A EU Army will never happen - Here is why

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Calls for a European Army are intensifying, especially now with an aggressive Russia to the East. What are 3 reasons that this is still unlikely to happen in the near future?

This video gives a quick and simple overview of what I believe are the biggest factors that may hinder Europe creating their own EU army. Please be advised, that this is my opinion and you may identify other important reasons.

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The quick rise of many yt-channels focusing exclusively on the EU is very promising to me.
Keep up the good work, and I'm sure your channel will explode sooner or later :).


Good job man, the content you make is of good quality.

If I can give some positive criticism, I recommend not using the sound effect for picture transitions so often, it is played over 100 times throughout the video and it does become hard to listen to after some time. Most transitions should be silent, you could though include other sounds such as at minute 1:01, where adding a money sound bite would make it more engaging for the viewer, and less repetitive.

I did spend a good few minutes on this because I saw you have 23 subscribers, but your content is really good and you definitely have huge potential. Good luck, you can do it!


Why would an EU army dublicate NATO? Is NATO an army? I always thought it was an alliance of several armies.
If the EU makes a joint army, i would expect that army being part of NATO on eyelevel with the USA. If NATO would not like that, there is still the option for EU nations leaving NATO and then the USA could concentrate on their friends in Asia, we wouldn't want to hold anyone back.


As a belgian I am strongly in support of an EU army, it is my view that we cant always rely on the americans moreover they do not always have our best interests at heart (invasion of iraq/afghanistan + resulting migrant crisis as a result).
the US are our friends and partners but matters of defense and security in the EU should be managed by europeans members and not by europeans AND americans.
You cant put a price on independance.
On an unrelated note ;


No matter whether your videos are short or a little bit long about EU issues are quite helpful and necessary for me.
Good luck to hit your career
Greetings 🇦🇿


My conclusion is there will be no EU army without European Federation EF simply removes problem of who is in charge when European federation is in charge


The biggest opponent of such a project is obviously the US. It is not in their interest to have a militarily independent partner. They rely too much on European resources (infrastructure, finance, political/economic leverage), more than they would admit. So with a strong EU military and geopolitical strategy the US would lose grip on the continent. One could argue that we need the US and that is true. However, we don't have any leverage whatsoever to make decisions on our own, so the EU always ends up as the cleaning force if shit hits the fan. Unfortunetely, EU member states rather spent time bashing each other instead of working together to make Europe a better place.


So basically for the eu army to happen, the eu needs to federalize first


As a Portuguese, I believe European Army is needed.


An EU army is not inevitable, it is necessary and will serve European interests far better than NATO. But for an EU army to exist, it needs to essentially have the exact same mission as NATO. In other words, be a purely defensive alliance. So like now, each EU member state will run its own military, but if one member state is attacked, the EU army will defend. Under such conditions, there is absolutely no reason why any EU member state would oppose the switch from NATO to an EU army, except perhaps paying slightly more to budget the program since now, the US is subsidizing many EU countries’ military budgets.


Very high quality content for such a new channel. I wish the author good luck in the further growth of the channel. Greetings from Ukraine)


subscribed. would love to see you grow. keep it up


Great content, you have a new subscriber!


This is really good, even observing from outside the EU where this is less relevant it still interests me.


I think there’s also an issue of national pride, a German won’t be commanded by a Pole, a Pole will not be commanded by a German.


As a eastern EU member, I have very little confidence in France or Germany when it comes to security issues, war in Ukraine only confirmed my concerns about the unclear goals of these.


Keep up the good work! You deliver interesting and quality content


Although I fully understand the issues and know no solution to any of them, I still feel like a european army would lead too the best outcome posible in any conflict


Good video, well done.

If may add two important areas, which have to be, imao, developed and implemented,
and an organizational requirement.

1. A strong military cannot exist without a strong military complex, which is interconnected with the private economy. The American army is so strong, not because they just spend more money, but their Military Industrial complex is developed and well connected to private companies. There is a techology transfer in both directions. F.e. GPS, the internet, cell phones, the microchip, high-res cameras, encryption methods, main usability advancements of modern day technologies and many more.
Europe has to integrade existing military companies and research and development connected in all European countries taking part in the alliance, to become a strong military industrial complex in Europe.
Not to forget, with this miliatary industrial complex comes a lot of money. And questions like who pays for it? Where (means which country) the research and production facilities are deployed? Where the work places are created? Who is in charge of what? And such questions.
2. To win the hearts and minds of the people in Europe, especially the mothers, who have to sent their sons and daughters into war eventually, and willing to sacrifice them for the grater good for all Europeans taking part in the alliance. A mother of a portuguese soldier, who falls protecting an Estonian forward check point, should understand the reasoning behind this, just as it would been the case if the check point would have been in Madeira. With that, a absolute neccessity, come the need for respect for the utmost importance of work of our soldiers, men and woman alike. They protect our democracy, freedom and prosperity. Nothing can exists in the long run without them. God may protect our troops, Biden does say that regularly. We need this respect for our troops too in Europe.

A veto system does not work on the battlefield.
We need, to quote Boris Johnson, an alliance of the willing, before oprations start. If one member does not take part, no problem. But next time the investments and the money is spent, maybe they will be overlooked too.
Any military alliance of the EU members, must include Great Britain.
They have the most capable military in Europe and best connected in the world as former world super power.
And maybe we can reform and modernize the EU, so that Great Britain will want to join the (economic) alliance again, maybe.


Either there is an united EU-army rather soon or there will be no EU. Focusing on the U=Union.
