spezies evolved to raise our dps. We industrialized to raise our dps. We developed the nuklear bomb to min-max our dps. We can't limit ourselfs to one bar. I bench pressed Todd Howard once and he told me that you can't play one bar builds even though they are in the game and completely fine for like 95% of the content in a 10 year old game with a stagnating endgame community and a dwindling player base.



1 bar 3 HA sorcs, 1 tank VBRP NO DEATH for UNCHAINED one of the hardest 4 man in the game and HM trails, get over yourself and play how u wont to, if u can hit over 100k or even 95k u can run anything in this game and if they dont wont u in there little group thats there loss.


I didnt realize there were that many haters on people providing alternate ways to play the game to enable them to get closer to end game content.


Was a sub on a one bar team poly farming in vAS2. How I got my IR. Fast times before the first nerf. Same team did vSE day of & those were easy runs.

Others have said it in here about the cry babies.
Had a friend with arthritis bad in both hands. He had two wishes; hit at least 85k & be on a core team. This build helped him do both before he passed away.
So keep crying about builds like this. When the player base dries up, you will only have yourselves to blame.


People in these comments being piss babies have probably been ironically running brain dead Arcanist’s for the last year and a half lmao.


Thank you for your work on this! Having arthritis in my hands, I appreciate having one-bar builds to use in ESO.


This video is going to be the one that pushed you over 10k subs. 🎉 😂 oakensoul sorcs have been really awesome at getting people involved in dungeons and trials. I know a lot of people that have played since launch and just started to go into vet content after the oakensoul heavy attack builds started appear. They were even able to get some vas2 and vcr3 clears.


102.3K Sgt Highland Oaken 64Stam Thief, BTrap BArm DPrey 2pets Precise console. Rele in place of Highland is close, single target, but gives mobility. Craftable Orders Wrath with SgtMail is great overall, does good damage and is mobile. 2bar is only faster with experienced players having a good rotation while doing mechs, and staying alive. Otherwise, the 1bar Sorc is good for most content. Uptime is arguably way easier, plus more survivable. 1bar Sorc is great to use in content while learning 2bar rotation and timing on the dummy building up one's skill over time. A beginner 1bar is going to be doing way better than a 2bar beginner. Plus, 1bar Sorc is going to be much faster for a beginner to build their CP to 14-1500 for max damage. But yes, be practicing and learning 2bar rotations. FYI: in groups, at least 1 Sorc needs to run Crystal Frags or morph to provide the group 6 percent critical chance. I've hit 131k with my 2bar, but only use it in certain hardmode trials.


​ @eigh1puppies I would love to see these referred to as accessibility builds as opposed to beginner builds. (I use this sort of build to DPS, and I have been playing the game for 10 years) There are people with physical limitations that are afforded the ability to do content they never could do before, thanks to builds like these. A lot of those players are older with less dexterity, or may suffer medical conditions that prevent efficient bar swapping and weaving. These builds offer an accessibility option never seen before in the game that has been much needed for a long time.


Sad truth is that the endgame population has been really low ever since U35. It’s taken the last 8 patches to get us to where we are now, and the only way endgame will keep growing is if the endgame community commits to teaching and helping to build up the newer players.

If you’re an endgame player, you already know the limitations of HA builds, and you know where they will and will not perform well. We have 100% beat this topic to death. Continuing to argue about it doesn’t help grow endgame.

I think, if you are endgame and care about its continued existence, that we should do our best help make endgame accessible.

There’s a percentage of players who will play the HA builds and never get off of them. And then there’s a smaller percentage of players who will start there, and then progress upwards. We will have to help them all to get that small percentage of players. That’s just how it is.

That’s why endgame players are only like 2% of the entire population anyway.


I just got my oaken soul ring! I cannot wait to try this! Thanks


Oouuff toxic people. I love both 1b 2b. 1b is great option and ofc it will never be higher dmg then 2b. My 1b is a stam build with Hurricane and Bound Armaments Daedric prey 2 pets Charged Atro. Glyphs and Attributes all stam. Lightning staff Charged. Sergeants mail + Relequen real fight and Highland sentinal on dummy. On dummy i get 102k with sergeants mail + Highland. 99k sergeants mail + Relequen. If i turn it into a dual wield 1b i get 107k with both set ups. 1b is really good for those who wants to chill or have some disabilities or if you just wanna play for fun.

My 2b is 126k with only 1 skill i use, Stampede.

You play how you want too ✌️


I saw in one of your comments that you're sharing this build because you aim to increase the endgame player population. That being said, you show footage of yourself standing still in red AoEs because you chose a specific set (Highland Sentinel) for parsing. I don't know what you're trying to teach people, but we definitely don't want that in endgame. There, raid awareness and survivability matter just as much as high damage. My apologies if this came off as a personal attack, because I do enjoy the rest of your content, but this is just wrong. Don't go down this rabbit hole.


People say 2 bar is better hit higher numbers. But are thoses people keeping up a perfect rotation hitting every skills on time never missing a LA in hm content to hit 120k dps. NO there not ive watched so many high hitting dps povs in my time and there rotations and la weaving in content are an utter mess compared to a dummy which would drop there dps to 95 100k anyways.


Why wouldn’t you activate the tormenter a few times while the target is above 50% health for that extra 60% damage


This is the first video from you Ive even glanced at so I have no idea who you are, but I kind of disliked your way of speaking right off the bat, it has far too much of that classic youtuber trope where you act all excited and energetic and it just is not for me. Not saying it is necessarily a dealbreaker or trying to make an insult or personal attack or anything, and many youtubers do it, it just struck me harder than usual with this video for some reason.

Still gonna take a gander on the build though :)

I think it is that to me it sounds a bit forced when you speak (though watching some more it is not as bad as I first thought) somehow, kinda like how a news reporter might speak in a certain way to hide their accent or speak extra clearly. Eh, idk, if I end up watching more of your vids maybe it is just a matter of getting used to it, haha.


Very cool build. One question to build 1: why using charged on the weapon? is precise not better for that heavy crit build?


Can i replace Highland with mother's sorrow? There's no condition for the 5 piece crit bonus for it like standing still. I say this because i already have a few gold pieces of mother's already sitting in my bank 😅


Most solo players should use Deadly Strike or Noble Duelist over Highland Sentinel. Yeah you lose out on some damage but when you’re solo you can’t really afford to stand still at all, and it’s very boring to just stand in place holding heavy attacks the whole time.
